Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood": photo, variety description, reviews

Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood": photo, variety description, reviews
Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood": photo, variety description, reviews

German scientists from the company "Zamen Mauser Quedlinburg" have created a hybrid of tomatoes, called "Little Red Riding Hood". The tomato from this crop was excellent. Many vegetable growers appreciated this tomato variety for its fruiting and high quality of the entire crop.

After some time, this variety of tomatoes began to spread not only in Germany, but also abroad. Therefore, since 1995, almost every breeder has been zoning for the cultivation of this amazing variety, not only indoors, but also in open ground.

Over time, the culture fully adapted to the temperate climate and greatly interested Ukrainian landowners. Some residents of Ukraine managed to harvest even from small bushes planted in pots.

The yield of "red cap"
The yield of "red cap"

Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood": variety description

Why is he so popular? The secret lies in its fruiting: early ripening of fruits, high and constant yield, compact size of the bushes and, most importantly, resistance to lodging. Let's find out some features and look at a photo of a tomatoLittle Red Riding Hood.

Interestingly, a two-hundred-gram glass of tomato juice contains the daily intake of vitamins C and A necessary for the body.

Description of the bush

The variety "Little Red Riding Hood" has undersized bushes with a thin crown, not curly, with elastic trunks. The height of such a bush can reach up to 40 centimeters, so there is no need to tie it up. This unique variety does not need any special care. You don't even need to stepson a plant to get a big harvest.

Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood" will not suffer, even if its bushes are planted closely to each other. All that is needed is favorable conditions, both in the open field and in greenhouses. Thanks to strong stems and miniature forms, this crop is very resistant to lodging.

bunches of tomatoes
bunches of tomatoes


Fruits ripen within 90-100 days from planting seeds in the soil. The tomato variety "Little Red Riding Hood" has a rounded and slightly flattened shape, a ribbed surface and, most importantly, the highest quality taste features. Tomatoes have a very thin but firm skin, beneath which is a fleshy and juicy bright purple flesh.

The weight of one fruit can vary from 60 to 70 grams. In the brushes, as a rule, there are about 5-6 tomatoes. One of the amazing features of this variety is that even under severe weather conditions, the fruits do not crack, which greatly increases the yield.

little red riding hood tomatoes
little red riding hood tomatoes

Potential pests

Variety"Little Red Riding Hood" has good protection against major diseases, but still, preventive work will not harm, but will only benefit. Before planting the seeds in open soil, it is recommended to properly roast them in the oven or invigorate them with a hot mixture of potassium permanganate. As for the greenhouse, the topsoil needs to be changed every year.

As a rule, you should not tie them up, because they ripen quickly and do not grow very tall. But due to bad weather conditions, the bushes can tilt a lot, and there is a chance that the stem will break. In this case, a garter is a must.

The most ideal predecessors of this variety: carrots, cabbage, legumes and herbs. It is this crop turnover that can not only protect tomatoes from various types of diseases, but also significantly improve the quality of yields.

If growing in greenhouses, then pests such as thrips, spider mites, aphids and whiteflies can threaten tomatoes. In order to get rid of insects, you can spray them with industrial insecticides 3-4 times every few days.

Slugs can be killed with an aqueous solution containing ammonia, and aphids can be easily washed off with soapy water.

Having found out the description of the “little red riding hood” tomato, we can conclude that this is not only the most interesting variety of tomatoes, but also the most original, which can be easily grown both in the garden and on the balcony.

little red riding hood tomato
little red riding hood tomato

Features of cultivation

The Little Red Riding Hood variety, like many others,it is most convenient to grow seedlings. The quality of germination will be greatly affected by seeds that are 2 or 3 years old. Before planting them, some gardeners soak the seeds in a growth stimulator. It can be freshly squeezed aloe juice, which will not only strengthen the immunity of these plants, but also ensure rapid growth.

It is recommended to plant "Little Red Riding Hood" seeds in mid-March or early April.

For seedlings, it is necessary to prepare high-quality soil, which includes garden or sod land with a small dose of humus. Washed river sand and some wood ash can also be added to the substrate. Seedlings are planted in small containers or pots, the seeds should be deepened by 1, 5 or 2 centimeters.

Such procedures are necessary for the plants to strengthen as much as possible. They need to be watered moderately and only with warm water using a spray bottle, so as not to damage the stems.

Juicy Red Riding Hood Tomatoes
Juicy Red Riding Hood Tomatoes

Key Benefits

Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood" has a lot of advantages:

  • maximum palatability;
  • high harvest;
  • good protection against many diseases;
  • compact bushes that do not take up much space in the garden;
  • cold resistance;
  • does not need a garter.

Disadvantages of this culture are completely absent. If you follow all the rules of cultivation, water in a timely manner and get rid of pests in time, then this variety will bring the maximuma large number of high-quality and tasty fruits.

To reduce the fruiting period and increase yields, many vegetable growers recommend fertilizing as often as possible, not forgetting about moderate watering.

little red riding hood tomato
little red riding hood tomato

Tomato "Little Red Riding Hood": reviews

If you are a novice gardener or a vegetable grower with a long experience, then such a variety of tomatoes as "Little Red Riding Hood" will cause you many joyful moments not only in the process of growing, but also at the time of full ripening of the fruit. Most gardeners learned from their own experience, when at the end of July they did not know where to put a large number of juicy and tasty fruits of the “little red riding hood”.

Due to their unpretentiousness, early ripeness, compactness and, most importantly, a large yield, many vegetable growers from different countries prefer only this variety.

Test sample can be grown in the comfort of your home, on your balcony or windowsill. Small bushes grow up to a maximum of 40 centimeters and have 5-6 fruits on each brush. As a rule, it is not necessary to tie them up. After all, their fruits ripen quickly, and the stems do not grow very tall. But due to certain weather conditions, seedlings can lean and there is a chance that their stems will start to break. In this case, the garter is simply a must.
