In the process of designing ventilation and air conditioning systems, specialists carefully calculate the schemes and configurations of their installation. In addition to the structural device and location, external influences are also calculated. In particular, a high-quality installation is not complete without knowing in which direction and at what speed the air currents will act on the object. For such calculations, an anemometer is used - this is a device for measuring wind characteristics, and in some modifications it also allows you to determine temperature and humidity.

Design and principle of operation
For all versions of this device, the presence of blades in the design is characteristic, the movement of which provides information to take into account the speed of flows. That is, the principle of operation is based on the relationship between the direct wind speed and the heat transfer of tungsten elements, which are located in the path of air movement and are heated by electric current. The characteristics of the air affect the heat fluxes generated by the machine's power source. Again, an anemometer is a device for measuring not only wind, but also its temperature, so the sensors record several indicators at once. Also differentmodifications are oriented to work in specific environments, including gas ones. Therefore, their use in the design of ventilation and air conditioning systems is undoubtedly the most common, but not the only purpose.
Key Features

As with any measuring instrument, the anemometer operator expects accurate readings. High-quality models from professional lines are characterized by a modest error of about 5%. As for measuring the temperature regime, deviations can be 1-2 ° C. Compared to specialized thermometers, this is quite a lot, but for a multi-purpose device it is acceptable. Another important characteristic is the possible range of values that this device is capable of fixing in principle. Again, it should be borne in mind that the anemometer is both an apparatus for determining speed, and in some way a thermometer, therefore there will be at least two scales. The velocity measurement spectrum is usually a corridor from 1 to 30 m/s. The temperature is often covered with negative values - for example, from -10 to 60 ° С.
Varieties of apparatus
There are two types of such devices - cup and vane. The first option is distinguished by the presence of a cross with four bowls in the design - their movement is a kind of information generator for obtaining data on wind speed. This is a classic device that is used in private homes and in equipping production facilities. wingedAn anemometer is a compact apparatus, the design of which consists of a bladed device resembling a miniature fan. Again, the movement of the blades, activated by external air currents, is a signal for determining the characteristics of the wind. It is important to consider that the division between these types of anemometers is also based on the method of use. Cup models are installed perpendicular to the flow, and vane models are located exactly in the direction of the wind.

Tips for using the appliance
Start working with the device after studying its controls. If the principle of operation can be general, then the designations in the display and the features of providing the final information can be individual. The appliance should only be used under conditions that are permitted for the specific model. Many manufacturers, for example, warn against using devices in direct sunlight. The fact is that an anemometer is primarily a measuring instrument, so any aggressive impact even on the body can affect its accuracy. The same applies to the increased content of dust in the air streams. After such use, the anemometer blades or cups should be thoroughly cleaned.

The accuracy of the device can be reduced not only due to a gross violation of the operating rules, but also for a long time of operation. Therefore, in order to maintain an optimal level of reliability of the data providedthe anemometer is calibrated, which consists of several operations. At home, for example, it can be done by analyzing the integrity of external surfaces, the correct installation of work items and testing the function of the output tool.
Anemometer manufacturers
The segment of low-cost low-cost models is mainly represented by domestic products. Such models can be found in the "Megeon" and "Caliber" lines. Modifications that are more solid in terms of functionality and reliability are offered by eminent brands Geo-Fennel, ADA and Testo. These are high-quality devices from developers who specialize in the production of measuring equipment. In particular, the Testo anemometer already in entry-level models allows you to measure not only the speed and temperature of air flows, but also humidity. In addition, this company is developing modifications specifically designed for use in ventilation systems and air ducts.

Question of price
The cheapest devices are available for 1.5-2 thousand rubles. These are typical classic devices that have a fairly high level of error and minimal functionality. Products from the same company Testo in the middle segment are estimated at 8-10 thousand. Such devices differ in both the accuracy of the readings and the presence of additional protective shells, which allows them to be used in harsh conditions. If you need to measure the direction and speed of the wind with a minimum deviation from the actual indicators, then you should focus on the class of professional devices. This productavailable at prices around 20-30 thousand
Nuances of choice
Relying in the choice stands on the intended purpose. If the device is planned to be used privately to fix the main characteristics of the wind, then you can safely turn to entry-level products. For more responsible measurements, one should also take into account the additional functionality that the anemometer is endowed with. It can be a model with a digital display, automatic operating modes, lighting and modern display systems. Such equipment is usually used by professional builders who calculate the initial data for performing installation operations.

Experienced users of measuring equipment do not recommend using instruments that work with several characteristics. Practice shows that such devices are characterized by low accuracy and are often inconvenient to use. But in this case, much depends on which company released the device. An anemometer from the premium Testo or ADA series, for example, can even replace the functions of a hygrometer. Another thing is that the need to determine indicators of humidity and temperature is not always associated with the need to monitor wind characteristics. But in any case, one should not neglect a comprehensive examination of external conditions. This will allow you to choose the right materials and design schemes for installing those ventilation systems and air duct shafts.