The best wood-burning stove for a bath: an overview of models and reviews

The best wood-burning stove for a bath: an overview of models and reviews
The best wood-burning stove for a bath: an overview of models and reviews

Banya in Russia has always been considered a sacred and magical place, as well as its heart - the stove. Today, the mystical meaning of this attribute has evaporated, only the problem of choice remains. The modern market boasts a chic assortment of any accessories for the bath. But many have not decided which sauna stoves are better: wood, gas or electric.

Experts in this field are almost unanimous in their opinion that the best fuel for saunas and steam rooms was and remains firewood. Of course, if we are talking about a modest design in a country house, where it’s tight with the forest, but you don’t want to be puzzled once again with its file, then the best option would be an electric stove - plug it into a socket and let it work. But the efficiency of such structures is not so hot, and the true spirit of the bath here does not smell at all.

As for gas ovens, this option is too expensive. Blue fuel has never been cheap, and during the organization of the bathing process, the counter spins like a frantic one. In addition, gas equipment is considered more dangerous than other alternatives. So, judging by the experts, andalso to user reviews, the best sauna stoves are wood-burning, and other equipment remains only a semblance of a “fake” of a real Russian sauna. And it is this type that we will consider in our article.

So, let's try to figure out which wood-burning stove is better to buy in the bath. Here is a list of popular equipment, which includes the most intelligent models with a high-quality component and a large number of positive feedback from consumers. For a more visual picture, the list will be presented in the form of a rating of the best wood-burning stoves for a bath.

All the models described below can be bought both in specialized offline and online stores, so there should be no problems with looking and feeling.

The rating of the best wood-burning sauna stoves is as follows:

  1. Gefest PB-01.
  2. "Tunguska".
  3. NARVI Oy NC 16.
  4. "Vesuvius Legend Suite".
  5. Angara 2012.
  6. Sahara 24.
  7. Wasp.

Let's analyze the participants in more detail.

Thermofor Wasp

This is the best wood burning stove for the home in the budget segment. The stainless steel heater proved to be excellent in small steam rooms ranging in size from 4 to 9 cubic meters. In one hour, the stove will heat the room up to 100 degrees and will maintain the temperature of the “Russian bath” stably.

wasp oven
wasp oven

The model consists of two parts - a compartment for firewood and for stones. The latter holds almost 25 kg, so there should be no problems with maintaining the temperature and steam. "Termofor Osa" is considered the best wood-burning stove for a bath in the budget segmentalso due to its small and versatile dimensions. The equipment can be installed in almost any room: the stove will modestly stand somewhere in the corner and delight you with warmth and steam.

Distinctive features of the oven

On sale you can find two modifications of the model - with a conventional and extended fuel channel. The latter allows you to heat the stove from an adjacent room. It is also worth noting that blanks no longer than 32 cm act as firewood. So you will have to tinker with the saw.

Users leave mostly positive feedback about the model. For those who expect to take a steam bath in a large room after an inexpensive purchase, this is far from the best wood-burning stove for a bath. But for small saunas - that's it.

Model benefits:

  • fast heating;
  • good efficiency indicator;
  • small and versatile size;
  • various installation options;
  • strict, but at the same time pleasing to the eye appearance;
  • more than attractive price tag for the features available.


firewood no longer than 32 cm

The estimated cost of the model is about 8,000 rubles.

Sahara 24LK/LKU

This is one of the best wood-burning sauna stoves from the domestic manufacturer "Teplodar". The model is perfect for those who like to experiment with the modes in the sauna. The equipment is powerful enough and suitable for medium and large rooms ranging from 14 to 24 cubic meters. m.

sugar oven 24
sugar oven 24

The oven heats up in one hourup to its operating temperature of 110 degrees. With a moderate fire, a microclimate is obtained, which can be compared with an ordinary Russian bath: light steam and about 100⁰. Up to 90 kg of stones are placed in a special compartment. The latter heat up to 500 degrees, so that the oven is able to properly give steam, which not everyone can withstand.

Model is quite easy to install thanks to the dome design with the chimney located in the center. According to user reviews, the oven is very easy to clean, and overall maintenance does not cause any major problems.

Pros of the model:

  • heat to operating temperature in one hour;
  • good efficiency indicator;
  • impressive volume of the heater;
  • Easy to install and use dome design;
  • comfortable microclimate (humidity, steam);
  • easy maintenance and cleaning included.


overheats quickly in small saunas

The estimated price of the oven is about 19,000 rubles.

Termofor Angara 2012

This is one of the best wood-fired sauna stoves with a closed heater. There is a choice of models from conventional structural, as well as heat-resistant chrome steel (Inox). The latter option, though more expensive by 4 thousand rubles, is much better in every respect.

hangar 2012
hangar 2012

The model directs all the generated heat to warm up the stones and calmly copes with steam rooms with a volume of 8 to 18 cubic meters. m. A special compartment is able to take up to 70 kg of stones and heat them up to 600 degrees. Providedthe funnel delivers water to the hottest rocks.

Features of the model

Depending on the selected modification, the firewood receiver will be long or short, which in the first case will facilitate the use of the stove in adjacent rooms. In addition, the heat exchanger of the model can be connected to the heating system, which makes the equipment a versatile and ideal solution for a small private house without regular central heating.

Users are completely positive about the capabilities of the models of the Angara 2012 series. Here and fast heating, and the use of excellent structural materials, and an acceptable length of logs (maximum 50 cm), as well as more than adequate cost for the available characteristics. In a word, this is one of the best wood-burning sauna stoves in its segment (metal).

Model benefits:

  • quick heating stones;
  • chrome heat resistant steel;
  • 3D heater;
  • universality of the model - bath and heating;
  • simplicity and variability of installation;
  • adequate price tag.


need proper skill when cleaning

The estimated cost of the model is about 22,000 rubles (Inox, without tempering the glass on the door).

Vesuvius Legend Suite

This is one of the best wood burning cast iron sauna stoves. The model perfectly copes with rooms up to 30 cubic meters. m. The firebox is made entirely of 12 mm cast iron and is completely sealed. This fact alone speaks of the high reliability and durability of the stove.

luxury legend
luxury legend

The model is able to take up to 180 kg of stones, which is enough for even the longest procedures. Radiation from cast iron exceeds that from steel by more than 70%, which will provide the sauna with excellent, and most importantly, stable steam. Also worth mentioning is the intelligent self-cleaning system, which eliminates the unpleasant rubbing of soot.

Users have great feedback about the model. It is good for many and has only one critical drawback - slow heating. So you will need to take care of the bath procedures far in advance (2-3 hours in advance).

Pros of the model:

  • good efficiency indicator;
  • high reliability of the design, as well as a long operating period;
  • long heat retention;
  • volume heater 180 kg;
  • intelligent self-cleaning system.


  • slow heating;
  • large dimensions and heavy weight.

The estimated price of the oven is about 22,000 rubles.


This is one of the best wood burning stoves for the home. The model calmly serves rooms of the usual sizes for a bath - from 6 to 16 cubic meters. m. Competent design, capable of accommodating up to 50 kg of stones, quickly creates a microclimate and retains it for a long time.

wood burning sauna stove
wood burning sauna stove

Separately, it is worth mentioning the mobility of equipment. Adjustable legs and low weight allow one person to move the oven and also easily install it in a new place. In addition, the model can be connected to a chimneyboth through the rear panel and through the top, after mounting additional equipment (not included). So the installation of the oven can be called simple and hassle-free.

Oven Features

Consumers leave mostly positive feedback about the model. The efficiency of the furnace is at a very high level, as well as the exceptional quality of the construction as a whole. Separately, users mention a hardened wooden handle on the firebox, which, even at maximum heating of the stove, is quite pleasant to the touch and does not burn.

Model benefits:

  • impressive volume of the heater;
  • very high efficiency;
  • mobility design and adjustable feet;
  • smooth heating;
  • hardened wood handle on firebox.


inconvenient installation of the chimney through the rear panel

The estimated cost of the model is about 37,000 rubles.

Thermofor Tunguska

Despite its decent cost, the Tunguska model enjoys enviable popularity among domestic consumers and among lovers of the Russian bath in particular. The furnace in the shortest possible time will heat the room with a volume of 8 to 18 cubic meters. m.

tunguska oven
tunguska oven

The design features of the model allow you to completely warm up the stone compartment, which allows you to stably maintain the necessary microclimate. Also in the presence there is an intelligent casing-convector that creates a strong flow of hot air. This helps to quickly, and most importantly, heat the room evenly.

Features of the model

Workingthe volume of the stove is very impressive - 60 liters, and up to 55 kg of stones are placed in the heater itself. Judging by the feedback from consumers, "Tunguska" perfectly copes with the Russian bath in any of its forms.

Pros of the model:

  • rather fast heating rate;
  • impressive volume of the heater and firebox;
  • fine steam is produced at the output;
  • simple, convenient and versatile installation;
  • easy maintenance.


the heater cools down quickly

The estimated price of the oven is about 37,000 rubles.

Hephaestus PB-01

If a bath for you is not just a place for washing, but a real art, then you should look at, perhaps, the best long-burning stove for your home - "Hephaestus PB-01". This is a rather large, cast-iron, and at the same time high-performance stove, capable of creating an ideal bath microclimate in a bath with a volume of up to 45 cubic meters. m.

Hephaestus cast iron stove
Hephaestus cast iron stove

The main feature of the model is the thick 60 mm cast-iron walls, as well as the complete absence of bolted and any other mounting connections. That is, here we have a solid structure. This allows you to withstand the highest loads and temperature conditions.

Distinctive features of the oven

The model has the highest efficiency of all of the above - 90%. In addition, the oven is characterized by fast heating and light steam. The latter will certainly be appreciated by fans of exotic parks modes. It is also worth noting that the model has a system of secondary afterburning of gases. This is largelyincreases the operating life of the stove, plus allows you to save on firewood.

Judging by the feedback from consumers, the greatest effect, as well as efficiency, can be achieved after lining the "Hephaestus" with refractory bricks. In this case, the furnace will not be equal, and it will open at 100%. As a fly in the ointment here are the weight and cost of the model. In the bath, the floors must be strong enough, just like the wallet - thick.

Model benefits:

  • highest design reliability;
  • maximum efficiency among other stoves for saunas and baths;
  • stable maintenance and long-term preservation of the microclimate;
  • impressive volume of heated area;
  • high energy efficiency.


  • impressive size and weight;
  • price is too high for ordinary attendants.

The estimated cost of the furnace is about 80,000 rubles.

Summing up

When choosing equipment of this kind, you must first look at the volume of your bath room. If you put too powerful a model, then it will not work at full capacity, and you will simply throw money away. Modest stoves for large rooms will create the necessary microclimate for a long time, and you are tormented by throwing firewood. So everything should be in moderation.

The advantages of wood-burning stoves over others are very obvious. Here, first of all, saving on electricity with gas. All you need is to prepare firewood, which is several times cheaper than blue fuel. In addition, annealing logs fillsby placing a specific and natural sauna aroma, which, alas, cannot give other types of fuel.

But there are also disadvantages. From time to time it is necessary to clean the chimney with an ash pan, wait until the heater warms up, and also constantly add firewood. There are clearly fewer minuses here than pluses, and they are less significant, so wood-burning stoves have been and remain the best option for a private home.
