How to choose a metal and alloy analyzer: market overview and reviews of the best models

How to choose a metal and alloy analyzer: market overview and reviews of the best models
How to choose a metal and alloy analyzer: market overview and reviews of the best models

The metal analyzer allows you to quickly and accurately check the composition of the alloy or its type. This is important in many industries. Most often, secondary raw materials are analyzed in this way. This is due to the fact that at random such a procedure is unrealistic to perform even for an experienced specialist. The device in question is also called a spectrometer.

metal analyzer
metal analyzer


With the help of a metal analyzer, you can reliably determine the composition of the copper alloy and the percentage of foreign inclusions in it. In addition, it is possible to determine the nickel content of stainless steel. At the same time, the studied raw material does not need to be sawn or its structure disturbed in any other way. The device is useful for those who work with scrap ferrous or non-ferrous metals. It also helps to detect the presence of heavy metals in the alloy, which leads to safe operation and compliance with the required standards.


The analyzer of metals and alloys is a complex high-tech device, the creation of which at home is very problematic. There are two types of fixture data:

  • Laser modifications operating according toprinciple of optical emission.
  • X-ray variant that determines readings using x-rays.

Stationary analogues are oriented to large warehouses and bases for the reception and processing of scrap metal. For example, the M-5000 model is a compact modification that can fit on a table. The device is used mainly in the production of secondary metallurgy. Reviews of experts confirm that such a device optimally combines quality and price indicators.

metal and alloy analyzer
metal and alloy analyzer

Optical emission models

Optical emission analyzer of metals is used in the study of various structures, blanks, parts and ingots. A spark or air arc method of analysis is used. In the first case, some evaporation of the metal alloy is noted.

The working medium of the devices under consideration is argon. To change the mode of operation of the device, it is enough to replace the nozzle on a special sensor. The chemical composition of the alloy is recognized and recorded using an optical spectrometer.

There are several research modes, as follows:

  • Determining the grade of metal using a special table.
  • Comparison of the reference spectrum with an analog of the investigated alloy.
  • Function "yes - no", which determines the specified characteristics of raw materials.

This device works with ferrite, aluminum, titanium, copper, cob alt, tool alloys, as well as low alloy and stainlesssteel.

metal composition analyzer
metal composition analyzer

X-ray fluorescent options

This type of metal analyzer is a light-sensitive element capable of detecting more than 40 substances. Reviews of experts note the fast operation of these devices, as well as the control without violating the integrity of the analyzed object.

Due to their compactness and low weight, the considered devices are easy to use, equipped with a housing protected from moisture. The software makes it possible to set user standards, enter the required parameters and connect a printer with subsequent printing of the received information.

The peculiarity of such analyzers is the inability to detect elements with an atomic number below 11. Therefore, they are not suitable for detecting carbon in iron or steel.

portable metal analyzer
portable metal analyzer


The optical emission type metal composition analyzer has the following features:

  • The device is able to detect even minor inclusions of foreign mixtures, which is important when checking ferrous metals for the presence of phosphorus, sulfur and carbon.
  • High measurement accuracy makes it possible to use a certification analysis fixture.
  • The unit is offered with a pre-loaded program, which makes it difficult to check the alloy for the introduction of unknown inclusions that are not included in the software list.
  • Before starting the test, the object must be processed with a file orgrinding wheel to remove the top layer of dirt or dust.

Features of X-ray metal spectrum analyzers:

  • These devices are not as accurate, but they are quite suitable for working with scrap and sorting alloys.
  • The device is versatile. Allows to detect all elements available for its range.
  • The surface of the object under examination does not need to be treated carefully, it is enough to remove rust or paint.

Portable metal analyzer

The devices under consideration are divided into three types:

  1. Stationary option.
  2. Mobile models.
  3. Portable versions.

Stationary models are located in special rooms, occupy a large area, give ultra-precise results, have wide functionality.

Mobile analogues are portable or mobile devices. They are most often used in factories and quality control laboratories.

The portable metal and alloy analyzer is the most compact, it can be held in one hand. The unit is protected from mechanical influences, can be used in the field. Such a device is suitable for people looking for raw materials using a metal detector.

portable analyzer of metals and alloys
portable analyzer of metals and alloys


Portable models work in the same way as stationary counterparts. The average weight of the device is from 1.5 to 2 kilograms. Judging by user reviews, in certain areas such a device becomes the best option. The device is equipped with a liquid crystal screen, which displays information about the composition of the object under study.

The unit is capable of accumulating and storing information, including research results and photographs. The accuracy of the analyzer is about 0.1%, which is quite enough for use in the recycling industry.

Using a portable model, you can analyze large and complex structures, pipes, ingots, small parts, as well as workpieces, electrodes or chips.

metal chemistry analyzer
metal chemistry analyzer


Among the most famous companies producing metal chemical composition analyzers, the following companies can be noted:

  • Olympus Corporation. This Japanese corporation specializes in the production of photographic equipment and optics. Analyzers of this company are popular due to their high quality. Consumer reviews only confirm this fact.
  • Focused Photonics Inc. The Chinese manufacturer is one of the world leaders in the production of various devices for monitoring various environmental parameters. The company's analyzers are distinguished not only by high quality, but also by an affordable price.
  • Bruker. The German company was founded over 50 years ago. It has offices in almost 100 countries. Devices from this manufacturer are of high quality and a wide selection of models.
  • LIS-01. Apparatus of domestic production. It was issued by the scientific division, whose office is located in Yekaterinburg. Mainthe purpose of the device is sorting scrap, diagnostics of alloys during input and output control. The device is an order of magnitude cheaper than foreign counterparts.

In their reviews, users speak positively about the MIX5 FPI model. It is a powerful X-ray tube with the ability to detect heavy metals with extreme accuracy. The device is easy to use: just press one button and wait for the results of the study. In high speed mode, this will take no more than 2-3 seconds.

metal spectrum analyzers
metal spectrum analyzers


As practice and consumer reviews show, metal and alloy analyzers are quite in demand not only in the industrial sector, but also in small companies and among individuals. Finding a suitable option in the modern market is quite simple. It is only necessary to consider the range of use of the device and its capabilities. The cost of such devices varies from a few thousand rubles to 20-25 thousand dollars. The price depends on the type of device, its functionality and manufacturer.
