How to choose electronic scales for trading?

How to choose electronic scales for trading?
How to choose electronic scales for trading?

Electronic scales for trade today help not only to determine the mass of goods, perform the functions of a calculator, calculate the cost of products, remember the amount of last purchases, print price tags, but also function in shopping centers in self-service mode, and are also widely used in distribution filling centers, warehouses and so on.

Electronic scales for trade
Electronic scales for trade


Electronic scales are classified as trading, warehouse (commodity), portion (packing). In the modern trade industry, the list of weight equipment involved is quite large. There are only three main areas of application.

Electronic scales for trade are used in shops. Basically, these are system devices with the function of printing labels, cash add-ons with the ability to connect to POS-terminals. Scales are often used in receiving areas and warehouses.

The specifics of the work isthe need to deal with relatively heavy and bulky packages. For this reason, platform scales of various capacities and sizes are used at such facilities. In addition, some retailers use electronic floor scales with printing for the possibility of control marking of incoming goods at the acceptance. Weighing equipment is also used at filling stations in distribution centers and supermarkets.

Warehouses almost always use equipment designed for loads weighing up to 600 kg, as well as electronic floor scales for weights over 600 kg.

Schemes of electronic scales for trade
Schemes of electronic scales for trade

Selection of scales

According to most experts, the selection of weighing equipment always depends directly on the format of the point of sale, its budget and needs. In small shops, markets and other small kiosks where goods are sold through the counter, electronic trading scales with a two-sided display are most often used. Such equipment calculates the cost of goods, sums up the price of several types of weighed products, determines the tare weight and calculates the change. In large hypermarkets, for example, equipment with label printing is widespread. Such scales are used in packing shops, trading floors, as well as behind the counters in the fish and meat departments.

Scales commodity electronic
Scales commodity electronic

Packing scales

Commodity electronic packaging scales have a wide range of applications. Devices of this type are often used in foodindustries, in stores for packaging products in catering establishments, subject to the technology of portioning dishes according to the technological map.

Packing and counting devices are used in the process of weighing piece products. In non-food stores, for example, electronic desktop scales allow you to pack nuts, screws and other fittings into packages with high accuracy. Filling and laboratory devices are used in the chemical industry, pharmacies for particularly accurate weighing and formulation of medicines. In such scales, the limit function, the ability to change the measure in percent and carats, and the counting mode are very convenient. Weight limiting is carried out by giving an audible signal, notifying that the specified required weight has been gained.

Warehouse scales

Warehouses use new weighing equipment with label printing function. For the first time, a series of such scales was proposed at the beginning of 2008. The need to develop this type of equipment is dictated by the need of manufacturing enterprises and warehouses for scales with an enlarged platform and a maximum weighing limit for labeling and packaging products. Electronic commodity scales with label printing make it easier to account for goods.

Scales in small shops

In small trade pavilions or in shops with a small area, it is enough to use equipment with minimal functional equipment. Such scales consist of a platform and a display on which the seller and buyer can see the weight andcost of goods. On the market, such devices are mostly represented by inexpensive products of domestic or Chinese production.

Scales for weighing products
Scales for weighing products

Electronic desktop scales in large stores

On large trading floors where barcoding is used, more sophisticated equipment is used - POS-scales for cash registers or devices with check printing for work in trading floors. Such equipment is part of the general information systems of stores and has several advantages that allow you to efficiently and competently organize the trading process.

With the help of remote administration functions, you can always replenish and update scale databases without interrupting work. At the same time, the speed of service increases, and the investment of retailers is justified. In addition, the design of the equipment is more perfect.

In addition to trading floors, scales for weighing products are also used when receiving goods. Here, platform devices of the simplest configuration are used, as well as with advanced terminals capable of promptly transmitting and receiving information about incoming goods.

Electronic desktop scales
Electronic desktop scales

The principle of operation of electronic scales

In electronic equipment, weighing occurs due to the operation of a sensor that transmits a load signal to the indicator. If you follow all the rules of operation, such scales will last a long time. The main thing is to observe the restrictions on the weight of products when working. On scales with a load limit of 100 kg, you cannot weigh150 kg goods. If these conditions are not observed, the sensor may fail over time.

Electronic scales for trade can be connected to computers and used as part of automated measuring systems.

Some models are equipped with PLU hotkeys that activate a memory cell with a set price per kilogram of a particular product. The range of products can be very large, so only the cost of the most popular items can be programmed. All actions in this case are reduced to pressing only one key.

Other devices have more memory cells, which can be activated by entering an individual code and then pressing the PLU key.

Electronic scales for trade can have the function of counting the goods sold. This enables store owners to conduct their own independent market research, make smart purchases, because at the end of the day you can get the most accurate data on the number of specific items sold during business hours.

Scales floor electronic
Scales floor electronic

Self-service scale

The main difference between self-service and counter counter installations is the labeling of each product. The device prints labels with information about the name and cost of goods, price per kilogram, weight, shelf life.

Electronic trading scales according to the maximum weighing limits are divided into three main categories: up to 6, 15 and 30 kg. In departments wherelight products are weighed, such as gastronomy or sweets, devices designed for 6 kg are placed. This is due to the division price, which is 2 grams in such scales. Accordingly, the cost can be rounded most accurately. Scales designed for 15 and 30 kilograms are installed in the meat, fish and vegetable departments. In devices up to 15 kg, the division price is 4 g, and up to 30 kg - 10 g.

Electronic trading scales
Electronic trading scales


Packing shops use special devices with a thermal printer. Self-service scales are placed in the trading floors. When working behind the counters, equipment is selected depending on the specific needs of the department. For example, for fish products, a stainless steel hanging printing device is used. Distribution departments use filling or sales printers with a platform of the same material.

Schemes of electronic scales for trade include special sensors that record the mass of products, supplying relevant information to a digital indicator. The undeniable advantages of such devices include the simplicity of the weighing procedure, reliability, the possibility of automatic cost calculations based on the weight and price of goods per kilogram. When compared with mechanical scales, we can conclude that digital units are more resistant to platform displacement and mechanical stress. According to their purpose, the devices are classified into trading, commodity (warehouse) and packaging (portioned).
