The city of Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan, one of the republics of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Volga District. The city is located on the left side of the Volga River - where it flows into the river called Kazanka. Today, the capital of Tatarstan is considered one of the largest historical, economic, scientific, educational and political centers of the state, it has a huge number of attractions, cultural values, museums, temples, theaters and picturesque beautiful parks. It is not surprising that when moving from other Russian cities, many Russians choose Kazan.

If you have planned an apartment move to Kazan for permanent residence, you should take a closer look at the features of this beautiful metropolis. According to statistics, at the beginning of 2018, the population of the city was more than 1.2 million people, which gives it the right to take the honorable sixth place in the top of the most densely populated cities in Russia. If you believeAccording to reviews, it is worth moving to Kazan for permanent residence, if only because the unspoken title of “the third capital of Russia” was not given to it in vain: here, all those spheres and sectors of the population’s life activity that form today’s educated intelligent society are developing quite rapidly.
The geographical structure of Kazan is represented by two parts: the southern part of the Volga coast is reserved for the historical part of the city, and the northern part is for the current residence of a modern city with a highly developed infrastructure, many high-rise buildings and multifunctional shopping and entertainment complexes. Both parts are interconnected by means of bridges and dams. It is noteworthy that a large number of reservoirs and lakes are dispersed in the city, which add even more color and fascinating magnificent views to the landscapes of Kazan. In this regard, you will never regret thinking about moving from Moscow to Kazan: the reviews indicate that the local nature is harmoniously balanced with city nodes and platforms, allowing residents and guests of the city to breathe fresh air and enjoy local views, distracting from the mundane fuss. At the same time, a rather pleasant moment in the texture of Kazan is that, despite all its modernity, this city has not lost its true identity. This is evidenced by local historical monuments and cultural values of the capital of the republic.

In 2005, the capital of Tatarstan celebrated its millennium. No wonder thatthe authorities of the city thoroughly prepared for this significant event: its central part was completely ennobled and restored, after a long process of rebuilding, two branches of the metro were launched, and the central event was the re-opening of the Kul-Sharif mosque, which was destroyed under Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. In addition, Kazan is rich in all sorts of unique historical buildings, temples, mosques and monuments.
A unique symbol of the capital of the Tatar Republic is the magnificent Kazan Kremlin, the territory of which is adorned with the building of the historical, architectural and art museum-reserve. It is a kind of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come here every year, and everyone strives to see the local wax museum, the art gallery and Slava Zaitsev's workshop, as well as the Cathedral of the Apostles Peter and Paul, the Presidential Courtyard, the Tikhvin Church of the Mother of God, St. Nicholas Cathedral and much more. Those who decide to visit Kazan out of tourist curiosity will not be able to appreciate all the delights of this city in the short time that a guest of the capital of Tatarstan can treat himself to. But those who decide to move to Kazan from Ufa, for example, or any other city in Russia, will be able to enjoy the beauties of churches and mosques, the splendor of architecture and gorgeous park landscapes, which cannot be found anywhere else in such a large number, except here.

The infrastructure is well developed in the city. One ofmechanical engineering is considered to be a priority sectoral area of activity in Kazan. In addition, such industries as chemical, food, oil and light industries are developing at the proper level. At this stage of the city's development, the emergence of new construction projects, comfortable hotels is becoming more frequent, the creation of favorable conditions for recreation is being resumed, new schemes are being developed for improving he alth resorts and camps. Circuses, water parks, shopping and entertainment centers, museums, theaters, cinemas - there are quite a lot of all this stuff here, you can diversify your leisure time by visiting various interesting programs every day. To the question of how things are with the pricing policy for such benefits, tourists and city guests in their reviews almost all answer unequivocally - as elsewhere. Prices are average: not everyone can afford, but most can afford a decent cultural holiday.
Russians who have planned to move to Kazan from St. Petersburg or any other city of the federation need to familiarize themselves with the features of the infrastructure of individual parts of the city. So, purely territorially, the capital of Tatarstan is divided into seven administrative regions. These include:
- Moscow;
- Soviet;
- Kirovskiy;
- Privolzhsky;
- Aircraft;
- Novo-Savinovsky;
- Vakhitovsky.
How are they different from each other? And do they have a fundamental difference for residents who come for permanent residence in general?
In order to understand for yourself which area of Kazan is most suitable for starting a new life innew city, visitors must decide what they expect from a settlement in the capital of Tatarstan.
Those who are alien to industrial zones will not like the Privolzhsky district. Although a large number of fitness clubs, sports facilities and entertainment centers are concentrated here. Therefore, "zozhniks" and sports fans will definitely like it here.
The Novo-Savinovsky district is considered more calm - it is a residential area: almost everything here is dotted with high-rise buildings, but the infrastructure is quite well developed. Those visitors who would not like to settle in the bustling part of the city should not choose to purchase an apartment in the Soviet region. Those who love worldly fuss, on the contrary, will like it here. After all, this zone of the capital of Tatarstan is considered the largest and most densely populated in Kazan. The Moskovsky district of the city is considered the youngest; the most new buildings and structures are dispersed here. In contrast, Kirovsky is full of old buildings. But this issue is settled every year by the active construction of new facilities. One of the most expensive areas is Vakhitovsky - this is the local city center. Newcomers who have moved here for permanent residence will enjoy the local life: there are a lot of historical, architectural monuments and all kinds of interesting sights. And, finally, the Aircraft Building District: here the industry develops in proportion to the construction of new residential areas.

Moving conditions
An intercity apartment move is a pretty serious undertaking that canaccompanied by many complications and difficulties. Folding personal belongings, packing them with high quality, organizing the dismantling of furniture, properly loading it and transporting it over long distances - all this brings a lot of trouble to those moving. In addition, this kind of procedure requires considerable time, effort and nerves. Such activities are not carried out using urban public transport, trains or planes. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the list of possible transport organizations that can deliver your property to Kazan.
Reviews about the "Moving Formula", for example, have mostly positive opinions about the quality of the services provided by the firm.
Moving formula
This company is considered one of the leaders in its field of activity. An experienced carrier engaged in freight transportation, as well as apartment, country, office and warehouse moving, this intermediary will help you in such a troublesome business at a fairly loyal price, but at the same time quite quickly and safely. Reviews about the employees of Formula Perezda in Kazan say that the guys in the company work punctually, organized and careful - they provide related services for loading and unloading trucks, Gazelles, wagons, trucks, and also assist in the descent and lifting of building materials, furniture, removal of household and construction waste. In addition, and importantly, the company provides packaging material for your things, that is, you can not worry at all about the lack of boxes formoving. In Kazan, at the final point, they will help you unload and transfer things, so there will be no trouble with this. This company guarantees to its potential customers:
- reliable and prompt transportation of personal belongings;
- flexible billing and reasonable prices for the services provided;
- carrying out all packing and unloading operations;
- arrive at the point of departure exactly on time.
In addition to the "Formula of moving", moving from Moscow to Kazan, as well as from any other city in Russia, can also be carried out by transport companies represented by "Cargo Taxi", "1st Transport", "Intercity Transportation" and many other companies that carry out this kind of transportation of goods over long distances.

Moving arrangements
Immediate preparation for the move itself requires serious advance planning. You have already chosen a specific area, purchased or rented an apartment in which you want to settle. It would seem that the only thing left to do is to simply transport things and furniture from another city. But quite often, in such cases, many people panic: how to organize all this? At the present time, the relevance of the activities of various ATPs that provide transportation services leaves potential customers no opportunity to worry about the process of moving to Kazan. Feedback from local residents says that it is enough just to contact a trusted company that is famous among consumers for quality service,and its representatives will do everything for you. Specifically, your participation in this process will be minimized, and the service itself will create a good impression.
However, work related to moving often involves a number of nuances that must be initially agreed with the carrier. What does preparation for moving to Kazan from Moscow include, for example? The responses of the townsfolk who encountered this issue point to the following aspects of the organization of the move:
- firstly, it is necessary to consult with contractors in order to agree on some nuances and details of cargo transportation;
- secondly, you need to at least approximately indicate the dimensions of your cargo to the contractor so that the ATP logistics can correctly select the desired size of the car;
- Thirdly, you should discuss the associated services that the carrier can provide (assembly and disassembly of furniture, packaging and delivery of packaging material, lifting and lowering cargo in a storey residential building, etc.);
- fourthly, you need to pre-specify the date of the move itself and the specific time, while naming the address very clearly and accurately so that the performer has an idea of from which and to which point he will need to be transported to lay a convenient route and determining the cost of the trip;
- Fifthly, before carrying out the event, you must sign an agreement with the selected company and read all its conditions: usually the performer takes full responsibility for the integrity and safety of things, so do not forgettrack the presence of this item in the contract.
Among other things, it is recommended to pack your most fragile items firmly and efficiently, because during transportation they may suffer if they were packed poorly.

Advantages of living in Kazan
The list of undoubted and unconditional advantages of Kazan encourages potential moving people to pay attention to this particular city. What advantages does the capital of Tatarstan have in the eyes of people who want to move to Kazan for permanent residence? Reviews of the townsfolk note the following positive aspects of life in the metropolis:
- Firstly, the capital of Tatarstan is one of the most beautiful and ancient cities with a long history and a rich unique cultural and historical heritage.
- Secondly, the city is considered one of the most sporting among other regional centers of Russia, since today more than 2,000 sports facilities operate here. They were rebuilt during the preparation of the city authorities for the 2013 World Student Games. Many world and European championships in fencing, weightlifting, water sports and many other areas have been held here.
- Thirdly, the well-being of the city allows you to find here everything you need for a comfortable stay. It is not for nothing that Kazan is one of the three leading cities in the rating of Russia in terms of quality of life. For example, if we take the sphere of the social and leisure zone, then we can say that the capital of Tatarstan has bypassed Moscow itself in this direction,after all, over the past few years, the urban environment here has changed a lot, and for the better. Traffic jams were practically reduced to a minimum by creating new transport hubs. Residents of the city and visitors in the reviews note that there are also no problems with kindergartens and schools: new preschool and general educational institutions open regularly, so there is no shortage in them.
- Fourthly, there is a place for nature in Kazan - this is an important factor for residents of the metropolis, since the daily routine and bustle of the big city leaves no time for rest, not to mention the place. If we compare this criterion with the indicators of Moscow, Kazan is not as crowded with huge new buildings, trading floors, business centers as the capital of the federation. Two rivers, the Volga and Kazanka, as well as several lakes - Kaban, Black, Blue, Lebyazhye - and a huge number of parks enable people living here to enjoy the beauties of the local area. The benevolent government, among other things, when inviting visitors to the city, often focuses on the fact that Kazan is considered a promising and dynamically developing city - a city of opportunities. It has a really high level of economic, tourism and investment potential. However, according to many residents of the metropolis, getting a job here is not so easy. But this moment belongs to the minuses of moving to Kazan.

Disadvantages of living in Kazan
In many reviews about the pros and cons of moving toKazan people note the ambiguous mood of the local people. It is a well-known fact that the Republic of Tatarstan is famous for its relatively multinational population. But, of course, the overwhelming majority here are Tatars. Many guests and visitors to the city note a certain shadow of malevolence among the population. As the inhabitants say, here you will not leave the feeling that you are among them - a stranger. This is one of the first and most noticeable disadvantages. In addition, a lot is done here, as they say, “on call”. Visitors note that in order to get a good position here, you must either have connections or be someone's relative. You need someone to recommend you, put in a good word for you.
Working on your own business as a newcomer is pretty hard here. For example, some entrepreneurs say: if you plan to get a license for alcohol, you can, in principle, cope, but with difficulty. Moreover, at the same time, you will most likely be told some unpleasant conditions: you will have to make your wholesale purchases only from specific individuals. If you do not fulfill this verbal promise, you may not come for the next license. As some new settlers say, in Kazan everything is done only, as they say, “for their own”, they do not like strangers. Yes, and a good, well-paid job, it is quite difficult for outsiders to find here. Perhaps these are reviews of people who are simply unlucky. But this issue needs to be further studied.
The next pressing problem of the city is ecology - due toactively developing mechanical engineering, environmental indicators tend to deteriorate sharply. Not everyone who wants to move wants to end up living in a city whose air is quite seriously polluted by industrial waste.
Another disadvantage is that the crime rate is far from being the lowest. If we recall the nineties, we must state the fact that earlier Kazan was one of the most criminogenic cities in Russia, famous for its youth gangs and groups, which eventually received the name of the “Kazan phenomenon”. Fortunately, the situation here has improved markedly since the 2000s, but there are still some problems with crime detection.
Apartment prices
If you decide to move to Kazan from St. Petersburg or Moscow, it is worth noting that apartments here are somewhat cheaper, but not by much. In addition, it all depends on the specific area. So, for example, as of September 2018, the average price for a one-room apartment is equal to 2.7 million rubles, which is approximately 74 thousand rubles. per square meter. A two-room apartment is estimated on average at 3.8 million rubles, and a three-room apartment at 5.2 million, while the price per square meter is reduced to approximately 65.5 thousand rubles. It should be noted that the price per square meter of Kazan apartments increased by almost 5.5 thousand rubles compared to the data of 2017. for 12 months. If we track the dynamics of price increases depending on the area, then we can draw conclusions based on the following information:
- Vakhitovsky– RUB 92,371/m2.
- Novo-Savinovsky – RUB 84,723/m2.
- Moscow – RUB 70,269/m2.
- Privolzhsky – 67,325 rubles/m2.
- Soviet – 67,118 rubles/m2.
- Kirovskiy – RUB 63,808/m2.
- Aircraft construction – RUB 62,679/m2.
Before you take such a responsible step as the acquisition of property in the capital of Tatarstan, you must first study the prices for renting or buying housing when moving to Kazan. Stopping the choice should be based on your own analysis of your financial capabilities.

Thus, most reviews of the city are positive. Therefore, do not be afraid of change - if you have already decided, then go for it. What do people who once moved here say about Kazan and life in this city?
- The overall impression is quite positive. The combination of the beauty and technology of the city with a rich history cannot but conquer. The Student Universiade held in 2014 gave impetus to the development of the city's infrastructure. This, of course, is not the scale of St. Petersburg or Moscow, but the atmosphere here is amazing. As residents say, either local officials steal less here, or they simply have nowhere to put money - the city is well-groomed, noble, truly beautiful.
- The attitude towards visitors is rather ambiguous: people seem to be friendly in general, but it seems that everyone has their own thoughts on their minds, which forms a kind of unspoken barrierbetween locals and "foreigners".
- The mentality is peculiar: Tatars are quite sociable by nature, many of them are intelligent and educated people. But, as elsewhere, there are poorly educated, prejudiced people who demonstrate their level of bad manners. In general, the city is considered a student city: since there are a lot of universities here, quite a lot of young people concentrate here during the academic season.
- Medicine is below average: the quality of medical services, as, indeed, throughout Russia, leaves much to be desired. Judging by the reviews of local residents, it is rather difficult to find a worthy specialist, but it is possible - often in paid clinics. In this regard, state-owned medical institutions lag behind private medical institutions.
- Language - basically everyone here speaks Russian. It is unlikely that anyone will speak Tatar with you, since Russian is considered predominant.
- The situation with transport and roads is generally tolerable. Municipal road services work quite well: many say that the local roads are much better than in neighboring regions. However, the driving style here is boorish for many, during rush hour you can see traffic jams on the central streets of the city.
- Wages, as in all Russian cities, fluctuate greatly. For example, it is not difficult to find a job in the field of programming and IT. If the experience is small, they can pay 15-20 thousand rubles. For advanced specialists, the salary level can be 25-60 thousand rubles, it all depends on the degree of qualification of the employee, the quality of his services. But in general, to get a good positionrather difficult, because the city is inherently "in-law".