How to make a veranda to the house with your own hands: photo projects, construction instructions

How to make a veranda to the house with your own hands: photo projects, construction instructions
How to make a veranda to the house with your own hands: photo projects, construction instructions

Sometimes the owners of private houses want to create a small extension to the finished building. This building is called a veranda. But as with the construction of any structure, special requirements must be observed. How to make an extension of the veranda to the house will be discussed later.

You can build such a structure with your own hands. But at the same time, you should carefully study the construction technology, as well as recommendations for its finishing. The advice and recommendations of professionals will help to correctly perform a number of upcoming works in accordance with existing standards. How to make a veranda to the house with your own hands? There are a number of nuances. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the existing requirements before starting work.

Veranda Features

Such a structure as a veranda plays a special role in the operation of the house, as it is the transition between the room and the street. In a private house, sometimes it is simply necessary to make a veranda with your own hands. How to make it right so that it lasts for many years should be considered in detail. The construction of such a structure is different from the constructionterraces.

Veranda to the wooden house
Veranda to the wooden house

The veranda is a closed extension. It can be both large and small. If necessary, it can be insulated. This is the individual desire of each owner of the house. If it is made warm enough, then in the winter season it will be possible to spend evenings here with tea and sweets. In any case, this room will serve as an enclosing zone from the cold street air. Thus, the heat in the house will last longer. And this will at least save the cost of heating your home.


The new object will block the main entrance to the premises and thus ensure the comfort of spending time in it. It also saves heat in the house during the cold season. To do this, it is worth having a veranda attached to the house. How to make this room, professional builders will tell you. They say you can't put a veranda on either side of the house. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to use it. If it was created on the wrong side, in order to spend time in it, it will be necessary to walk down the street. In bad weather, it will not be very comfortable. And such a structure will already be considered a gazebo or pavilion. Its immediate purpose is to close the entrance to the house and serve for its convenient operation. The secondary role of this extension is to create a place to relax.

Veranda layout
Veranda layout

When deciding on the size of the veranda, there are several points to consider. For example, it is worth determining how much space is available, for how many people it should becalculated and how much is available for its construction. On average, for a family of six people, a veranda measuring 3 × 4 m is enough. At the same time, they compare the size of the veranda and the existing own house. If it is large and two-story, then, naturally, a small attached room to it will look out of place. If the building is small, then you can build a veranda along the entire length of the house or build a miniature veranda. This decision is made at the request of the hosts.

It will not be difficult to make an extension of the veranda to the house with the right layout. During the construction process, it is necessary to take into account all the important factors of its operation and carefully familiarize yourself with the recommendations of professionals on the nuances of the upcoming work.

how to make a warm veranda to the house
how to make a warm veranda to the house

Get permission

You also need to know that before you make a veranda to the house (you can see the photo in the article), you need to contact the state authorities to legalize this project. Otherwise, when the time comes to enter into an inheritance or sell real estate, there will be serious problems with the law. First you need to design a general view of the building, then approve it in a specialized organization authorized to carry out such actions. Employees in this office will approve and finalize the drawing of the building in accordance with building codes and regulations. This project is confirmed and certified by the architectural department.

Features of the veranda
Features of the veranda

On average, this procedure with documents lasts about two months. It would be rational to deal with this issue in the winter season, so that in the spring it would be possible to start building a veranda.

Reviews of experts about materials

There are various types of materials available for sale that can be used in the construction of the veranda. The differences are in cost, appearance and service life. You can even build an extension from ordinary plywood. This will be a fairly inexpensive option. In this case, it is necessary to build a frame from a metal profile. Sheets of plywood, plastic, as well as other inexpensive building materials are mounted on it. This is one of the popular ways when the owners decide what to make a veranda to the house cheaply from.

wood impregnation
wood impregnation

A veranda built of brick or foam blocks will be strong enough and spectacular. You can also use natural stone or other block materials for building walls. If the house is built of wood, then the veranda must also be built of the same material.

You can also use polycarbonate. These are quite strong sheets, and besides, they are a cheap building material. They are resistant to climatic influences, are not afraid of the sun, hail, snow, rain, etc. You can also attribute to the positive qualities of this material the fact that it transmits light. And this means that in the daytime the room will be well lit. It will be rational to use sheets 15-19 mm thick for construction.

Veranda to the wooden house

It should also be noted that, as we said, toa wooden structure should be made of the same material. In this case, timber, slats, boards and other similar materials are used. When deciding how to make a veranda for a wooden house, you should remember that you should start the process by tying the structure to the walls of the house. In the case when natural natural materials are used, the lower trim is initially made. According to this technology, the bars are fastened with a direct lock. Upon completion of the laying of the second row, logs and vertical posts cut in next, which give stability to the structure. The structure is then connected to the solid wall using braces, nails or self-tapping screws.

Reviews of experts about the materials of the veranda
Reviews of experts about the materials of the veranda

Bearing vertical racks must be installed at a distance of half a meter from each other. This interval is the most rational for ensuring the strength of the structure.

If you follow these recommendations in the process of work, delving into the question of how to make a veranda to the house, then this will not require significant efforts and costs. It is important to pay attention to the process of creating the roof and floor for the presented building.

Preparatory work

A number of preparatory procedures should be followed before making a veranda to the house with your own hands. It is imperative to carry out this process in order to proceed to further construction work. The material to be used in construction must be pre-treated. If it is wood, then it will need to be impregnated with special antibacterial and fire-fighting compounds. Metal materialsshould be treated with liquids against corrosion, then painted.

An area is allocated for the construction site, which should be in front of the front door. A visor is installed on top of the front door and the porch area is being prepared. The façade area should be well cleaned after dismantling old, unnecessary structural elements.

Before entering, it is necessary to level the ground and clean it from various unnecessary elements. This area should be free of any debris, rocks or green spaces. If there are any seedlings, they should be removed.

Also, if there are any paved areas in front of the entrance, they will also need to be removed. You need to allocate a place on the site for building materials and equipment. For ease of construction, they should be nearby, at hand. This will reduce the area over which construction debris will be distributed, as well as the amount of time construction workers spend moving between the construction site and the warehouse with purchased materials.

Building Tools

To make an extension of the veranda to the house, as well as to all other buildings, is possible only if you have the right tool. It must be prepared before work begins so that there is no hitch in the process of its implementation.

The following tools should be prepared by the start of construction work:

  • building level (without it, making an even structure is simply unrealistic);
  • tape measure (best if it is comparable in length to the size of the planned building);
  • grinder (when working with herit is advisable to use a protective mask or goggles);
  • shovel for digging trenches and spreading mortar;
  • cement tank;
  • cord;
  • steel angle;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric saw;
  • hammer and sledgehammer;
  • axe.

You will also need fasteners, such as nails, anchors, screws, self-tapping screws, metal clips.

Foundation features

When studying the process of how to make a veranda in a private house, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations and rules for building a foundation. This is a very important structural part for any structure. There are two types of foundations for the veranda. This is a columnar or tape version. The first of these foundations is considered more rational and in demand in the construction of such an object.

Foundation Features
Foundation Features

It is worth noting that the strip foundation needs to be tied to the main structure of the building. With this combination, there may be a discrepancy in weight. The main building will have a mass larger than the veranda. This can lead to deformation of the extension during shrinkage. Strip foundations, as a rule, are used mainly only for heavy buildings, in which materials with a sufficiently large weight are used. For example, slate is used to build a roof. Walls can be built from aerated concrete or brick. In this case, you need to use a solid foundation. Its depth corresponds to the level of the finished building.

You should also make a small gap between the foundation of the house and the veranda inup to 4 cm in size. This small distance will prevent deformation of the seam between the extension and adjacent parts of the house. Using such a foundation requires less building material.

Strip foundation

Make a veranda to the house, as well as to any building, is quite difficult if the master does not have some special skills. However, a beginner will be able to cope with the task if he devotes enough time to studying the technique.

Building must begin with the foundation. In the process of creating such a structure, you will need to perform a series of manipulations and sequential actions. First of all, the site is marked. Pegs or reinforcement are driven into the ground. With their help, the required dimensions of the room are indicated. A thread is pulled over them. After the markup is created, a trench is dug. If necessary, the building can be connected (connected) with the help of reinforcement to the old foundation of the house. Experts recommend driving it into the material of the old base by 20 cm.

It is necessary that the depth corresponds to the level of the foundation of the house. This rule must be taken into account when considering the technology of how to make a veranda in a private house. The width of the trench should be 10-15 cm larger than the walls of the building. After that, a layer of crushed stone up to 10 cm is poured to the bottom, which is then leveled. Sand is poured on top of it, which is also leveled and rammed. Then the prepared base is covered with waterproofing. Formwork is set up next. It is assembled from well-crafted boards that are installed in a trench and protrude to a heightup to 40 cm above the ground.

To strengthen the structure, the bottom layer is poured with cement mortar with the addition of gravel. It is leveled and left for three to four days to dry. If the weather is hot outside, then the surface must be watered. This is necessary so that the solution dries evenly and does not crack. Soon it is necessary to fill in another layer of mortar with gravel. The topmost of them should consist only of concrete. When enough time has passed and it dries, the formwork is removed. After that, a layer of waterproofing is laid out on it.

Pillar Foundation

We will also consider how to properly make a veranda to a house on a columnar foundation. After marking the site, holes of 50 × 50 cm are made. Their recommended depth is about 1.2 m. Closer to the bottom, they expand. If the veranda is small, then it is quite enough to make racks in the corners. If its dimensions are overall, then supports are installed with a distance of 50-60 cm.

Gravel and sand up to 20 cm are first poured into the prepared pits. Waterproofing is then spread. Cement mortar is prepared with gravel and poured into the pit. You need to let it dry a little and then install the pillar. If the building consists of blocks, then bricks are used for this. And if there is a wooden house, a beam is used to create supports.

After the completion of the construction of the pillars, they must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. The draft base of the veranda is lined with supports after all the above work has been carried out. All the gaps that exist between the pillars and the ground are filled upsoil. After that, the earth is carefully tamped.

Draft floor

Considering how to make a veranda to the house, you should also pay attention to the process of creating the base of the future floor. How to mount it correctly? It is best to use expanded clay to fill the space under the floor. It serves as an excellent filler. This material is lightweight and has good thermal insulation performance. Then the frame is built. Most often it is assembled from beams.

In the process of creating the lower trim, the timber is installed on supports. Then they connect it in the corners with the help of special carpentry fasteners. Also, for this procedure, special clamps and corners are used to make the structure more rigid and stable.

It is recommended to treat the logs with an antiseptic before installation to improve performance during operation. From durable wooden boards, flooring is made when all the beams are placed on supports. Their cross section is 5 × 15 cm. They are fastened with self-tapping screws, nails, mounting brackets. In the main beams, which are fixed to the foundation posts, a recess is made to mount the floorboards in them.

Frame and roof

How to make a veranda roof? It will need to be properly attached to the house. To do this, you need to build a good and reliable frame. It is necessary to prepare a beam, the cross section of which is 10 × 10 cm. Then it is connected to the base using the created files, which are placed at an interval of 50 cm.

Fasteners for the veranda
Fasteners for the veranda

Thenracks are mounted. They are fastened with nails and special metal staples. Beams are installed on the assembled frame. Further, the upper fixing of the structure is required. A beam should be attached near the slope of the roof of the house. Then all the racks from the timber are fixed to it with anchors.

If the veranda is large and built of blocks, then for better fixation along the perimeter of the walls, a Mauerlat is attached from above. When the building is built of wood, this function is performed by the upper framing beam.

Finishing the floor

When building a room, you should pay sufficient attention to the floor finish. After the frame for the lower part of the room is made, the roofing pie is mounted. Only upon completion of these stages of construction is the interior decoration carried out. It will be necessary to properly process the walls, ceiling and floor. This should be taken into account when you need to make a closed veranda to the house. Like any construction, these processes should be carried out according to established rules. Then the owners of the house will enjoy the long service life of their building. Since compliance with all standards will lead to high quality, reliability and long service life of the veranda, they cannot be neglected.

Covering the floor with laminate
Covering the floor with laminate

Lags are required to be placed perpendicular to the wall on the front side. They must be well fixed. The strength of the floor depends on this. Then the flooring is made, for which boards are used. This method will provide the room with a reliable coverage. The floorboard is assembled using the tongue-and-groove technology. Next, they are fixed on logs usingself-tapping screws.

This work should be started from the opposite side to the entrance of the room. The board is mounted on logs and fixed with self-tapping screws. Then you need to fix the second row of boards. They are placed with an offset of about 30 cm. After completing this procedure, a coating is laid, such as laminate or linoleum. If the strip foundation was originally designed, then the floors are poured with concrete. But they will require additional insulation. Then tiles can also serve as a coating.


Simple advice from experts will help even a non-professional to complete all stages of construction work correctly in order to create a durable, strong extension, following all the recommendations. The roof is built from the same material as the veranda itself. You also need to consider that it is best to carry out insulation work directly during the construction process.

It is better to finish the veranda with special thermal insulation, then it will be possible to spend time there in winter. To do this, make a layer of vapor barrier inside the room. It serves to remove moisture from the room. Then insulation is laid between the rafters.

The best option is a material based on natural ingredients. You can use both rolled and tiled mineral insulation. It has good air and vapor permeability. This helps moisture escape, which protects the wood from decay. Mineral wool is not subject to combustion. Therefore, this is practically one of the best insulation options for a wooden building.

This insulation is lined with waterproofing. Next, make a crate. The interval between the slats depends on the width of the material that will be used as insulation. You can use metal tiles, corrugated board, etc. on the roof

To make a warm veranda to the house, as required by the norms, it is also necessary to insulate the walls and floor.

When creating this layer, it is not recommended to use artificial and combustible materials, such as polystyrene foam. It has low vapor permeability and creates the effect of a thermos. This material is only suitable for outdoor insulation.

The process of finishing the floor must also be done correctly. After fixing the rough base, heat-insulating material and a vapor barrier layer should be installed. If the floor is not insulated, then heat loss will be significant, since a lot of heat escapes through it. 2-3 layers of insulation should be placed on the lower floor, alternating directions at an angle of 90 °. Also, in the process of creating the base, expanded clay is used, as mentioned above. It also serves as a heater. Then they make the flooring.

When the walls begin to be insulated, vertical bars should be installed and fixed with self-tapping screws. A crate is also made. And between the vertical racks lay the insulation in two layers. Then a layer of vapor barrier is applied. After that, the interior walls are finished. Select the appropriate interior style. After installing the door windows, you can use the veranda for its intended purpose.


Having considered how to quickly make a veranda to the house, you can not worry that the process will be long, laborious andwill require large expenditures (including time and effort). All work is done fairly quickly and without difficulty, if you follow all the recommendations. And then the design will serve for many years for the benefit of its owners.
