Everyone who at least once in his life faced the need for repair work in his apartment or private house, probably knows about the existence of such a wonderful and beloved material by all builders as drywall. GKL is an abbreviation, it stands for "plasterboard sheet". This truly unique building material has many positive properties. Nowadays GKL is one of the most popular building materials.
Gypsum is known to be one of the oldest building materials. Sculptors and builders of antiquity were perfectly able to use such a special property of gypsum as its ability to take any shape and harden when combined with water. In the past, gypsum was known as "alabaster" and was widely used for the production of stucco for ceilings and walls, as well as for interior decoration.

Despite its lightness, it is durable and fire resistant, does not contain toxic substances, and the acidity of gypsum corresponds to that of human skin, making it absolutely safe for the environment.
GKL partitions inmodern construction
For interior decoration (cladding of uneven walls, installation of suspended ceilings, partitions and other similar structures), universal, practical and safe, and most importantly, inexpensive material is widely used. Standard GCR - a sheet that is most often used in indoor work, where air humidity and average temperature do not exceed the norms established for residential premises. It consists of two sheets of thick cardboard, in the middle there is a layer of gypsum with special reinforcing additives. However, do not think that GKL is a material that cannot be used in outdoor work.

Varieties of drywall sheets
Modern industry produces several types of drywall sheets, which differ in operating conditions. In addition to sheets for finishing residential premises, drywall is produced specifically for wet rooms, for outdoor use, as well as sheets with increased fire resistance.
GKL is also the difference between sheets according to the design operating conditions. So, there are sheets designed specifically for the installation and decoration of ceilings, floors, partitions and walls. Manufacturers offer sound-absorbing gypsum coatings in the form of perforated (porous) sheets. On sale you can also find sheets with ready-made decorative finishes, which are designed for installation in special rooms.

To quickly and economically shelter fromprying eyes unattractive, uneven walls, it is enough to sheathe the entire surface of the walls with plasterboard sheets. The most convenient is the technology of installing GKL on special metal profiles.
Naturally, in the absence of any construction skills, it is best to entrust this work to specialists who, in a short time, quickly and inexpensively, will help level all the unevenness of the room and create an excellent basis for the further flight of the customer's creative imagination.