Cats are interesting creatures, they sometimes love to choose strange places to observe everything that happens around them, and to relax.

It's good if it's a window sill or a sofa back. But it also happens differently. In what cases does it become necessary to acquire a house for a cat? For example, you have a small apartment or a family consists of a large number of people, which annoys the kitty, and she is too diligent in seeking solitude. Or your mustachioed and striped minion has chosen an inappropriate place to relax, for example, an unstable whatnot with flowers, your closet with things or even a dining table. In all these cases and many others, the best solution would be if a cat house appears in your apartment. It is quite possible to make it with your own hands. At the same time, you can use improvised materials and, if you do not have the time and skills, build some kind of quickoption.

How to make a cat house with your own hands from what was lying around at home
What do you need for this? Unnecessary things that you wanted to throw away, and a little imagination. You can create a cat house with your own hands from any box. Place it in the corner of the room, laying it on its side (long side). On the part that is now the "bottom", place a soft mat. A cardboard box is also well suited for this purpose, you can paint it on the outside or paste it with a colored film.

An old suitcase is a good option for a house, and a wicker basket turned on its side can be hung on the wall. There is an option to build a cat house from the remnants of a carpet or felt. Doing it yourself is not at all difficult. Connect several small pieces of material or bend one large one in any bizarre combination, as your fantasy tells you. They are fastened together with wire, glue, liquid nails, you can even sew them with strong threads. Houses for pets from various old used household appliances look very creative, for example, from a computer monitor case, speaker, TV.
How to make a cat house so that it looks like a purchased one

Of course, this will require more time and effort, and you may also need to buy some materials and tools. But there is no limit to your imagination. You can decoratedo-it-yourself cat house so that it fits perfectly into the interior. Doing the thing yourself, you can take into account all the nuances: the size of the animal, its habits, the features of the apartment. Necessary materials and tools: plywood sheets, metal corners, screws, hemp rope, screwdriver, glue, scissors, material (carpet, furniture fabric), foam rubber. The standard shape of the house is cubic, but you can make it elongated, irregular, it all depends on imagination and skill. Fasten the walls with corners, cover the inside with material, placing foam rubber under it. Upholstery can be glued to plywood and secured with small nails. After that, attach the front wall to the house, in which you first cut a hole with a diameter of 12-15 cm. The size of the room for an average cat is 0.4x0.4x0.4 m. Make the exterior of the house. If you want it to be combined with a scratching post, tightly wrap a plastic pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a rope and fasten it to the structure. The entire structure is nailed to the floor, to a wall or to a wide sheet of plywood. The latter will serve as a stable foundation.