Usually, the need to create such a structure arises among owners of dogs of large and medium breeds, such as Caucasian, Central Asian, German Shepherds, their crossbreeds and others. In what cases is it required to have an aviary on the site? First of all, of course, if the dog is too large to be kept at home. If the animal moves freely around the site, the covered area will become a resting place, you can hide from bad weather and cold.

A structure is also useful if strangers, such as guests, are often in the house or on the site, or repairs are being carried out. And finally, if a small or medium dog is kept in the house, then in order for him to be outside, to warm up a little without your direct control, an aviary for a dog is also useful. Is it possible to make it by hand? In general, yes. Of course, some skills, tools and materials will be required. It will take you time, but in the end you will get a comfortable room fordog isolation. It will not only be created specifically for your animal, taking into account its individual characteristics, but also take into account the characteristics of your site.
How to make a do-it-yourself dog enclosure: drawings and preparation
Before you start searching, choosing, buying material, consumables and tools, you need to decide on important things. It is necessary to find the optimal place for the location of the aviary. Take into account the configuration of the site, the nature of the soil on it.

You also need to think about where you want to place the animal so that it can perform its guard functions. At the same time, of course, the structure should not stand in your way to the garage, outbuildings.
Having decided on all the above points, you can start creating drawings. A standard aviary is made rectangular, however, as already mentioned, you need to take into account the shape of your site. Now a little about the size. They are calculated based on the number of dogs, their height. For an animal up to 50 cm tall, an area of at least six m22 is required, if a dog is from 50 to 65 cm high - at least eight m22, a dog taller than 65 cm needs to build at least ten m2.

If you have a bitch with puppies, or more than one adult dog, the area increases by one and a half times. So, for example, an enclosure for a German Shepherd will have an area of at least 8 m22. Since the growth of a male according to the standard is 0.6-0.65 m, females - 0.55-0.6 m. Heightthe design should be such that the pet can stand on its hind limbs, while it should not touch the head of the roof.
What should be in the aviary, and how should it be arranged? If the design will serve simply for walking the dog, then they make a simplified version, in fact, only a partially covered fence or even without a roof at all. If you are making, for example, an open-air shepherd dog enclosure, then the structure should consist of the parts described below. You will need a dog house. There should be a platform occupying approximately 2/3 of the room, half of the latter is reserved for the winter part. It will contain a booth. The walls of the winter part are made deaf. Doors must open inwards. If it is assumed that the owner will leave, and outsiders will feed the dog, make a built-in feeder.

What you need
In order to create a do-it-yourself dog enclosure, you will need the following.
For the walls of the winter part - boards, wood panels, any other materials that are safe for dogs.
For the open section of the aviary - profile metal pipes. Netting is not recommended, as the dog can injure its paws when standing on it, and there is also a danger that the net will bend and sooner or later break under the weight of the animal.
For the roof - ondulin, soft or metal tiles, slate. Keep in mind that a metal roof makes a lot of noise during rain or hail.
For the floor, the platform must be wooden. If you are making a concrete floor, then itmust be covered with plank flooring treated with a special anti-rot compound.
The fastening of wooden parts is carried out using screws, welding, screw connections.
It is quite possible to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands, as we have already seen. Spend, say, a couple of weeks or a month on this, but as a result, a well-made room will serve your pet as a home or a walking place for many years.