Modern masters in the decoration of apartments and houses often use drywall. This material has gained great popularity, as it allows you to hide the unevenness of walls and ceilings, makes the surface perfectly flat, and is an excellent base for any decorative finish. Even a non-professional can sheathe walls with plasterboard. The only problem is the question of how to seal the seams in drywall?
Why close seams
Even the most evenly installed cladding frame of old walls and ceilings will not make the finish even. First you need to properly process and seal the joints between the sheets. This will smooth out visible irregularities on the surface so that the final layer of putty or paint is smooth. If you do not seal the drywall seams with putty, they will look ugly and cause the destruction of the plaster structure.
Principle of sealing joints for plasterboard on the ceiling and on the wallssame. But one putty will not be enough. Over time, under the influence of temperatures, the sheets begin to diverge, and cracks appear at the joints. To prevent this from happening, we will learn how to properly seal the seams in drywall so that the repair lasts longer. In addition to the seams, the caps of the self-tapping screws are also sealed so that, under the influence of moisture, they do not let rust on the surface.

Materials used
To fulfill the above goals, we need the following materials:
- Perforated or reinforcing tape. It is able to withstand heavy loads, does not stretch and does not allow the sheets to move. Protects the surface from cracks.
- Metal corners. They are installed on the outer and inner joints of the sheets to make them as even as possible.
- Putty. It is the most important component when sealing seams. How long the repair will last depends on its quality. Is it possible to seal the seams of drywall with finishing putty? For these purposes, there is a special starting mixture based on gypsum. It is easy to apply and will not crack over time, providing a smooth and hard surface.
- Primer. An acrylic primer is used to protect the sheets from moisture and mildew, and to provide maximum adhesion between the drywall and the finishing material. Applied in two coats.
- Plaster or paint. In some cases, a finishing coat is used before painting the walls.plaster, decorative or as a layer between plasterboard and paint, ceramic tiles.
More tools needed:
- Several spatulas, preferably new ones. There is a special corner spatula for finishing corners.
- Abrasive float or sandpaper.
- Brush or roller for primer.
- Painting knife.
- Building level.
Starting the stages of finishing work.
Usually sheets already have beveled corners at the edges or cut joints are formed where there are no such edges. To avoid peeling off the mixture after drying, you need to know how to seal the seams on the drywall on the ceiling correctly.
Start the stitching. All corners of the sheets at the joints are cut off with a paint knife or a special angle planer at an angle of 40 degrees. Between the sheets something like the letter V is formed about 5-10 millimeters. We thoroughly clean the surface of sheets and joints from dust and possible scuffs.

Primer coat
Before sealing the seams in drywall, treat them with a primer with a brush, according to the instructions on the label from the manufacturer. It is applied to the very joint and fifteen centimeters on both sides. Priming is a very important step, especially if you plan to paint the ceiling or walls right away. Without it, even the most resistant paint will crumble and warp over time.
Acrylic primers penetrate the structuregypsum sheet and better hold putty on the surface. The drying time depends on the humidity in the room - from 1 to 3 hours.

Putty joints
So that the reinforced mesh does not peel off and air bubbles are not created under it, we choose which putty to seal the seams of drywall, and apply it to the joints. Let the mixture set for five minutes. Only then can you stick a “serpianka” over the seam. The tape can not be cut in advance, since one side is glued to the plasterboard, which greatly facilitates the work process. Instead of sickle, you can use a special paper tape. It takes a long time to glue, but the quality is much better. Tape pasting technique:
- Cut the tape to size.
- Pour boiling water over and leave to swell for several hours.
- At this time, we dilute and apply the first layer of putty.
- Let dry and sand.
- We take out strips of paper, and wring out the water with two fingers.
- Apply PVA glue to the tape and seam, glue and carefully smooth the tape.
- Smooth with a spatula.
After drying, the paper becomes thin, penetrating the structure of drywall.
Putty should be diluted immediately before finishing, as the starting mixture dries quickly. To have something to seal the seams in drywall between sheets, it must be used within an hour. Dried putty can only be thrown away. Spatula in directionapply the mixture across the joint, pressing it inward. After sticking the reinforced tape, we once again go through the seam with putty, going out in different directions by about fifteen centimeters.
Internal corners are leveled with a grid 10 centimeters wide and puttied with a special corner spatula. On the outer corners, sealed with a mixture, aluminum or plastic corners are put on and also pressed into the putty. Do not know how to seal the seams on the drywall on the ceiling? The principle of operation is the same as for walls.

Corner trim
Knowing how to seal the seams on drywall on the wall, we can easily perform the same procedure for finishing external and internal joints. Carefully cover the inside of the corner with putty, pushing the mixture as deep as possible. Instead of reinforcing tape, we use a metal corner. We set it on a corner, level it with a building level, apply a layer of the mixture to give the corner a foothold in the right place. For ease of work, we use angled spatulas.
If it is not possible to install a metal reinforced element in the inner corner, you can glue a sickle and level the corner with a spatula.
The final stage of finishing GKL seams is grinding. You can start sanding only after the putty has completely dried, after about a day. To consider all possible irregularities and remove them with an abrasive mesh or paper, you need to illuminate the surface of the wall or ceilingspotlight.

Flat alignment
So, how to seal the seams in drywall, we already know. Now you need to level the surface of the sheets and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or decorative plaster. To do this, take two spatulas - 40 and 10 centimeters. The first layer is made with the starting mixture, which we used to seal the seams, about five millimeters thick. Stir the putty according to the instructions until the state of thick sour cream and the formation of a homogeneous mass.
On a large spatula, using a small one, apply a little mixture along the entire length. We press the tool to the surface, we try to evenly stretch the thick mass. We repeat these steps several times on a small section of the wall. Clean the large spatula, level the surface again. The better the first layer is done, the less time and effort will be needed for grinding. The same applies to joints: the better it is to seal the drywall seams, the faster it will be possible to align them. Before each layer of putty, the walls and ceiling are sanded to remove small irregularities.

Choice of putty
When wondering how to seal the seams in drywall and caps from self-tapping screws, you need to decide which putty to buy. They differ in quality, characteristics and method of application.
There are two types of putty: starting and finishing. They are used at different stages of finishing GKL. Alsothey differ in properties:
- Cement.
- Gypsum.
- Polymer.
They differ in performance. For all seams, the first one or two layers are applied to the GKL with a starting putty, as it requires further processing. The final layer is finished, then processed with fine sandpaper. It is produced in the form of a powder or solution that does not require dilution with water.
Pros and cons
Cement putty:
- Able to withstand high temperatures and even open fire. Doesn't melt.
- Moisture resistant. The high density of the mixture does not allow moisture to penetrate into its structure.
- Resistant to frost. Able to withstand frequent temperature changes, even with a negative indicator.
- Can be used in almost all types of rooms, even for finishing drywall on the facade of a house.
- Cement mixture shrinks quickly, which can lead to cracks. This is especially true for those moments when the installation of the GKL was performed unprofessionally.
- The mixture is not elastic, hard to apply on the surface.
Gypsum putty:
- The porous structure prevents mold from forming.
- Elastic, lays evenly on walls.
- Practical as seaming is quick and easy.
- Does not shrink.
Disadvantages - gypsum absorbs moisture very quickly. Butdue to its advantages and optimal cost, it is gaining popularity among consumers.
Polymer putty:
There are two types - acrylic and latex. Latex contains various plasticizers, hardeners, antiseptics.
- Elasticity, strength after curing, moisture resistance, practicality and economy.
- Features maximum adhesion, so the mixture can be used on any surface.
Acrylic putty is made from a synthetic material, has a distinctive property - it is an ideal connecting element. Great for grouting drywall joints. Putty evenly lays on the surface, does not absorb moisture, does not deform under its influence, is strong enough.
Despite its huge popularity and advantages, acrylic mixtures do not withstand low temperatures, and it is better not to use it in unheated rooms.

Preparing for the renovation of the premises, it is worth observing a few more nuances:
- The room should have one temperature - no more than 10 degrees Celsius.
- We observe the temperature regime for two days after the end of work, so that everything dries well.
- Drafts should not be allowed to form in the room while working.
- Before installing drywall, all wet work must be done:plastering, pouring the floor.
- Let each coat dry as well as possible before applying the next.
- GKL sheets should fit snugly against the structure, otherwise the putty may crack over time.
- Drive the self-tapping screw heads as deep into the sheet as possible so that they do not form bumps on the surface.
Following the recommendations, you can finish the walls and ceiling yourself.
Many people think that if the wall will be pasted over with wallpaper, then it is not necessary to putty it. Most often this is a mistake, since then it will be impossible to remove the old wallpaper. A layer of putty prevents the wallpaper from firmly grasping the paper layer of drywall.