Homemade car: description of work

Homemade car: description of work
Homemade car: description of work

The simplest technique for a summer resident is a wheelbarrow. The store has a decent assortment, but many people have a question about whether it is possible to make it yourself. This is a primitive device that does not have a complicated design. At the same time, the price at points of sale is high, sometimes frightening. The way out of this situation is a homemade car.

As a basis, you should take instructions that will help you create your own unit. In the garden without it is difficult. At the first stage, a drawing is developed, further work will be carried out on it. If there is no experience in using improvised material and tools, you should contact the masters. Although the process of creating a car should not scare.

How to create a blueprint?

Homemade car is developed on paper, after that it is realized in reality. Of all the technical options, those that are not necessary are removed. No wooden structures and other uncomfortable units. Because it is important not just to create transportation, it must be lightweight. If a tree is used, then such a wheelbarrow will become unusable in a year. Therefore, it is better to work on the metal structure.

garden wheelbarrows
garden wheelbarrows

A homemade wheelbarrow is being made, but how many should there be? There is no need to use four wheels, because this assistant must be maneuverable and fast. Most often, gardeners choose a one-wheeled design, although it has drawbacks. It doesn't load much, it's hard to push. Turning all the contents on its side is easy, so it's worth disassembling a proven option - these are two wheels. After that, you need to create an elementary drawing, and on its basis - a drawing with exact dimensions.

You will need to make a body, two wheels, a support axle, a handle. This is a primitive composition, but it is quite enough to transport anything to the dacha. Everyone decides what size it will be. The cost of a homemade car will be lower than the store. It will cost 800-900 rubles, but on condition that some components are at home, and additional purchases are made in a simple store.

Creation process

It's not worth thinking and drawing for a long time, let's start the construction process. According to the masters, when there are two unnecessary wheels on the site, the cost of the structure is reduced. The basis is the frame on which the entire structure will rest. Therefore, it should be as reliable as possible. To avoid breakdowns, do not load the cart with more than 100-200 kilograms.

As already noted, the design can be any, but for the project a medium-sized wheelbarrow is made, suitable for each gardener. After all the preparations, the procedure beginsbuildings.

First step

You will need to use welding, it connects two main sides. To do this, take:

  • Metal profile - 2 pieces. Its length is one and a half meters, the sides are 40 by 40 millimeters.
  • Corners. Two meters, 30 by 30 millimeters.
  • A profile structure is laid out on a flat surface. There will be corners between the bearing sides. We connect them by welding. Previously, this is reflected in the diagram.

Second step

Handles are being made. So that they do not slip out of the hands of the summer resident, they will have to be tightened with rubber. To do this, any unnecessary hose is taken, cut, stretched onto a metal profile. How to fix it? To withstand over the fire, moving around its axis to become warm. Then it is quickly pulled over the ends of the frame. When it becomes cold, it will no longer be possible to remove it. If it is difficult to tighten, lubrication with soap or something similar helps. Hose diameter is selected depending on the size of the handles.

homemade construction wheelbarrow
homemade construction wheelbarrow

Step three

Fix the axle under the wheels. Some make this process later, easier at this stage. The frame is turned over, and welding seams are made on a homemade garden wheelbarrow. For this, a metal axis is being prepared. Diameter - not less than 25 millimeters. This is enough for movement. In this matter, a lot depends on the chosen wheels. According to experts, a suitable option is tubeless. Their service life is long.

The axle for the wheels is also selected in diameter depending on the area of movement. If it is off-road, then it increases. When the site is flat, has a concrete surface, for ease of control, you should not increase the indicator. The cost of small wheels is lower. Often craftsmen take wheels from mopeds or motorcycles to save money.

If you turn to the available equipment on the site, they dismantle anything - old walk-behind tractors, mowers, seeders, etc. It is worth comparing the bushing so that you do not have to dismantle the axle. These are, so to speak, procurement processes. Only after that the main work begins.

Work instructions

It is important to get the body right. The example considers a volume of 150 to 200 liters. The height is enough at 35-40 centimeters, otherwise it is inconvenient to unload, in length - 70 centimeters below, and on top - 90. Width - from half a meter to 80 centimeters. Only after that, construction begins.

homemade car
homemade car

You will need metal 3 mm thick. If there is steel of 4 millimeters, then it will also work, but the weight of the structure increases. Need to have a few details:

  • Bottom - 50 centimeters.
  • 35 centimeters front and back.
  • Side - 70 cm.
homemade garden carts
homemade garden carts

What's next?

It is necessary to assemble the structure together by applying welding seams. You should get a kind of trough. If there is no experience with welding, then you will have to order.

To make a home-made construction wheelbarrow strong, metal corners are added. Required if thin steel is used. When selectedreliable foundation, then no processes are needed to strengthen.

The resulting trough should be fixed on the frame. A welding machine is used, a seam is applied in several places. Only after that the design is completely ready.


Visually the car will change after painting. It is not necessary to purchase a new composition in the store; in the country there is always a little old paint. There is no need to make it attractive, just a slight protection of the metal and a change in appearance. In the absence of old paint, you can purchase any other. Usually taken in cans. This composition is applied very quickly, penetrates into all places and dries instantly.

homemade building
homemade building


In order for a home-made car to stand, you have to come up with a support. This addition creates convenience during the load. Welding a leg is simple, but initially you need to figure out what it will be from. Any metal residue that is unnecessary on the farm is taken. If there is nothing, you should purchase a piece of the profile. It should be calculated for reliability and stability.

homemade garden carts
homemade garden carts

It is worth paying attention to where the main stop goes when the wheelbarrow is loaded. Here the footboard is mounted. It should rise easily, and not interfere with the ride. You can use a wheel from an old washing machine with a mount. But the second is required - it is disconnected, fixed at the bottom of the cart by welding. A metal profile 30 by 30 millimeters is purchased, a hole for the bolt is made at the bottom.

Whenlack of desire to fiddle with the footboard for a long time, a piece of metal is taken. It is welded and bent in the right direction. Another option is to use a metal rod. The diameter depends on personal preference. It is important that the element is not thin. A hinge is welded onto a homemade wheelbarrow for the garden, a small piece of iron is driven into it and fixed. It turns out a movable structure.

Afterwards, the footboard itself is fixed to it with the help of a welding machine. To stop, it is enough to straighten it, and then remove it. These are already trifles, everyone decides in what form he will produce. Many gardeners want to keep the design they have created for as long as possible. Rust may occur due to exposure to rain and sun. Additional treatment with antiseptics and corrosive compounds will help to avoid this. The article has a photo of a homemade car. They make it easier to understand how the whole unit will look like.

wheelbarrow construction
wheelbarrow construction

The price is inexpensive, and little time is spent. But before you start doing, the necessary material and tools are being prepared. To save on the purchase of metal, you should contact the point of its reception. A wheelbarrow is a useful unit in the household, in the country and in the garden.
