Thanks to the unusual color and reviews, the Marshmallow in Chocolate tomato quickly managed to win the hearts of gardeners. The variety can be called unique. And this is easy to verify by looking at its description and characteristics.

Variety description
According to reviews, the "Marshmallow in Chocolate" tomato belongs to tall varieties reaching 2 meters in height, although the manufacturer stated 1.5 m. The plant is not a standard plant. The variety is not a hybrid, which is why it is suitable for self-collection.
Chocolate Marshmallow was created for greenhouse planting, although it can be grown outdoors in the southern regions. It belongs to the middle-early - from the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings and until the first harvest, about 115 days pass. The variety is practically not exposed to diseases.
When growing, bushes must be tied to a support and stepsoned. According to reviews, the Marshmallow in Chocolate tomato shows itself best when it is kept in two stalks.
Fruit quality
The fruits of the variety are rounded. Atripening, they acquire an unusual color - red-brown with green strokes. On average, each fruit weighs about 150 grams. According to reviews, the Marshmallow in Chocolate tomato has excellent taste qualities: the fruits are sweetish, without sourness. Tomatoes look perfect sliced.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Each variety of tomato has its advantages and disadvantages, and "Chocolate Marshmallow" is no exception. The main pluses include:
- unusual, exotic coloring;
- excellent taste;
- high yield - about seven kilograms of fruits are harvested from 1 bush per season;
- excellent resistance to a variety of diseases.
The only disadvantages are that the fruits are not stored for a long time. No other deficiencies identified.
Features of cultivation
To get the Marshmallow in Chocolate tomato as in the photo, reviews say you need to prepare the seedlings and plant them in the ground, taking into account the planting dates.
Seeds are sown in a container two months before the date of the planned planting of seedlings in the ground. This is usually done in mid-March.
Sowing the seed is carried out in grooves to a depth of 1.5-2 cm with a distance between rows of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle the seeds on top with soil, water with a spray bottle. To speed up germination, the boxes are covered with foil or glass. At a temperature of 23-25 g, sprouts appear on the 5-7th day. After germination, the film is removed, and the temperature is reduced to 18-20 degrees, after another week it is againraise.
Water the seedlings carefully, under the root, so as not to damage the seedlings. As soon as the seedlings open two true leaves, they dive into separate containers.
Two weeks before the date of the planned planting of seedlings in the ground, it must be hardened off. To do this, the boxes are taken out into the street, gradually accustoming to sunlight, temperature.

Ground landing
Before planting seedlings in the holes, you need to prepare them. To do this, put a little fertilizer in each of them. It is best to use mineral types of dressings in granules. They gradually dissolve into the ground, supplying the plants with the necessary nutrients.
Water the plants as needed with warm water under the root.
As the reviews about the Marshmallow in Chocolate tomato variety say, plants are often affected by the whitefly. Regular airing of the greenhouse, treatment of tomato bushes with special preparations, such as Fufanon, Aktellik, and others, helps to fight this pest. Some vegetable growers say that a soap solution made from one part of soap and five parts of water helps to cope with the pest.
After 115 days from the moment of germination, vegetable growers harvest the first crop of unusual tomatoes. They are colorful, juicy, meaty and sweet. They are used for fresh consumption: salads, sandwiches are prepared, served sliced on the table. The unusual color of the fruit helps to decorate the table, and the sweet taste will make the variety a favorite of everyone who tries it.