Bed-car: reviews, assembly. Baby bed in the form of a car

Bed-car: reviews, assembly. Baby bed in the form of a car
Bed-car: reviews, assembly. Baby bed in the form of a car

Many parents try to find the best nursery furniture for their child. Now there are a large number of interesting options that differ from each other in many factors. For boys and girls there are universal models, and separate options are also sold. The most popular are car beds for children.

The article will describe tips on how to choose such furniture for a child, what you need to pay attention to, how to assemble other equally important nuances.

bed machine reviews
bed machine reviews

How to choose a car bed?

If your child shows an increased interest in cars, whether it's a boy or a girl, you might want to consider buying a car-shaped bed. Many parents believe that it is better to choose a standard option, sliding or not. Moreover, overall car beds are often chosen (reviews about them are described below), which will not have to be changed for the next 5-10 years. But if the child is very fond of cars, then it is better to make a really pleasant surprise for your child. Certainlyhowever, this option will come out much more expensive, and it is unlikely that parents will find models designed for a 17-year-old teenager. Accordingly, such a bed will last a maximum of 5 years.

You should always pay attention to the reviews of people who have already bought their favorite model. If they post photos of happy children in the comments, then there is no doubt that they made the right choice.

If a girl wants such furniture as a car bed, then you should not immediately discard this option. There are also models for princesses on sale: with butterflies, birds, ladybugs. Color variations are also appropriate: pink, yellow, red cars can be found with ease.

For starters, parents should look for options on the Internet. Prices and differences between cribs will vary greatly, so to find at least an approximate type, you will have to work hard - it's not a matter of five to ten minutes. If the child has already developed his own tastes, then he can participate in the discussion and choice.

bed car for boy
bed car for boy

Cost and differences

The price range of car beds can be palpable for those parents who can't shell out a large amount. The cost starts from 4 thousand rubles. Consumers do not recommend looking at such options. The reviews say that cheap models smell very bad of chemicals (weather for a month or two), the film with the pattern is erased rather quickly, and the frame is rather fragile.

More expensive options have an impressive length (190 cm). All children like them very much, as you can startengine, turn on the headlights, the body is made almost like the original. Such options can easily lead any child to wild delight. However, the cost of such car beds (Audi, Ferrari, BMW, etc.) is so high that you can buy a real used domestic car for this money. If parents are not ready to give such an amount, then it is better for them to stop at a more or less high-quality version, not such a “cool” model. The main thing is that the child likes its design.

baby bed in the form of a car
baby bed in the form of a car

Advantages of Car Beds

All the mid to high priced options available look great and have good frames. Most of the models receive positive feedback from customers. Assembly is generally easy.

Gold Magazine Team R1 Car Bed

Let's look at the package, specifications and assembly process on the Gold Magazine Team R1, which is sold for 12 thousand rubles.

The boy's car bed packing box weighs 60 kg. Its approximate dimensions are 170×80 cm.

Wheels are painted on the side walls, but there are also round wood details. They can be screwed in place of the image if desired. Moreover, they rotate. Many car beds do not have such an additional plus, so the reviews about this model on this nuance are quite positive. The kit also comes with documentation: how to use, assembly rules and a certificate of quality and safety.

The manufacturer also put fasteners in the box. There is also the key to6 faces. It is slightly uncomfortable, but it can work. Consumers in the reviews note that it is even better to use a screwdriver, drill and screwdriver - they are not included in the kit, this is logical.

machine bed assembly
machine bed assembly

Assembling the car bed

First you need to make enough space for the car bed. It is forbidden to move it after assembly - it is only allowed to move it when it is completely lifted off the floor. That is why the process should be performed only in the place where the child should sleep.

The back wall must be attached to the plate. It's easy: just screw the bolts into the holes. This is done with a hexagon. You need to be extremely careful, as at this stage it will be easy to break the bottom wall of the boy's car bed.

Next, screw the front surface. It is she who is the base for the plate with the mattress. The process is simple, for maximum convenience it is better to install the model on any of the sides.

It is necessary to fasten three boards: a radiator grill, headlights. To get started, put the first one. The fact is that many in the reviews write that without a grill it is difficult to understand how the headlights are screwed: correctly or upside down.

Next, set the bar. For it, you need 8 bolts that perform the functions of a coupler: they help to fix the headlights, the grille and the wall. What's more, it is an additional part for stable installation of the sleeping plate.

machine bed furniture
machine bed furniture

Continue assembly

Side walls should be installed. With which of the twoto start, it is up to the person who carries out the assembly. The main thing is to install the car bed before this (reviews confirm that this is easy to do) on its side. All actions must be as accurate as possible. The fact is that the sides are quite heavy, and it is easy to damage the frame with them. It will not be difficult for a strong man to install the surface in a matter of seconds, hitting all the fasteners, but a mother or grandmother will have to make a lot of effort.

Need to install the second side face next. The main feature of this process is the following nuance: with sharp and inaccurate actions, you can easily damage a previously installed part. It is allowed to put a mattress on the car bed (reviews about it are positive), this will protect the side of the car from deformations and scratches. It is also necessary to tighten the 4 bolts that are the support. They have plastic knobs. Thanks to them, the bed will be stable.

car beds for kids
car beds for kids

Working with the base

While the car bed (reviews are great) is on its side, you need to attach the right and left panels to the base. This should be done in this position, since the bottom is as accessible as possible. In the kit for the implementation of the process there are fasteners and screws. Next, you need to put the car in a horizontal position and install a spoiler on it.

Metal structures are difficult to fix. The fact is that the manufacturer, creating the holes, completed them only halfway. Therefore, when working with screws, you need to apply a lot of force to continue twisting. If you wish, you can use a drill, because then the complications will not even be felt. But there is one caveat: the screws should not tear the furniture cover, otherwise they will begin to spoil the appearance of the baby bed in the form of a car. If you still want to use the door, then you need to choose not regular parts, but the options are slightly shorter than the surface.

bed car audi
bed car audi

Finishing touches

Most likely, the difficulty will cause the installation of the sleeping surface. Why is this process so difficult? Because you have to simultaneously hold a heavy and massive plate (the bed itself) and get four bolts into the metal parts of the mechanism. Doing this alone is quite difficult - all the reviews confirm this.

It remains only to fasten the wheels and install the mattress. If you buy it as a set, you will notice that it is the same shape as the bed. The rectangular version will look a little ridiculous, ruining the look.


All car shaped baby beds will impress little ones who are interested in cars. The option described in the article, of course, is not a Ferrari, but it is ideal for every boy. During assembly, problems do not arise, there are a couple of minor points, but they do not interfere with the quality process. This machine does not smell of chemicals - only wood. The smell disappears in just two or three days. In such a bed, you can not only sleep, but also play.
