Irises are incredibly beautiful flowers, the name of which is translated as "rainbow". They have more than 700 species and a huge number of various shades. Irises are grown by farmers in order to decorate their garden. In addition, this flower is used to create essences that are indispensable for the perfume industry. For a plant to grow strong and he althy, you need to know when to plant an iris and how to care for it.
Description of the plant

Irises are rhizomatous plants. The roots are cord-like, and the leaves are thin, with a slight waxy coating. They are collected at the base of the peduncle in small bunches in the shape of a fan. Iris flowers are very rarely found in inflorescences, for the most part they are solitary. They have a pleasant aroma, an interesting shape and many shades of the rainbow. It is for this reason that the reproduction of irises is now very popular among gardeners. Nothing brightens up a garden like flowers that are bright, graceful and easy to care for.
Irises begin to bloom in May, most often end in July. However, with proper care, this time can be slightly extended.
Varieties and types of flower
What are irises:
- Bearded. Such an interesting namevariety received for the reason that the hairs on the petals are shaggy. Look very interesting in the garden, combined with other species.
- German iris. This is the most common variety of bearded irises. Corrugated petals of various shades do not leave any gardener indifferent.
- Unbearded irises are a classic flower.
- Japanese iris. It has large flowers, a bit like an orchid.
- Marsh iris. This type of plant is distinguished by the fact that it loves water very much and can only grow in moist soil. Very often used as decoration for artificially created reservoirs.
Iris color

- Solid - all beats have the same shade.
- Two-tone. The top is one color and the bottom is another.
- Variegata. When the top of the flower is bright yellow and the bottom is brownish red.
- Amena. Such a flower has a white upper part, the shades of the lower part may vary.
- Plicata - the presence of contrast.
- Iridescent. One shade smoothly flows into another.
Features of cultivation
Many gardeners don't know how to properly plant irises, so they just prefer not to. It seems to them that this is a very complicated process that takes a lot of time and effort. This opinion is wrong. Knowing a few subtleties of caring for these magnificent flowers, you can easily plant them in your garden.
What you need to know:
- The most important thing to remember is that the rhizomes of the plant are veryoften exposed because they grow horizontally. It may turn out that they just come to the surface. It is for this reason that in winter it is very important to constantly sprinkle them with peat, otherwise the flower will simply freeze. And in the spring, you can carefully remove this coating.
- Irises are very cunning, they love to move around. Do not be surprised if the next year after planting you notice that the flower has shifted to the side by a few centimeters. For a tidy garden, plant the plants in a fan of leaves along the row, but not across.
- If you decide to plant a bearded iris, then sandy soil is necessary, otherwise the plant simply will not bloom.
- Irises do not like organic fertilizers. The best top dressing is fertilizers of mineral origin, which are added to the soil in liquid form.
When and where to plant flowers
Replanting irises in the fall right after they start blooming is the best option. This should be done every few years so that they continue to delight you with their flowering and grow.

The plant likes well-lit places with good drainage, where there are no drafts. If the soil in your garden is not suitable for the plant, add compost and phosphate fertilizers in the spring. In the event that the soil is acidic, wood ash should be added. Under no circumstances should manure be used as fertilizer.
Before planting irises in the spring, the site must be degreased, for this it is watered with a fungicide. Treat the soil to control weedsherbicides.
Spring Planting
In spring, plants are planted in the same way as in autumn. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance that they will take root before the summer. We prepare the garden bed and note in advance at what distance the flowers will be located.
If these are undersized irises, the optimal distance between them is 15 cm, for medium-sized ones - 20 cm, and for high ones - 50 cm. To make the garden look more lively and vibrant, you can combine different varieties and shades. Now you know, it's not that hard to figure out how to plant irises in the spring.
Don't forget that plants need to be repotted from time to time. For this, it is also important to choose the right time frame. Very often, gardeners are interested in when to transplant irises in the fall, what weather to do it. Since the plant loves light, here you need to look at the weather forecast in advance and choose the most sunny days.
Flower care

- Irises love moisture, but they should not be watered very often, otherwise they will start to rot. Watch the soil, add water only when it is completely dry. It is especially important to pay attention to this when the irises begin to bloom.
- Feeding irises. The fertilizers that you added to the soil in the spring when preparing the site will be quite enough. But if you notice that the plants need nourishment, then top dressing of irises can be done before flowering in the form of a liquid solution that is added under the root.
- Weeds. Unfortunately, you will have to fight them throughoutflowering period. Loosen the soil, do weeding, only carefully so as not to damage the plant. Remove wilted flowers on time because they can become a real breeding ground for pests.
Planting irises correctly
So, when to plant iris, we have already figured it out. It remains only to understand how to do it correctly so that the flower will delight you with its bright colors for more than one year.
Quick instruction:
- Choose a well-lit place where drafts will not penetrate.
- Preparing the buds and holes where we will plant irises.
- A small mound is made in the center of the hole.
- We put the rhizome on the mound, and very carefully spread the roots along the sides.
- It is recommended that the rhizome be planted no more than 3 centimeters deep.
- We take into account the distance between flowers (15 cm for short ones, 50 for tall ones).
Interested in the question of when to plant iris? You can do this both in spring and in late summer. The main thing is that the weather is sunny.
Transfer time

Transplanting flowers can only be started when flowering is over. Or when the growing season ends. This is a great time, because just at this period, the roots and leaves resume their growth. If you miss this moment, then the plants may simply die. It is for this reason that it is very important to know how to plant bulbous irises and when they can be transplanted.
Start preparing for the transplant from about the middleAugust. In the event that you get the planting material later, it is better to place the rhizomes in pots for the time being. They can be transplanted into the ground only next spring. By the way, it is worth noting that the most magnificent flowering of irises can be seen in the second or even third year after planting.
Propagation of plants by bud method

It is the bud method that is the most effective for propagating irises. If done correctly, you will have at least 50 landing units.
- Choose the most developed specimen of iris.
- Clean from the ground, wash and let dry a little.
- The rhizome is divided into 8 parts.
- Make small grooves in the soil.
- Place pieces of rhizomes together and cover with earth.
How to properly plant irises during reproduction, you understand. It is best to do this in July, then the next year you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Pests and diseases

The more colorful and beautiful the variety of iris in your flower bed, the more likely it is that the flower will be affected by the disease. It is very important to always monitor the condition of the plants. If you suddenly notice a problem, it must be eliminated immediately so that the disease does not spread to other flowers.
The most common problem is Fusarium infection. If this happens, immediately remove the rotten specimen and take a good look at the rest of the flowers. If they haven't been infected yet,prepare a solution of foundationazole and water the roots. This drug is an excellent tool for the prevention and control of flower diseases.
Variety irises require special attention. They are very often affected by pests called scoops. The flower immediately loses its color and dies.
In the summer, the risk of thrips increases. To avoid this problem, sometimes try to spray the flower bed with infusion of shag with laundry soap. If you are planning further propagation of irises, then try to do everything possible to avoid attack by pests and disease. Spray flowers in time and monitor the condition of the soil.
Now you know exactly when to plant iris and how to do it right. Use the tips presented, take care of the flowers properly. Already next year, your garden will be filled with bright, graceful irises, the beauty of which will not leave you indifferent.