Tomato Podsinskoye miracle: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomato Podsinskoye miracle: variety description, photos, reviews
Tomato Podsinskoye miracle: variety description, photos, reviews

Today it is difficult to find a gardener who would not grow tomatoes in his backyard. Almost everyone loves this culture, but it’s quite difficult to understand all the variety of varieties.

Tomato variety Podsinskoye miracle is quite popular among gardeners, and it attracts with its large fruits, beautiful pink color, sweet taste and versatility of tomatoes.

This article will tell you in detail about this variety for those who are not yet familiar with it. Here is a detailed description of the tomato Podsinsky miracle. Description of the variety, photo, reviews about it are given below.

tomatoes Podsinskoye miracle
tomatoes Podsinskoye miracle

Origin and variety description

Podsinskoye miracle was bred by amateur breeders in the village of Podsine, which is located near the city of Minusinsk. They named the variety according to its place of origin.

Fruits of a plum-like elongated shape, with a slight ribbing at the stalk. When they ripen, they acquire a bright pink-scarlet color. Pulp moderatelydense, juicy and meaty. The taste is sweet and pleasant, with a light, barely perceptible sourness. There are few seed chambers in the fetus, the average weight of a tomato is 200-400 grams.

Tomato bushes Podsinsky miracle indeterminate, tall. The height of the bush reaches two meters. The leaves have the usual tomato shape, light green color.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Podsinskoye miracle has many positive properties, but no shortcomings have been identified to date. This fact was confirmed by gardeners who grew this variety.

The advantages of the variety are as follows:

  • High taste characteristics of tomatoes.
  • High yield.
  • The variety is immune to common tomato diseases.
  • Resistant to drought and cold spells.
  • Easy to grow.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Good transport.
  • Excellently stored.
  • Distinguished by large fruits.
  • Fruits do not crack.

Using fruits

Characteristics of the Podsinsky miracle tomato confirms the versatility of using its fruits. They are widely used in cooking. The fruits can be consumed both fresh and canned. They also produce sauces, purees, juices. Small tomatoes are suitable for whole-fruit canning, as they do not crack.

sliced tomato
sliced tomato

Growing tomatoes

The main stage in the cultivation of tomatoes is the cultivation of seedlings, the future harvest will depend on this. Of course, you can always buy ready-madeseedlings, but it is still better to grow them yourself.

Growing tomatoes
Growing tomatoes

How to prepare tomato seeds for sowing?

Before sowing, seeds are disinfected. Do this in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. In this solution, the seeds are soaked for 30 minutes, then they need to be washed and dried.

After that, the seeds need to be treated with a growth stimulator - soak in it for 10-12 hours.

tomato seeds
tomato seeds

Sowing seeds is produced according to the following technology:

  1. Seeds are sown in late March - early April,
  2. Sowing is done in a light nutrient soil mixture, which includes soddy land, humus or peat. You can buy ready-made soil mix or make your own.
  3. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm, after which they are sprayed with water. After that, it is better to remove the containers with seeds under the film - so they will germinate faster, and the earth will not dry out.
  4. The temperature in the room should be +22…+25 degrees, it is recommended to lower the temperature a little at night.
  5. After the appearance of the first sprouts of the container, you need to put it on a sunny windowsill or under the lamps, the film, of course, must be removed immediately. Seedlings of this variety need a long daylight hours.
  6. When the first full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.
  7. After transplanting, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizer. To strengthen weak shoots, nitrogen-containing complexes can be used. You can also feed before transplanting plants insoil.

Planting bushes in a permanent place and caring for them

Tomato bushes Podsinsky miracle is planted in the ground in a permanent place in the second half of May, when the threat of the last frost has passed. Tomatoes do well in fertilized soils. You can fertilize it with manure. In general, tomatoes prefer organic fertilizers.

Good forerunners of tomatoes are legumes, herbs, onions, garlic or zucchini. You can plant a variety both in open ground and in a greenhouse. In the second option, it is important to remember that pinching tomatoes is a must in a greenhouse, because much more greenery grows in comfortable conditions.

To prevent dense planting, seedlings are planted 50-60 cm apart, it is especially important to observe this distance in greenhouses. Thus, three tomato bushes are planted per 1 square meter.

tomato variety Podsinskoye miracle
tomato variety Podsinskoye miracle

After planting, the bushes need to be watered with warm, settled water. If the seedlings are planted in open ground, then at first they need to be covered.

Follow-up care consists of regular watering, pinching, tying and weeding.

The first watering is carried out a week after planting, then as needed - 1-2 times a week. Often and abundantly watering is not necessary, this can provoke cracking of the fruit and the appearance of watery pulp. Thus, watering should be done carefully to prevent waterlogging of the soil.

The bushes grow tall, so they must be tied to a support. As a rule, they are led in one stem,stepchildren remove everything in time.

To make the earth dry out less and to have fewer weeds in the garden, the soil is mulched with mowed grass.

Feeding a tomato Podsinsky miracle is better with organic fertilizers or mineral complexes. Only 3-4 feedings are carried out per season.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Podsinskoye miracle variety is not susceptible to major tomato diseases, but in greenhouses young plants can become ill with rot: gray, top, basal.

To prevent the spread of diseases, you need to follow preventive measures: before planting seedlings, disinfect the soil, regularly ventilate greenhouses, spray bushes with special products, such as Fitosporin or another non-toxic biological product.

For the prevention of late blight, plantings can be treated with copper-containing preparations. If the plant is already affected by late blight, the leaves should be immediately cut and burned.

Sometimes tomatoes can be affected by various pests: aphids, spider mites, thrips. If the tomato is grown outdoors, then it can be affected by the Colorado potato beetle, slugs, and the bear.

Insect larvae are destroyed with a solution of potassium permanganate or ammonia. Before flowering, insecticidal preparations can be used, they are quite effective in controlling insects.

Podsinskoye miracle
Podsinskoye miracle

Cultivar yield and reviews

The tomato yield of the Podsinskoye miracle is quite good, compared to other varieties it is considered average - about 5-6 kg from onesquare meter.

The variety is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, but in the latter version, the yield will be higher and the fruits themselves will be larger. You can cultivate the variety throughout Russia, even in the northern regions, as it is not afraid of cold weather and temperature changes.

Those gardeners who have already planted the Podsinsky Miracle tomato gave it quite high marks due to the many positive qualities and the absence of shortcomings. Even fairly busy gardeners can grow it - with minimal effort, you can get a pretty good harvest. You can improve yields with frequent fertilizing and following the correct watering regimen.
