Each happy owner of a suburban area is well aware that it will not be possible to take a break from the bustle of the city and be in nature without a small cozy gazebo. Therefore, any owner wants to know how to build a gazebo from logs with their own hands: features, types and recommendations for use. You can make such a structure from many modern materials, but for a long time, gazebos made of logs have been the most popular. After all, a tree is both a he alth benefit, a beautiful appearance, and a high reliability of the structure.
Features of wood material
Wooden huts, made more than a dozen years ago and preserved to this day, testify to the high strength and longevity of this material. Compared with modern materials, the pergola made of logs, the price of which is by no means small, has many advantages.
The main qualities of such a natural natural material:
- beautiful appearance;
- durability and strength;
- environmental safety;
- beneficial influence on human he alth, as well as on his emotional state.
Great design solution fora plot where there is a chopped wooden house, it is considered the construction of a gazebo from a log, corresponding in style to the main building. And even if the house is built from a different material, the rounded structure will harmoniously fit into the overall landscape of the territory.

It is impossible not to highlight the fact that, having a project of a gazebo made of logs on hand, it is easy to fold the building, since its assembly is carried out according to the principle of drawing up a designer. This property allows you to create not only simple gazebos, but also structures of various geometric shapes.
Cons of log buildings
Of course, round logs also have a number of disadvantages:
- Possibility of mold and mildew, as well as the threat of infestation. This deficiency most often occurs due to insufficient and improper ventilation, and mainly in closed gazebos.
- Possibility of shrinkage of a newly constructed gazebo from a log. This process is due to the drying of the wood.
- The occurrence of gaps between the logs may occur due to uneven drying or violation of the assembly process.
The use of tarred softwoods can significantly reduce the negative impact of these problems.
Types of arbors according to the material used
Garden arbors have a wide variety not only in terms of purpose and form of construction, but also in terms of the material used for their construction. Modern materials attract many with their properties and quality, but still wooden productsare currently the most popular.
For the construction of gazebos on the territory of a suburban area are used:
- Log. The construction of a gazebo from rounded logs is considered an expensive option, but it attracts many with its solidity. Such structures can often be seen in the yards of large houses and cottages.
- Profiled timber allows you to assemble fairly neat and beautiful wooden structures. True, many consider the tendency of this material to crack as its main drawback.
- Laminated timber can be called the most beautiful modern material. The special design of such a bar allows you to build gazebos of various configurations without much effort. The disadvantage of this material is its high cost.
- Wooden panel buildings made of timber and boards also turn out to be quite comfortable and beautiful. This rather cheap construction option is widely used in numerous rural areas.
- Bamboo can be safely attributed to the original material, from which it is easy to build graceful street buildings of a beautiful golden hue. Bamboo is ideal for creating light open arbors.
Types of buildings by purpose
Each owner decides for what purpose he builds a gazebo from a log. Someone prefers to relax in silence and coolness in the summer heat, and some people like meetings and gatherings with friends. Therefore, any construction must first of all comply with the wishes of the owner and the purpose of the object being built.
Depending on the destination, a do-it-yourself gazebo from a log can be:
- Open Type is inexpensive, sleek and very easy to build. Such structures are a canopy with a floor and railings that connect the corner bearing pillars. Of course, it is difficult to hide from the bad weather here, but it is very easy to hide from the summer rain. To avoid contact with wet soil, open gazebos are installed on a columnar or strip foundation.
- The semi-open gazebo is partially covered with a solid wall so that fresh air constantly flows inside. Often, barbecue lovers equip such buildings with a barbecue or oven. In the summer, it is pleasant and comfortable to relax in the shade of a half-open gazebo, but you can’t hide from the winter cold in it.
- Closed buildings are often made in the yards where they live permanently. Such buildings are completely closed, have glazing and doors.

In turn, pavilions made of logs of a closed type can be divided into winter ones, which are equipped with heating and plumbing, as well as summer buildings that protect people in the warm season.
Location on site
Before starting construction, it is necessary to think over and choose a place where a gazebo for a summer house made of logs will be located. To avoid architectural imbalance, it is better to build massive buildings from round timber near the fence, behindmain house.
A classic gazebo can be built anywhere on the site, while to provide additional shade, it is better to place the building between the trees. According to the requirements of fire safety standards, a building equipped with a barbecue or barbecue must be installed no closer than five meters from your home, and the neighboring house must be at least eight meters away.
Portable structures and small in size can be installed in any convenient place. The main thing is not to impede the access of vehicles to the house.
Pavilion construction technology
The stages of construction work are in many ways similar to the construction of a barn or a bathhouse. The entire technological process of erecting a gazebo from a log can be divided into the following operations:
- selection and arrangement of the foundation;
- installing the walls of the building;
- making the roof of a building.
Building the foundation
The foundation for chopped log gazebos should be designed for increased load, since the total weight of the entire structure will be quite large. Therefore, a strip construction, which is a continuous strip of reinforced concrete, will be the most suitable.

The foundation is made as follows:
- A trench is dug strictly along the perimeter of the future structure. Its depth depends on how much the soil freezes in winter, and its width - from 30 cm.
- Sand or crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the trench, which is tightly compacted.
- Produced andformwork is being installed.
- After fixing the formwork, a reinforcing cage is placed inside it.
- The final step will be filling the formwork with concrete mortar.
Logging device
Before laying the lower crown, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. To do this, spread roofing material in two layers around the entire perimeter on a concrete base, as well as tarred boards.
Then the log walls are assembled. The corners of the crowns are most often made in two ways:
- "In the paw." With this method, the grooves and ridges are arranged right at the ends of the logs. Such a connection requires less material consumption, but more skilled carpenter. The most important thing is to fold the logs tightly so that the building does not lose its shape over time. Usually such a gazebo looks like a building with even corners.
- "Into the bowl." With this method, protruding logs remain at the corners, which give the entire gazebo a more original look. This type of connection is used more often in the construction of winter arbors, since their corners freeze less.

The choice of how to make corners depends on the quality of the material, the purpose of the building and the experience of the carpenter.
Roof Making
Most often, a gable roof is mounted on a gazebo, as well as on a small village house. But depending on the shape of the structure, it can be:
- single slope;
- hip;
- tent;
- hexagonal or octagonal;
- conical.
Double slopethe roof is assembled as follows:
- Between the long walls, beams are laid on the upper crown, which are cut using the bowl method.
- A rack is fixed strictly vertically on each beam.
- Racks are interconnected by a run.
- The rafters are connected in pairs, while their ends must be cut at an angle.
- The rafters rise to the roof and connect to the walls and purlin.
- The structure is sheathed with a crate, and then covered with roofing material.
The result is a strong and reliable roof for a log gazebo, the price of which depends on the quality of the material, the type of roofing and the complexity of the shape.

A do-it-yourself gazebo perfectly emphasizes the excellent taste of the owner and all the advantages of a suburban area. Rest in such an environmentally friendly building will not only preserve he alth, but also allow you to gain new strength.