Circular staircase: description, features, types and sizes

Circular staircase: description, features, types and sizes
Circular staircase: description, features, types and sizes

Having acquired the knowledge to create a circular staircase to the second floor with their own hands, each person will have the opportunity to decorate their home with an original design. It can not only perform an important function, but also serve as an interior decoration. When there is an understanding of what materials are needed, how to calculate and draw up a sequence of installation work, then there will be confidence in the absolute reliability of the structure. There are many different ways to create circular stairs. To understand this diversity, it is worth giving some classification.

do-it-yourself circular
do-it-yourself circular

Basic principles for choosing the type of stairs

Every owner wants to equip the interior of his home in the best possible way. Try to capture your understanding of beauty and style in a monumental solution, as well as surprise your visitorsnovelty and unusualness of the decisions made. Today, the second floor in a private house is not a novelty in the architecture of buildings for anyone. And of course, access to the upper floor is via steps, which are often located on a circular staircase made by hand.

For the effective location of this element of the interior, you should choose the optimal design. It should not only provide comfortable access to the upper floor, but at the same time take up as little usable space as possible. Different rooms have their own characteristics and design features, based on which they make the best decision to create a circular staircase to the second floor with their own hands.

Main reasons for choosing screw design

It happens that the house is not large, and the rooms in it are located in a compressed space. In such a situation, an excellent way out is to use a circular staircase. Such a design, as a rule, is able to fit in a small area without reducing its width. This is the most profitable way to make a circular staircase with the maximum number of steps.

ladder do it yourself
ladder do it yourself

Another undeniable advantage of this design is the amount of materials required to make such a model. A circular staircase will require much less materials than a marching counterpart. Provided that the selected model will be created in-house, this will be a very profitable project for investing.

Goals pursuedand tasks

Manipulation with different materials, sketching, making calculations and exploring various design options is a creative process. For its implementation, the performer requires the manifestation of his own creative potential. When making a circular staircase, you will have to show not only engineering skills, but also design talents.

Regardless of the choice of material, the design should fit ergonomically into the outlines of the interior and present itself as a composition that creates an accent. The design of the individual elements of the spiral staircase should reflect the motifs of the chosen style. A constructive solution will allow you to change the spatial sensations and give the room individual features.

Design Features

First of all, in the manufacture of a circular staircase, it is necessary to make all the required measurements and make the correct calculation for the amount of materials. To do this, you will need to create a general design sketch and detailed drawings of all the main elements. Here it is important to know all the functional requirements for the selected model.

circular staircase with hands
circular staircase with hands

Main objectives of the project

It is better to consider in advance how often the ladder will be used in the future, what loads it must withstand, and what safety requirements it must meet. After all, screw structures may not allow subsequently lifting large pieces of furniture. In addition, the movement on the stairs of this type is associated with certain difficulties. For this reason, ifthere are children in the house, such a design should be equipped with additional safety elements:

  • impenetrable barriers;
  • no hazardous elements;
  • material chosen for facing steps should not slip.

To draw up a working draft that allows you to create the selected model of a circular staircase, you always need to spend a lot of time. When the design is ready, it will no longer be possible to change the design solutions. In addition, such a project will become the basis for the quantitative calculation of the materials used and the size indicator for each individual structural element.

Decision sequence

However, the difficulties caused by the drafting of the project should not be a reason for acquiring a finished structure, which can later be found in the interior of a particular house. First of all, you need to consider various sketches of ready-made stairs, which are found in abundance in various catalogs. Having settled on one of the options, a decision will automatically be made on the choice of material from which the staircase will be created.

do it yourself
do it yourself


Next, you need to decide on the method of fastening the steps of the circular staircase. There are two main options here:

  1. The steps are assembled on a common supporting structure. In this case, the staircase will be a completely independent element, suitable for placement even in the centerrooms.
  2. Steps will be fixed to the wall. In this case, it is necessary to create a special space in which the stairs will be located.

Constructive solutions

The next step is to evaluate the features that the selected material has, allowing you to create a spiral staircase. Special attention deserves wooden steps, typed on a metal frame. Such stairs most often have an elegant shape and create an impression of extraordinary lightness. However, they are not inferior in strength to other models and are suitable for location even in frequently visited areas, for example, in a corridor or in a hallway. This type of stairs is very easy to maintain due to free access through open molds.


For complete clarity, when creating each individual structural element, working drawings are drawn up that define the rules for calculating a circular staircase. It is most convenient to divide the general sketch into several components, which will then be assembled into a single whole.

circular staircase
circular staircase

Describing each component separately is a painstaking and time-consuming process. Here it is important to correctly make all measurements and indicate the dimensions for each individual element. In this case, it is necessary to act sequentially, moving in one direction and taking into account the compatibility of each subsequent element, as well as the overall dimensions of the circular staircase.

Process of manufacturing screw design

After all the preliminarypreparatory stages, proceed to the manufacture of the structure. To do this, it is necessary to have a place in which the future staircase will be located with an organized opening for free access to the next floor. Choose the material from which they will assemble the base, steps and handrails. A general sketch of the model being created is made, drawings with dimensions and a detailed description of key elements.

Metal ladder. How to?

To make calculations when creating a metal circular staircase, start with choosing the width of the steps. If the characteristics of the location of the structure do not dictate certain requirements, then the standard width is used, which is 90 centimeters. After that, it is necessary to calculate the size of the steps, which is determined by the length of the step and the height of the riser. In many ways, the size of the steps is determined by their number, which, in turn, depends on the height of the ceiling.

circular staircase
circular staircase

For a standard staircase, the optimal step length is 27 centimeters, and the height of the riser is 14 centimeters. However, the spiral staircase does not have a uniform size of steps. Here, each step has the property of being reduced to a minimum size in the direction of the turn axis. For this reason, for screw structures, the length of the steps is recommended to start from 35 centimeters, with a subsequent decrease.

A simple calculation will help determine the number of steps. To do this, it is necessary to determine the size from floor to ceiling and add the thickness of the floor slab to it, and divide the resulting size byestimated riser height. As a result, we obtain the required number of steps, which will determine the number of turns of the circular staircase.

The most common design looks like a pipe that plays the role of a carrier rack, on which steps are collected in a circle in the form of a spiral. The frame of the steps is created from a profile pipe, and then wooden steps are attached to it. Such a staircase seems very airy, but has high strength. In addition, it is an independent structure that can be installed in any suitable place. This is the most suitable option for how to weld a circular staircase yourself.

Wooden structure

Let's consider another option. No less popular are wooden circular stairs. They fit very ergonomically into the interior of the home, have flexible cost limits and are able to serve for a long time. Attention deserves the unpretentiousness of such stairs for maintenance, the small total weight of the structure and the comfortable feeling during operation.

Having made all the necessary measurements, having determined the shape, size and number of steps, you can begin to create a wooden staircase. Here you can go two ways:

  1. Provide available dimensions and have steps made by carpentry.
  2. Make it self-reliant.

The total cost of the future staircase and its appearance will largely depend on the choice of one of these options.

do-it-yourself circular staircase
do-it-yourself circular staircase

The same decision should be made in relation to railings and handrails. As an alternative, you can use metal railings in the construction of a wooden staircase. In this case, an adhesive beam is used as handrails. It is also a good solution to use plastic handrails with a wood structure. These handrails will last for a long time, with unpretentious maintenance.

For the manufacture of circular wooden stairs, preference is given to raw materials with significant hardness. It can be beech or ash. Oak is also often used to make stairs. Such wood has high wear resistance and can serve for a very long time. As an alternative budget option, solid pine can be used.


So, we found out what a spiral staircase is. This design is quite practical and convenient. A spiral staircase created or designed by yourself will certainly become a good decoration for your home.
