There are a huge number of kitchen models on sale today. But in almost any headset there are always wall cabinets. Such designs allow you to use the space of the kitchen as rationally as possible. In order for the furniture to be convenient to use in the future, it is important to decide at what height to hang kitchen cabinets.
Basic rule
The choice of height for mounting kitchen cabinets depends primarily on such a factor as the height of the hostess. The basic rule of installation is that the lower shelves should be located at eye level. In this case, the cabinets will be more convenient to use. The hostess does not have to substitute a chair in order to get something even from the topmost shelf. The answer to the question of how high to hang kitchen cabinets from the work surface is thus simple. For people of average height, this figure will be approximately 60 cm.

In any case, it is worth doing the necessary estimates before installing the cabinets. Too high mounted furniture will be uncomfortable inuse. It is also impossible to hang cabinets very low. Indeed, on the working surface, in addition to the gas stove, various kinds of fire hazardous household electrical appliances can also be located.
Of course, the question of how high to hang kitchen cabinets is directly dependent on the height of the ceilings in the kitchen. In spacious rooms, you can arrange hanging furniture as conveniently as possible. If the ceiling in the kitchen is very low (for example, in a country house) - then, of course, you don’t have to choose. Cabinets are installed to it as tightly as possible.
Among other things, the distance from the countertop to the wall cabinet may depend on how the tiles are glued to the wall. Usually, installation is done in such a way that the line of the edge of the headset is located along the horizontal seam of the tile.
Fixing straps on old cabinets
So now you know how high to hang kitchen cabinets. It is best not to place them above the stove. Usually a hood is placed here. At a height of 55-60 cm, of course, the heat will not reach the edge of the cabinets. However, steam from cooking food can still ruin furniture.

Once upon a time, hanging cabinets were attached to the walls with the help of rather primitive pendants with a hole for a dowel. Of course, they did not give any possibility of adjusting vertically or horizontally. It was very difficult to carry out the installation of wall cabinets using such slats. preliminary markupshould have been done with the utmost care. If the master made a mistake in something, the work had to be done again. After all, unevenly hanging cabinets do not look particularly beautiful. Currently, such pendants are not used in furniture.
More modern hanging cabinets are fixed to the wall through the so-called "lugs". This type of attachment is a bit similar to the previous one. The difference between them is only in the size of the hole. At the "ear" it is very wide. This makes it possible to adjust the position of the cabinet horizontally. However, furniture cannot be moved vertically when using this method of fastening. In this case, the answer to the question of at what height to hang the kitchen should also be as accurate as possible. When using this method of fastening, a special hook is driven into the wall, on which the “eye” is mounted.

Modern awnings and adjustability
To mount new models of kitchen wall cabinets to the wall, special devices are used that allow, if necessary, to move them a few centimeters to the right / left, up / down. Therefore, it is easier to decide at what height to hang kitchen cabinets. After all, small errors in the future can be easily corrected. Lockers with such fasteners are hung on a special mounting plate. The hinged fittings themselves in this case are installed inside the box in the upper corner. At the same time, a through hole is sawn through in the back plywood wall. The only drawback of such adjustable awnings is that close to the wall of the cabinet when they areuse will not hang. The fact is that the supporting part of the mounting plate protrudes slightly forward (by 5-7 mm). It is thanks to this that you can hang the canopy hook on it.

In order to remedy this situation, manufacturers began to produce cabinets with a slightly modified rear surface. Their plywood wall is not stuffed directly onto the box, but shifts slightly inside it. In this case, not one long plank is hung on the wall, but several short ones.
Which fasteners to use
When hanging cabinets of the old design, you have to use additional fasteners. Fixing should be done:
- To walls made of hollow bricks and aerated concrete - on frame expansion dowels and hex head screws.
- To monolithic walls and from solid brick - to expansion anchor dowels designed for window frames and doors.
- To plasterboard walls - on steel molly anchor screws.
On a tiled wall cabinets must be mounted through a plywood strip.

Cabinet installation order
Installation headset in the kitchen must be done correctly. The procedure in this case is as follows:
- Installing the lower cabinets first.
- After that, the wall is tiled above the countertop.
- Next, you can start hanging the upper cabinets.
Mounting Features
Sowith the height at which to hang kitchen cabinets, you have decided. Now you can proceed to the actual installation itself. This work is carried out in several stages:
- A straight line is beaten along the wall at the level of the upper edge of the cabinet. In order to draw it strictly horizontally, you should use the building level.
- Next, measure the distance from the top of the cabinet to the adjustable canopy hook.
- The resulting distance must be measured from the line drawn on the wall down and draw another line. This will serve as a guide for the top edge of the mounting plate.
- After attaching the latter to the wall, you need to drill holes for the dowels.
- Next, the bar is screwed tightly.
- The cabinets themselves are hung on this rail by means of adjustable canopy hooks.
- If necessary, their position is adjusted.

Thus, using modern adjustable awnings is a great answer to the question of how to properly hang kitchen cabinets without unnecessary pain.
What are the dimensions of the headset
Another factor that affects the distance from the countertop to the bottom edge of the wall cabinets is the dimensions of the furniture itself. The recommendations given at the very beginning of the article are valid for standard headset models. Of course, in small kitchens of modern small-sized apartments, this type of furniture should be installed. A very large headset will look too bulky and ridiculous in a tiny room. Besidesthe distance between its upper and lower halves will be unacceptably small.

Standard sizes of modern kitchen sets are as follows:
- lower bar height – 10 cm;
- height of lower kitchen cabinets from floor – 82-85cm;
- lower cabinets width - 60cm;
- headset length - 250 cm;
- height from countertop to bottom edge of wall cabinets - 60 cm;
- height of wall-mounted kitchen cabinets - 72 or 92 cm;
- height from the top edge of the mounting plate to the edge of the cabinet is 7 cm.
Competent measurement of the kitchen
It would seem that such an operation as determining the length, width and height of the kitchen before buying a headset should not cause any particular difficulties. But since the walls in modern apartments are not particularly smooth, this procedure should be performed according to certain rules. Masters who make custom-made kitchen sets usually take measurements like this:
- Measure the length of the kitchen along the baseboard as low as possible.
- Measuring along the wall at a height of one and a half meters.
- Measuring at a height of two meters from the floor.
In the event that water pipes or some other pipes pass along the wall, the distance between them and their thickness should be determined. The headset will have to be customized for them. Next, draw a sketch on a piece of paper and put all the measurements taken on it. The resulting three digits must be rounded down. When choosing the length of the headset, you should be guidedto the smallest number.
Correct measurements will thus help you choose the most suitable headset. As for the question of how high to hang kitchen cabinets from the floor, the answer to it is very simple. For a hostess of average height, this figure will be 82 + 60=142 cm.