The owners of large cottages are well aware of the problem with the placement of the stairs. It takes up a lot of space in the house, but you can’t do without it. And in most cases, the owners install mid-flight stairs. And in order to somehow save free space, many craftsmen install a cabinet or shelves under it. What is interesting about this furniture, what types it is, - further in our article.

The built-in wardrobe under the stairs is a very practical solution for owners of multi-storey buildings. The installation of this furniture makes it possible to more rationally use the free space left after the installation of the mid-flight stairs. Thus, with the purchase of a closet, all unused space under the stairs will act as a storage for things and clothes. Moreover, with the installation of this element, the interior of the house becomes more harmonious and complemented. However, in order for the closet under the stairs to really benefit and not spoilthe general view of the room, you need to know exactly what type of furniture should be purchased. Below we will consider several suitable types of this design, which will allow you to exploit the “extra” square meters with maximum benefit.
Closed cupboard under stairs
This is perhaps the most common option for arranging free space under the stairs.

Especially often it is installed in the hallway and lobby. Here you can store seasonal shoes or outerwear. Closed cabinets with hinged glass doors are also widespread. They often store expensive dishes, figurines and books. In some cases, a personal collection of coins or alcoholic beverages can be hidden behind such doors. What exactly will be located there depends only on the owner. In any case, this collection will always be in sight, and all your guests and friends will see it.
Wardrobe under the stairs - photo and description
A more exotic and sophisticated version of a closed wardrobe is compartment furniture. It harmoniously looks against the background of any interior, no matter where the mid-flight staircase is located. To date, there are many options for finishing this furniture. The owner of the cottage can choose a mirror wardrobe, with original painting or photo printing on the doors. In any case, such a decision will only give your home some originality and uniqueness.

It is worth noting that the presence of one beveledangle does not affect the dignity of such a cabinet. This furniture is produced (most often individually, to order) with the maximum consideration of the requirements of ergonomics and the geometric features of the stairs.
Drawing cabinets with Cargo system
These wardrobes are equipped with special drawers that will give the room some zest. By their design, they accurately follow the contour of the stairs and at the same time are conveniently suited for storing large overall items. In such cabinets you can store fishing tackle, a vacuum cleaner or a bicycle. Furniture of this type is very roomy and fits perfectly into the interior of the house.
Drawer design
This is a great solution for those who want to use the free space under the stairs as a place to store tools, documents and other important things. Due to the wide dimensions of the stairs, such drawers are very roomy and at the same time very easy to open. And all thanks to special guide mechanisms on rollers, which make the process of extension more convenient and simple. By the way, such a closet under the stairs does not weigh down the interior of the house at all. On the contrary, such furniture looks good against the background of other things and objects in the room.

Open shelving
This is not even a closet under the stairs, but a set of shelves that help save space at home. Often, open shelving is installed in small cottage houses with relatively modest dimensions. Naturally, shoes and clothes should be stored on such shelvesuncomfortable, but various photographs and memorable trinkets will give the interior of the house more originality, home comfort. Also, such a cabinet can be used as a place to store your library.
Open staircase-cabinet
A very unusual option for a cottage. Its main feature is its progressive and unique design. However, the lack of railings in such a staircase makes it less safe for the owners, especially if there are small children in the house. And you can hardly put a lot of things in such a closet under the stairs.

An alternative option is to arrange a workplace under the stairs
Some people manage to set up their own mini-office here. Of course, in such a small space it will be possible to place only a small table, however, this option will be very, very interesting for those who have a desire to fill the free space under the stairs. Similarly, you can equip here a small playground or a comfortable corner for relaxation.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for arranging free space under the stairs. It is enough just to choose the right one and choose the right furniture according to design and construction as correctly as possible, or make a cupboard under the stairs with your own hands that best meets the needs of the owner.