The design of the office, decorated in the traditions of modern styles, involves the use of rational solutions in the implementation of the studio space. Here it is necessary to exclude all unnecessary, but at the same time leave the necessary items in an accessible place. The interior is filled with harmonious combinations made of practical materials. The environment should be conducive to concentration, but not create emotional pressure. Decors should be kept to a minimum, emphasizing contrasts but not creating accents. The knowledge of motifs in various styles allows modern designers to design office interiors in sophisticated colors.
A modern office starts with reception
This is not just a specialized area, but the starting point of any office, which is the first one encountered on the way of visitors. It is important here to present the face of the company, which you can look into while waiting for the reception. And this means the mandatory presenceobjects, one way or another symbolizing the basic principles and aspirations on which the company's policy is based.

In addition, some attributes may indicate the scope of the activity. Such an object can be a large political map or several wall clocks set to different time zones. Comfortable armchairs or a soft sofa for visitors will emphasize the respectful attitude towards guests, providing the opportunity to spend the waiting time as comfortably as possible.
Design solutions for modern offices
In the design of an office in a modern style, there are often various decorative solutions that bring variety to the interior. The main preference is given to minimizing the elements that make up the interior space. However, well-chosen compositions are able to create a certain atmosphere that differs in the nature of its personality.
Using living plants
In the interiors of modern office design, photos of which are shown below, it has become commonplace to have indoor plants that not only serve as a source of positive energy, but also capable of performing more specific functions. Compositions of flower pots, neat mini-beds on the windowsills, weaving lianas on the walls or large single plants in outdoor pots can distract attention, creating a cozy atmosphere. In addition, with their help, it is easy to hide unattractive elements in the form of exposed wiring or all sorts of unsightly pipes.other types of communications.
Use of open shelving
This solution can be advantageously used to fill the space of open walls, located in height from floor to ceiling. Here you can conveniently arrange the necessary literature and folders with various documents. In addition, various cups, framed diplomas or just memorable photographs from the life of the team or its individual persons will look good on such shelves. Depending on the type of business of the company, collections of souvenirs collected on business trips, figurines, African masks or stuffed animals of exotic marine life are installed on such racks. Thus, it is possible to determine the belonging to a certain direction of office design in a modern style. Photo examples are presented in this article.
Lighting style and placement
It is important to note that modern offices rarely do without narrow corridors, sometimes of considerable length. It is not at all appropriate to use massive decors in such rooms. However, the original compositions, made up of lamps on the ceiling and walls, may well serve as a decorative design and emphasize belonging to a common style. Modern office interior design assumes the dominance of the chosen stylistic solution over all areas and individual offices.

In offices and conference rooms, it is also worth paying attention to the number, location and purpose of lamps. Powerful basic lighting is often created using a composition ofseveral lamps. Combinations are created, the nature of the appearance of which can, if necessary, depict certain symbols. It is important that the design of the ceiling lighting resonates with the design of the auxiliary lights on the walls, as well as the lamps for table use. It is also designed to emphasize the design of the walls in the design of the office of a modern style, the photos of which show interesting solutions.
Features of office design
First of all, when setting up an office, it must be taken into account that this place is intended not only for organizing meetings and conferences. It is also a work area for a particular person. Therefore, it is important to organize comfortable conditions that allow him to work fruitfully and, if necessary, even rest. In addition, all the necessary items in a modern office design must be in strict order and be at hand all the time.

The interior of the office should reflect both the general stylistic direction of the office as a whole and have individual features. Modern styles of interior design of cabinets give preference to some angularity, emphasizing the conciseness of forms. This quality can be successfully complemented by the moderate brightness of the color design and the functionality of individual elements of modern office design.
Modern meeting room interiors
Today, not only offices belonging to large companies need such premises. After all, it is very convenient to conduct business negotiations inplace specially equipped for this. For this reason, such a room should have a closed shape and, if possible, have two exits. In a setting, it is important to have a roomy table with a few comfortable chairs. An important technical component will be a large screen with the necessary equipment for viewing and demonstration as a significant element of modern office design.

Large windows that let in plenty of daylight should be fitted with curtains or blinds that can create a blackout. If the room does not have communication with the facade walls, then it is necessary to arrange a bright main lighting that can switch to a dimmer auxiliary row of lamps. In addition, the meeting room should have excellent forced ventilation, creating comfortable conditions for smokers.
Arrangement of the kitchen space in the office
The microclimate of modern office space should not only be set up for productive work, but also equipped for temporary breaks. Therefore, a number of other rooms include a cozy kitchen with a dining area. Such premises are located at a distance from the meeting room and offices, employees should have easy access here in order to have a snack or a cup of coffee in their free time.
In such a room, it is necessary to carry out plumbing and sewerage, which allows you to install a sink. In addition, a work table with hanging cupboards for dishes is installed here, and in the dining area there is a spacious table with chairs. Cooking is not accepted here, so a stove is not necessary, but a refrigerator, microwave and equipment for making hot drinks will not be superfluous.
The decoration uses calm tones that allow you to distract and relax. Wall panels and floors are finished with practical materials that can be washed. They also install bright main lighting and backlighting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen work surface.
Modern style small office design
Designing the design of a small office space in a modern style, it is necessary to take into account a number of features. This is the occupation of the company, the number of people working in the office, the dimensions of the existing premises. If the dimensions allow, it is much better to create an individual work area for each employee.

In very compressed rooms, a common large table of a non-linear configuration is often used, which allows several people to comfortably sit. In addition, such an office should have space for organizing a visitor area. As a rule, a small comfortable sofa or a couple of armchairs and a coffee table are installed in this space. According to this principle, the economy design of the office is designed in a modern style. The style looks very attractive.
Modern Office Design Styles
In the design of modern office designs, preference is given to the rational use of space and the maximum functionality of individual elements. For this reason, different styles suited to similar motifs are better suited here, orthe most successful combinations.
This style is characterized by an elegant combination of beauty and comfort. It is distinguished by extravagant decorative elements that can be accentuated by choosing the appropriate lamp models. A distinctive feature of this style is the smoothness of the lines and direct tonal combinations.

This style has a personal relationship with the shape of familiar objects. Chairs, tables, stands and shelves of unusual configuration, often made of plastic of various colors, will indicate that the room belongs to this direction. Unusually configured lighting fixtures and some decorative elements will greatly enhance the overall impression.
Decisions of this style are distinguished by their simplicity, indicated by the clarity of the lines. Elementary forms of interior items are arranged in an exact sequence, excluding the presence of unnecessary components. This style seeks to avoid the use of decor, but tends to visually increase the surrounding space.
Belonging to this style determines the presence of many elements that in one way or another indicate their origin thanks to high technology.

At the same time, every little thing is strictly in the place allotted for it, the correct geometry of interior items is located in a symmetrical order. Preference is given to white and metallic shades, as well as brightshadow-free lighting.