Those who once were lucky enough to visit the south of France, in the province of Provence, will never forget the bright sun, transparent, like ringing air, the fabulous beauty of the mountain. The unique aromas of olive oil and fragrant honey - all this is Provence! However, for many, the name of this amazing region is associated not only with stunning nature, but also with a unique design style that has long crossed the borders of the province and spread throughout the world.

In the Provence-style interior, nothing irritates, does not evoke strong emotions. And this primarily concerns the color scheme. This style is characterized by warm gentle tones. Colors should not create sharp differences. Provence style in the interior of the bedroom is concise and simple. It is completely devoid of pretentiousness and loudness.
The Provence-style bedroom interior is created around its main element - the bed. It can be wooden or iron, as long as it is made in a retro style. She must have carved legs, onsome pattern is made on the back. As a rule, a canopy or canopy becomes a continuation of the bed. It will emphasize the intimacy and unique look of the bedroom. Bedding should be made exclusively from natural materials - cotton, chintz, linen, cambric. It is desirable that they be decorated with ruffles, embroidery, sewing. They should not be associated with luxury, but with rustic comfort. This especially corresponds to underwear in a small flower. It will be interesting to look at a patchwork or butis quilted bedspread, which is sewn from fabrics of various colors. Embroidered pillows will serve as decoration for such a bed.

Provence style in the interior of the bedroom involves the use of natural materials throughout. This applies to floors, walls, ceilings. The Provence-style interior, the photo of which you see in this article, is distinguished by the presence of wooden coverings. Protruding wooden beams must be installed on the ceiling. They (like the entire ceiling) must be made of unpainted wood. Walls play a special role in creating this style. They do not have to be perfectly finished, on the contrary, they need to be plastered with gaps, roughly. For this, plaster with the effect of aging is often used. After that, a light wall can be painted with a floral ornament.
Provence style in the interior of the bedroom is distinguished by a special attitude to the design of windows. Previously, they were not covered at all. But now in city apartments one cannot do without curtains on the windows. Therefore, in Provence-style bedrooms they began to useair curtains or long curtains with folds on the floor, made of natural fabrics in pastel colors. Doors in such a bedroom should be heavy, solid, imitating old ones. They should be painted with light paint, to match the main range of the room.

Provence style in the interior of the bedroom is unthinkable without special furniture made of precious natural wood. It should be functional and comfortable, but not overloaded with unnecessary decorative details.