Installation of a heating boiler in a private house: device, location, installation procedure, requirements

Installation of a heating boiler in a private house: device, location, installation procedure, requirements
Installation of a heating boiler in a private house: device, location, installation procedure, requirements

Today, more and more people choose a quiet life in a quiet cozy house somewhere away from the noisy and dirty metropolis from exhaust gases. After all, there is nothing better than going out of town after a hard day's work and warming up with the warmth of home. But how comfortable it will be, this is already decided by the owner himself. If a private house does not depend on external heating networks that go to other buildings and structures, then to turn on the heating, you will have to install a boiler, the power of which will allow you to generate the right amount of heat. Installing a heating boiler in a private house is one of the most important operations, and the correct installation of this heating unit will not only create a comfortable stay in the house, but also protect against many negative factors.

Basic requirements

If a person chooses a warm and quiet life, then he can not do without installing a heating boiler in a private house. This is a very simple procedure, and the installed boiler is very convenient and safe to use. Installing a boiler is, of course, a laborious process, but unlike its competitors for providing heat in the house, the unit is very economical and will save any family a lot of money.

Some people think that when installing a boiler, you need to immediately go to the store and buy the first equipment you like. But this is far from true. The first thing the owner should do before installing a heating boiler in a private house is to read the technical and regulatory documents, which detail the rules that must be observed during the installation of the boiler and its further use. The content of the document is a little hard to understand, but all the information that is indicated there is very important, and you should not be lazy to spend an hour of time getting acquainted.

First photo
First photo

The document states that all technical rules related to air conditioning, heating or ventilation apply to absolutely all residential buildings, houses, premises or structures. The document also regulates sanitary and environmental standards, fire safety rules during operation and requirements for installing a home heating boiler. Also written are general rules regarding environmental protection and energy conservation. Compliance with all of the above rules will help to leave the house in good hands for many years.

There are recommendations that the owner needs to pay close attention to when installing a heating boiler in a private house, and also be sure to remember and keep in mind for a long time. The most important installation requirementboilers or other thermal equipment is to comply with fire and explosion safety. When installing boilers, first of all, you need to pay attention to the installation site. It should be in the most free access so that the owners of the house can periodically monitor and clean the boiler from harmful impurities. If it happens that the boiler breaks down, then access to repair or replacement should also be free. Ignoring these simple guidelines can eventually lead to inevitable disaster.

Heating boiler
Heating boiler

But let's not talk about sad things, but rather consider a number of rules that will help you properly operate the boiler in order to keep the house warm:

  • The temperature that the boiler produces must be about 20 degrees below that which can spontaneously ignite or vaporize any flammable substance. If you use water instead of a boiler, then during operation you should make sure that it does not boil.
  • The temperature in boilers with open elements on the surface should not exceed the maximum.
  • Heat insulating properties of boilers must be installed so as to protect a person from injury or burns, prevent heat from escaping and be able to prevent the boiler from cooling down in those rooms where the minimum temperature is not normal.

Another important condition is that boilers should not be placed in places where easy ignition of various gases or aerosols can occur. As mentioned earlier in the article, the temperature on the heat-insulatingmaterial should be two tens of degrees below the point at which self-ignition occurs.

Detailed steps

When entering a country or private house, you must first consider all the general nuances of installing boilers. It is better to do this already at the stage of drawing up a construction plan or directly building a house. These simple actions will give an idea of whether the boiler needs a separate room where it will be necessary to install the elements of this unit. This plan greatly simplifies the installation work and reduces valuable installation time. If the design determines that when installing pipes for a heating boiler in a private house, they should go under the floor or wall, then it is better to do this before starting the finishing work. After all, it is easier to reinstall pipes when nothing has been filled yet, rather than vice versa.

Choosing the right time

One of the main rules for installing heating boilers in a private house is the choice of the season when installing boilers. Installation is best done during warm periods of the year. But if circumstances forced you to work at a different time, then you need to make sure that the heating circuit is closed in the building, in simple words, windows and a roof are securely installed.

Boiler setting
Boiler setting

Cold weather greatly impairs the quality of the installation of boilers, because with such installation there is a high risk of poor welding of elements. Also, when designing, it is important to calculate that the boiler is installed and checked by the beginning of the heating season. This will not prevent cold and frost from climbing into a warm and cozyhouse.

Heating systems

Before installing the boiler, you should determine what kind of heating system was originally installed in a residential building. For a clear idea, we will consider several types and determine which system is best suited for installation. There are several types of systems, and they are divided into air, open, electric and traditional, which has a liquid water carrier.

In the first system mentioned above, air is the most important coolant, which was immediately clear from the name. The principle of operation is that when air is taken in, this system heats it up and distributes it to the boiler, and then the heat goes through the rooms of the house. But the main disadvantage of this system is that it is very costly in terms of energy and difficult to install. Therefore, it is not recommended to connect the boiler and this system if one of the main tasks is saving.

According to many buyers, the boilers interact well with the electric heating system. In addition to boilers, it is also well suited for radiators, fan heaters or electric fireplaces. But, as in the previous mechanism, the downside is the high cost of electrical energy and the fact that in its absence the system completely fails.

Heating boiler
Heating boiler

As for an open heating system, boilers are not quite suitable for this. This system is rather intended for open heat carriers, such as stoves or fireplaces. It is well suited for installing heating boilers in a wooden house.

The most popular system towhich most people connect the boiler is a device with a carrier of liquids. In addition to the boiler, which will be the most important part of this mechanism, the system also has heaters or radiators. The only negative is that the installation of wood-burning boilers for heating the house is not suitable for it, but otherwise it will ideally help create comfort. But the connection of the thermal unit to this system must be approached very carefully and evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages.

And if we conclude from the above section, then the best thermal system for installing a boiler will be a liquid one with a heat carrier. If the choice fell on this mechanism, then you need to remember that the water that will approach the boiler must be changed at least once every six years, because this will protect the house from dangerous consequences.

Classification of boilers

Now let's go directly to the boilers. Before talking about how to select or install units, you should determine their difference from each other.

Boilers for heating private houses by their nature differ in several types:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel, such as coal or wood;
  • electric.

But before ordering boilers, in addition to familiarizing yourself with the operating rules, you need to clarify some important points, such as the availability of certain types of fuel in the region of residence, is the unit purchased economically profitable, is there a gas pipeline near the country house, because, e.g. installation of gas boilersfor heating a private house will require a gas permit.

Recently, the most popular, inexpensive and easy-to-use boiler will be electric. Installing electric heating boilers in a private house will significantly improve life and create comfort for all living people. The unit gives off a large amount of heat and warms even the largest houses. But there is a long-familiar minus in this - a huge consumption of electricity. Therefore, if the choice of the owner fell on the installation of electric heating boilers in a private house, then he needs to carefully calculate his finances.

Of course, the most important competitive electric boiler is gas. But installing a gas heating boiler in a private house will take a lot of time, money and nerves when drawing up all the regulatory documents in the relevant authorities. Many people think that switching to another type of gas will facilitate the procedure, but they are very much mistaken, because this will only add unnecessary problems when heating the house. Installing a gas boiler makes many people think about whether such a thermal unit is needed at all.

Heating boilers
Heating boilers

If the owner preferred the option of installing a solid fuel boiler for heating a private house or a unit with liquid fuel, then in addition to all of the above procedures, he will have to build a separate boiler room and storage space for materials.

After a suitable boiler is selected, you can safely develop a plan and documents for its installation. Of course, you can do this operation yourself if the house itselfnot very large in itself, but it is better to resort to the help of experienced professionals.

Documentation and boiler installation plan can be ordered from firms or private companies that have a license to carry out such operations. People working in these organizations will not only make a high-quality installation of the boiler, but also provide documents that will indicate all the details necessary for operation. The project will also show the general requirements for units and all equipment that has at least some relation to the heating system. At the request of the client, the company's employees will calculate the cost of installing the boilers before the start of installation.

After you have all the necessary information and relevant documents on hand, you can easily start installing a heating boiler in a private house or hangar. Models that produce low power (approximately 60 kW) can be installed in any part of the house, whether it be a kitchen, bedroom or some other room. But if the boiler is huge in size, then, according to the rules that were described at the very beginning of the article, it must be installed in a special boiler room, which will be provided with good ventilation to avoid dangerous factors.


The scheme for installing a heating boiler in the house is presented below.

connection diagram
connection diagram

The first thing to do is secure the cauldron so that it stands firmly in place. The work itself is not difficult, but requires good vigilance. Next, consider the requirements for installing boilersheating in a private house.

First, markings are made at the intended attachment point. During further installation, it is imperative to focus on this mark in order to correctly install the boiler. After preliminary fixing, one more mark is made, but already for the place where the boiler will be installed.

Boiler repair
Boiler repair

Then you should measure the distance to create a comfortable working environment. It is important to leave a distance of at least a meter on the main side of the boiler, and at least 0.7 m behind and on the sides. If the project plan indicates that the boiler will be operated from the side, then you can safely keep a distance of 1, 5 meters.

If it is planned to install two boilers in the house, then a distance of at least two meters must be left between them. This will help not only to protect the occupants of the building, but also create an easy passage between the two installations of the heating system.

That's it, the boiler is installed.


After all these simple operations, you need to remember one more important step - the installation of a chimney that will eliminate all harmful impurities. Most often, negative elements stand out when installing solid fuel heating boilers in a private house. If you ignore the rules, then the people living in the building will face very negative consequences, up to a fire or poisoning.

Chimney at home
Chimney at home

The chimney itself is made of various materials, most commonly brick or ceramic.

Brick chimneysare operated in tandem with solid fuel boilers. If we consider the advantages of brick chimneys, then they include very low heat transfer. The disadvantages of this brick structure are that only an experienced craftsman can install it. Moreover, a brick chimney has a very strong effect on the foundation.

If we consider metal chimneys, they are more resistant to mechanical stress, so it can easily be used with gas boilers. But it is common for metal boilers to lose a large amount of heat, and it is in this component that they are inferior to stone ones.

According to reviews, one of the best chimneys is ceramic. It is simple in design and has low heat dissipation. Of course, it will cost more, but it will serve faithfully for many years. The only drawback of this type of chimney will be a strict restriction in the vertical position.

Chimney at home
Chimney at home

After the chimney has been selected, it is worth familiarizing yourself with a number of rules that must be observed during installation:

  • A visor must be present at the end of the chimney, which will prevent the ingress of moisture and other foreign objects.
  • During installation, it is better to make a round shape of the chimney, because only in this way will less harmful impurities accumulate.
  • The number of uneven parts or turns should be no more than three.
  • The part of the chimney on the roof must be at least 0.5 meters.

Common installation errors

When installingboilers, many people have a bunch of errors that greatly affect the operation of the heating system unit. And in order not to fall for this bait, let's look at the most common installation errors.

Wrong power calculations. The simplest formula for determining power will be an easy mathematical operation, which says that 1 kilowatt of power diverges into 10 m2. That is why the owners of the house should calculate the area of heated premises in advance.

But still it is worth clarifying one point: if the area of a private house is approximately 200-300 square meters, then the power of one boiler will not be enough. This is due to the fact that more electricity or gas is consumed in winter than in summer. That is why, when drawing up an installation plan, it is worth calculating the power by at least 20-30 percent more.

house heating boiler
house heating boiler

Wrong choice of boiler. A little earlier in the article, the characteristics of different units were presented. If you understand them well, then there should be no problems. The most common mistake is that many people install a wall-mounted boiler instead of a floor-standing boiler, or vice versa. These boilers differ from each other not only in the location in the house, but in the power consumption. If, for example, you install a wall-mounted boiler in an apartment, then its power should be enough, but if it is in a private house, definitely not. From here we can conclude that for a private house it is best to install floor-type boilers.

Mismatch of parameters whenconnection. It often happens that the diagrams indicated in the documents that are provided with the boiler do not correspond to the thermal unit. This is a gross technical error, because in any case, the instructions for the boiler should indicate what type of system it should belong to.

Another common mistake is to skimp on equipment. Many people choose old-built boilers, where the heat supply temperature has to be adjusted manually. The automatic device itself sets the values based on the temperature of the house, automatically turns off when necessary and completely surpasses manual boilers. Therefore, the use of the latter is not worth the effort and nerves spent, because automatic boilers are more convenient and reliable.

If you purposefully ignore the requirements for operating the boiler and make the above mistakes, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Where to buy boilers

Currently, the choice of heating boilers for a private house is designed for a wide variety of financial opportunities, as well as for the personal interests of the owners. And in order to choose a quality unit, you need to know where you can buy it.

Currently, there are many sites for the purchase of boilers. In addition to the usual hardware stores, the purchase of boilers is also possible in online hypermarkets. These stores are slightly superior to conventional construction sites, because the Internet has a huge selection of products that are many times superior to their competitors. If the choice fell on this type of purchase, then first of allYou need to make sure that you are financially capable. Secondly, it is worth deciding which boiler is needed. While sitting at home, it is much more convenient to find out about a certain model on the Internet than to look for consultants in huge queues.

Boiler installation
Boiler installation

Many online stores, in addition to shopping, offer installation and installation services for boilers. A specially trained team of specialists comes to the house and installs the boiler in a short time. Of course, it will cost a lot, but it is better to trust professionals than to install a boiler in a new house without experience.


cozy house
cozy house

Installing boilers in a private house is a very responsible and lengthy process, in which not only physical strength and the ability to set up one or another type of thermal equipment are important, not only material and financial costs, but also vigilance to the smallest details. Some people try to install boilers with their own skills and strength, completely immersing themselves in the installation procedure, while someone chooses the services of experienced professionals, just watching this process. There is also such a type of installation, when a specialized company is engaged in the most complex processes, and the owner of the house does the minor work. Which of these methods is the most practical and convenient is up to you to choose. But when choosing, again, it is worth remembering that high-quality installation of boilers in the house is not only warmth and comfort, but also safety for yourself and your loved ones.
