Knife making is a very exciting and interesting process. It allows a person to express his creativity and talent in such an ancient craft as blacksmithing or weapons manufacturing. However, not only the blade itself can be made using various technologies, but also the handle. At the same time, it is worth noting that among many nationalities, one could judge the status of a person and his martial art by the handle of a weapon. Also, making a knife handle with your own hands allows you to adapt a specific weapon to the hand of its owner or make this tool the most convenient for certain tasks.

Currently, there are a huge number of knives that are designed to perform certain functions. Moreover, each of them has its own type of blade and handle. That is why, when you need to make a knife handle with your own hands, you should consider its design and purpose.
Combat blades are usually not decorated with patterns and ornate handles. Their most important purpose is to maintain a certain balance necessary for knife fighting or throwing. Also, such handles should be comfortable and not constrainmovement. Therefore, in most cases, the combat blade is made of metal along with the handle, and after manufacturing it can be left in its original form (throwing knife). Or they use a cord from a certain material to make handles for knives with their own hands. It is wrapped around a metal handle using a special weave. Such a blade will sit well in the hand, take its shape and make working with such a weapon comfortable.

Ordinary kitchen appliances do not require much balance and simplicity. Therefore, do-it-yourself knife handles are made of wood or plastic. Usually they are made with the help of overlays, which are interconnected through special holes in the metal handle, using rivets. Padded handles may also be used. They are pulled with force onto a wedge-shaped metal pin, which is attached to the back of the blade.

The most beautiful do-it-yourself knife handles are obtained by using the typesetting method. To do this, a threaded pin is welded to the back of the blade. After that, various types of materials are put on it. It can be bronze, textolite, ebonite, plexiglass, leather, bone, copper, or all together in a certain sequence. Then tighten the nut along the thread, thus clamping all the components. Then such handles for knives are processed on an emery machine with their own hands, giving them the necessary shape, and then polished and ground. The resultingthe element will not only have a given shape, but will also get a stunning appearance due to the combination of various materials and colors.
Thus, there are a large number of different methods for making DIY knife handles. All of them differ in different production technologies, have a certain appearance, and also give the product their own properties.