"Leningradka" - systems in which heating is built on a single-circuit principle

"Leningradka" - systems in which heating is built on a single-circuit principle
"Leningradka" - systems in which heating is built on a single-circuit principle

One of the most important issues in the construction of a private country house is the arrangement and installation of a heating system. The efficiency and speed of air heat exchange and the reliability of the entire system as a whole depend on how correctly this issue is resolved. If you approach this aspect correctly, you can make not just a pipeline that can effectively heat the premises, but also satisfy all the design points in the interior of the room. And here, special attention should be paid to the type of heating that you will use. In this article, we will try to reveal all the features that the Leningradka system has.

Leningradka heating system
Leningradka heating system

Systems whose heating is built on the principle of a single-pipe circuit

At the moment, there are two main ways of laying the pipeline. It could beone-pipe or two-pipe system. As for our Leningradka, it belongs to the first type of device. This method of laying heating today is one of the most popular and common in Russia. And all because Leningradka (systems in which heating is built on a single-circuit principle) allow the owner to independently choose the heating time and service it in the same way without involving any specialists. Thus, this type of pipeline ensures the absolute autonomy of the building from the central heating system.

What are the nuances?

The main nuance when using "Leningradka" is that it is not able to heat multi-storey buildings normally. Therefore, it is mainly used in one-story buildings. Although, according to experts, with the right approach, it is possible to provide efficient heating of a room with two floors. But still in this case it is best to use two-pipe systems. Their installation is easier and heating is more efficient.

This photo shows a diagram of the Leningradka heating system:

one-pipe heating system leningradka
one-pipe heating system leningradka

As we can see, it uses only one pipe, which is gradually brought to each of the radiators (batteries) and finally comes to the boiler, from where it starts its circulation again. The heating method here is closed, since water flows in the system in a circle along one circuit with a certain feed rate and amount of liquid.

What benefitsLeningradka?

Systems in which heating is single-pipe, in particular "Leningradka", have a lot of advantages compared to other analogues. Firstly, due to the presence of only one pipe, it is possible to lay a pipeline in the most inaccessible places (for example, it can be a place under a doorway). Thanks to this, you can hide extra pipes from the human eye, thereby not harming the interior design of the room. Secondly, "Leningradka" is very easy to install, and it is not necessary to call specialists when installing it. Thirdly, "Leningradka" (systems in which single-circuit heating is used in almost all Soviet-built residential premises), due to the absence of a second row of pipes, is less costly to install financially compared to a double-circuit one.

scheme of the heating system leningradka
scheme of the heating system leningradka

Among the shortcomings, only its low thermal conductivity can be noted. Because of this, the Leningradka single-pipe heating system is not used in multi-storey buildings.
