Entering electricity into the house from the pole: rules for connecting electricity, norms, advice from electricians

Entering electricity into the house from the pole: rules for connecting electricity, norms, advice from electricians
Entering electricity into the house from the pole: rules for connecting electricity, norms, advice from electricians

The article will talk about how electricity is introduced into a house from a pole with a SIP wire through a pipe rack or underground. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the total power of all consumers that are in the house can be very impressive. For this reason, the input is the most vulnerable point, errors during installation should not be allowed. In our article, you will learn how to lay a cable, and most importantly, which one to use. It will also be mentioned how the electricity distribution scheme is properly organized.

Power distribution principle

First you need to decide what an electrical input is. This is the border between two spheres of power supply - external and internal. This is the same line that connects the domestic and municipal parts of the electricity supply. Therefore, to know how to make electricity input into a house from a polewith your own hands is extremely important. After all, this is the area with the highest load. Therefore, the requirements for input arrangement are the highest. The input resource is three times lower than the electrical wiring in the house itself.

What does the suspension to the house look like?
What does the suspension to the house look like?

Judging by the experience of electricians, there are several connection points:

  1. In 95% of cases, private houses are connected to the power supply from the power transmission lines.
  2. No more than 1-2% of cases - to the collector nodes of underground cable routes.
  3. In about 3-4% of cases, the connection is made to the low busbars of transformer substations.

Complex distribution patterns

There are also more complex connection options, when the tie-in is made into the line of cables using splitter couplings. In this case, it is necessary to equip a new technological well or above-ground type collector. In practice, such an input scheme is implemented quite rarely.

Approach to counter

Electrical wiring that goes directly to the meter must be visible, no connections are allowed. This is due to the fact that it was not possible to remove the voltage bypassing the electricity meter. In order not to perform acts of hidden work and not to carry out sealing of boxes with connections, metering devices are installed on the facade of the house.

Electrical input shield
Electrical input shield

At this point, the person carrying out the inspection has free access to the meter. The continuity of the lead wire is also very easy to check. Electricians advise to install exactlythis way.

Responsibility section

It is by the meter that the division of responsibility between the supplier and the consumer of electricity can be carried out. The metering device and all the lines that connect to it belong to internal supply projects. But the input of electricity into a house from a pole with a SIP wire or any other is the service sector of urban power networks.

Disputes may arise at this point, as the electricity supplier does not allow supply until the meter is sealed. And since the meters are installed exclusively by employees of distribution networks, the consumer has difficulty installing the outgoing line. The ideal option is to install all internal wiring and run the cable to the facade of the house for connection to the central power supply line.

Interior work

When installing the internal power supply, it is necessary to make a temporary input in order to carry out chasing, drilling and commissioning. Therefore, you first need to make the so-called temporary input, and only after the installation of all internal connections is completed, you can open the meter and connect to the line through it. Of course, after commissioning, the meter must be sealed.

Circuit breakers
Circuit breakers

By the way, sealing is paid, it can be accompanied by various bureaucratic delays. To simplify, an IP55 junction box is placed next to the meter, into which the wiring is connected. Sometimes it is allowed to install a distribution nodedirectly from counters. In this case, it will be convenient to make several entries. For example, one is for the house, the second is for street lighting, the third is for the garage or summer kitchen.

How to choose a cable

It is worth noting that it is not advisable to enter electricity into a house with a pole with a cable of a very large cross section if there are few energy consumers. Therefore, let's decide which wires can be used and which cannot. We note right away that it is forbidden to lay aluminum wires in a hidden way in the premises. Therefore, to organize the input and internal wiring, wires are used in which solid copper cores are used, for example, PV-1 or VVG. They are conveniently laid in plastic or steel pipes.

Many believe that the indoor cable should have a conductive capacity equivalent to the input line that is connected to the municipal network. But this approach cannot be called correct, since with a total power of 3-4.5 kW, duplication of 16 sq. mm (this is the minimum cross-section for SIP wires), frankly, unprofitable. Therefore, you need to make sure that the safety factor is about 1.3 when you calculate the current cross-section of the wire.

Installation of electrical input
Installation of electrical input

Electricians advise using wires with a cross section of 2, 5 or 4 square meters when laying the input. mm, maximum - 6 sq. mm. Accordingly, the setting currents for the input automata are 25 A, 32 A, 40 A.

How to choose a cabling system

It must be borne in mind that the cable that enters electricity into the house is exposed tohigh loads and heat. Therefore, it is necessary to protect it by all means from the effects of atmospheric phenomena, damage. And if the laying is carried out on a combustible base, then it will be necessary to protect the wire from ignition. Be sure to adhere to regulations when entering electricity into a house underground.

As for the route, it depends on where the house shield or distribution hub is located. In the event that the end point is located on the outer wall, then it would be more reasonable to run the cable along the facade from the meter. It is most convenient to do this under the overhang of the roof. It is recommended to tighten the cable into a polyethylene pipe or corrugation.

Electric meter
Electric meter

As for laying in the attic or in the foundation of the basement, this can only be done after the cable is protected by a plastic or steel sheath. It is allowed to carry out installation both in an open way and in walls or ceilings.

If the accounting node is deleted

Some power supply organizations have recently been practicing installing metering stations outside households. As a rule, this happens when preventing theft of energy. Sometimes, of course, the reason is the high length of the line extending from the meter. In this case, by the way, it is necessary to take into account all the losses that may be in the conductors.

Transmission of electricity with a voltage of not more than 1 kV is carried out using a 0.4 kV overhead power line with self-supporting insulated wires. Quite rarely, cables are laid underground. This is carried out onlywhen it is impossible to make an overhead line (or undesirable).

Please note that entering electricity into the house from a pole underground is quite practical - the wires will not spoil the appearance of the building. There is also no possibility of cable breakage in strong winds. By the way, cables that are laid underground are allowed to run indoors. But SIP cannot be used in buildings. The reason lies in the fact that the polyethylene shell copes very poorly with overheating. And it will not be difficult to lay an underground line - a trench in the ground, a 20 cm sand cushion and a shell as protection (HDPE pipe) will suffice. And then the sheath is needed only if the cable does not have its own reservation.

Shield entering the house
Shield entering the house

When working with overhead lines, it is necessary to make a smooth transition to the wire used for laying indoors. Please note that SIP is an aluminum wire, while inside the house you need to use copper. To prevent the formation of oxides, terminal connections with insulating lubricants are used. It is also allowed to use open screw sockets.

How to serve input

The very first thing to do after installation is to test the resistance of the insulating layer, as well as the zero-phase loops. If the tests gave a satisfactory result, then the main shield and the input can be allowed to operate. Six months after installation, it is imperative to tighten absolutely all screw connections - start from the circuit breaker, which is installed before the meter,and finish with clamps on the ASU.

Short circuit between wires
Short circuit between wires

Once every five years, it is necessary to carry out a constriction, if oxidation is detected, cleaning is mandatory. Approximately with the same frequency it is necessary to inspect the wires, to identify damage. The input can last about 30 years. After this period, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the cable. If there are melting on the insulating layer, drying out, the appearance of a crunch in the cable, then this indicates that the conductors do not cope well with the load that affects them. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the input with a more powerful one.

These are approximate check times. If you notice damage in the early stages, it is recommended to check the condition of the entire cable, if necessary, replace it. The best way out of the situation will be the calculation and installation of a new input. Moreover, you need to make a power margin of about 25-30% so that the wires can cope with any peak loads.
