Flower from childhood - gloxinia: planting and care

Flower from childhood - gloxinia: planting and care
Flower from childhood - gloxinia: planting and care

Gloxinia, bluebells, "grandmother's flowers" - this cute plant from the Gesneriaceae family has many warm names. Beautiful bright green velvet leaves, flowers in the form of simple bells or a chic terry ball, a delicate aroma that vaguely resembles the fresh smell of a tiger lily - this is all gloxinia, planting and caring for which is not difficult at all.

gloxinia, planting and care
gloxinia, planting and care

This flower is cultivated as an indoor flower. Over the past 20 years, domestic breeders have bred several hundred varieties that differ not only in color, but also in flower shape and leaf color. In appearance, gloxinia are divided into two large groups - simple seven-petal and terry. The progenitors of modern breeding varieties are two large series for industrial reproduction: avanti (simple) and brocade (terry). Their distinctive feature is unpretentiousness and one-color color.

Reproduction of gloxinia can be generative (from seeds) and vegetative (by rooting leaves and stepchildren). The first method is used to obtain new breeding species or planting material in large quantities, regardless of color.

gloxinia from seed
gloxinia from seed

Only gloxinia from seeds of industrial varieties of the Avanti and Brocade series retains its color. Breeding varieties, the color of flowers of which is very diverse (up to 4 shades in one flower), do not transmit their genetic characteristics when propagated by seeds. To breed this variety, it is necessary to use the vegetative method. One of the most non-capricious home flowers is gloxinia; planting and caring for it, however, require some simple rules.

Planting and care

No matter what kind of gloxinia you have, planting and caring for it are the same. The rules are common for both a simple flower and a chic terry breeding variety. For planting, you need a moisture-intensive, but well-drained land. You can use purchased soil based on peat from the store. It is better to add sphagnum to the soil in a ratio of 3/1. If the soil is heavy or too oily, it must be mixed with sand or perlite to ensure that the soil is breathable. Otherwise, the nodule of the plant may rot. No need to plant gloxinia in a large pot. For one tuber, a container with a volume of 0.5-0.6 liters or a diameter of 10 to 12 cm is quite suitable. Gloxinia should be planted at such a depth that the top of the tuber is covered with a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil. If the potatoes are very small, a layer 0.5 cm thick will suffice. After planting, it is necessary to water the gloxinia with a neat stream around the perimeter of the pot so that moisture does not get directly onto the tuber. If you are planting unsprouted potatoes, it is bettercover the container with polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions in order to speed up the germination of the flower.

After planting a gloxinia tuber in the soil bought in a store, no additional dressings should be applied for 1.5 months. Later, it is necessary to feed the plants every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering. If you notice that the leaves of gloxinia have become too light, you can add a preparation containing chelated iron to the water for irrigation once a month - this way you will cure the plant of chlorosis. In general, these flowers, like many others, are not averse to "eating" natural fertilizer from mullein, horse manure or bird droppings.

Gloxinia - diseases

Like all living creatures on the planet, gloxinia are prone to various diseases. In such an unpretentious plant, diseases, however, can be very different. With proper care - no overflow, timely feeding - gloxinia are most often affected by thrips.

gloxinia disease
gloxinia disease

These bugs are very hard to see with the naked eye. The main signs are stunting, clumsy and spotty leaves. Spots on the leaves of a light brown color resemble as if dried areas. The buds that appear later do not open well, clumsy in shape. The treatment is quite simple - you need to remove the flowers and the beginnings of flowers, and spray the whole plant very well with an insecticidal preparation indicated for thrips. The soil can not be changed, since these insects do not live in the ground. The main secluded places for their nesting are the buds and the core of the plant. Mandatory weeksafter two, you need to repeat the processing.

Gloxinia, planting and caring for which are discussed above, will delight the hostess with its special beauty and delicate aroma for a long time.
