Why does the water in the bathroom go bad: causes and methods of elimination

Why does the water in the bathroom go bad: causes and methods of elimination
Why does the water in the bathroom go bad: causes and methods of elimination

The hygiene room must be kept clean to prevent sewer odors from sink and bathroom drains. In addition, if the water in the bathroom does not drain well, this can contribute to the appearance of fungus and mold, the active reproduction of pathogens. The most common cause of slow water flow is a blockage in the sewer, but sometimes water stagnates at the drain hole due to insufficient slope of the outlet drain pipe or the wrong size of the sewer opening or drain pipe.

Mechanical clogging of pipes

Why does the water in the bathroom drain badly? Mechanical blockage is the result of various small objects entering the sewer. Hair and hair of pets, sand and pebbles from dirty shoes, earth and clay from vegetables, coins and thread after washing clog pipes, siphon and bowl. The more debris accumulates, the slower the water drains.

bathroom drain not draining well
bathroom drain not draining well

Exploitation blockage

Why doesn't water drain well from the bath? The problem may be due to operational blockage resulting from ignoring preventive measures or from improper operation of the system. There are natural causes that contribute to the deterioration of pipes over time. For example, it is cold water and fat. Soap or gel that is used for everyday hygienic showering is not enough to dissolve grease in sewer pipes. Small debris gradually accumulates, a blockage forms. The situation is aggravated if pipes and plumbing are not regularly cleaned with special detergents.

Man-caused pipe blockage

Bad water drain in the bathroom sink? This happens when the technology is violated at the stage of construction work, the wear of the main elements and in case of accidents in communications. This includes the wrong slope angle of the outlet pipe, freezing or breaking of the pipe, errors in choosing a site for laying communications, and the like. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to fix the problems without the help of plumbers.

bad water flow
bad water flow

Proper removal of blockage

If the water in the bathroom does not drain well, what should I do? You can only get rid of mechanical blockage on your own, but it is likely that this will not help or eliminate the problem for a short time. It is not enough to clean the pipes mechanically (with a plumbing cable or plunger) or with aggressive household chemicals.

Hydrodynamic cleaning is very effective, but for this it is necessary to supply water topressurized sewer system. You will need special hoses and a compressor to provide sufficient pressure. This is the fastest and safest way to clean pipes, but will require the involvement of professionals.

In practice, only an integrated approach to the problem will help eliminate the blockage and forget about it for a long time in the future. Cleaning the drain system is inseparable from the cleaning of the sewer pipe, because small debris is not distributed locally in one area, but along the entire length of the sewer riser and outlet pipe. You can do everything yourself.

bad water in the bathroom what to do
bad water in the bathroom what to do

Cleaning the drain and siphon

Small debris, which turns into rotting silt or mold, exuding a fetid odor, is usually collected in the drain and siphon. To clean these areas, you need to remove the siphon, unscrew the mesh that holds the tube. The entire contents of the siphon must be thrown into the toilet and flushed several times. Bowls, all inner tubes, gaskets, mesh and siphon should be washed well under running water with a degreaser. It's okay if there is no special detergent for plumbing. Effectively dissolves grease and removes dirt with conventional dish detergent.

Mechanical cleaning

If the water in the bathroom drain is still bad, you need to mechanically clean the sewer pipes. This is done before installing the siphon and other parts of the system. It is best to use a plumbing cable that is screwed into the system. To remove debris, periodically the cable must be pulled out and cleaned. push it throughnecessary until the blockage is completely eliminated. When the debris is removed, the water will begin to drain normally.

bad water flow in the bathroom
bad water flow in the bathroom

To clean the system with a plunger, you need to fill the tub with water so that the valve is completely hidden. Beforehand, it is better to cover the space around with a film and change into overalls - the work can be dirty. The drain hole must be covered with the rubber part of the plunger, and then start pressing on the handle to push the blockage into the pipe along with stagnant water. In order to flush the system as well as possible, after removing the blockage, it is advisable to refill the tub with hot water and drain it.

Cleaning with household chemicals

After completing all the above steps, it remains only to clean the sewer system with household chemicals. A bag of detergent that breaks down fats, softens plaque and kills pathogens should be poured down the drain. You need to leave it for 15-40 minutes (the exact time is indicated in the instructions for the detergent), and then rinse the pipes with running hot water for 10-15 minutes.

blockage of pipes in the bathroom
blockage of pipes in the bathroom

Incorrect pipe slope

If the water in the bathroom does not drain well, and there is no blockage, then the cause of the problem, most likely, lies in the violation of the plumbing technology. Perhaps the slope of the pipe is insufficient, so that the draining water does not reach the socket. This is determined visually. To increase the slope of the pipe, lower or raise the bathtub.

The standard maximum slope isfifteen %. The optimal value is 30-50 mm per meter of pipe. With slopes less than 15 or more than 60 mm, the likelihood of blockages increases significantly. In addition, it is not recommended to install corner elements at 90 degrees when laying the system. If necessary, it is better to set two turns at 45 degrees.

the water drains badly in the bathroom there is no blockage
the water drains badly in the bathroom there is no blockage

Insufficient section size

Bad water drain in the bathroom? If the “wrong” pipes are installed, you will have to change the entire system so that you no longer face the problem of constant blockages. Previously, designers were generally limited to three sections: 150 mm cast iron pipes were rarely used inside buildings, risers were assembled from 100 mm pipes, and the rest was mounted from 50 mm. Today, the range of products has expanded significantly. In most cases, pipe diameter and configuration are selected based on recommendations and regulations.

For internal networks, any available diameter of cast iron (50, 100, 150 mm) or plastic (16-160 mm) sewer pipe can be used. A section of 32 mm or more is suitable for a washbasin in a bathroom where fats do not drain. For kitchen sinks, bathroom and shower drains, washing machines and dishwashers, a pipe of at least 40 mm in diameter is required. For a combined drain of a bathroom and a shower, it is better to choose 50 mm, more than three devices without a toilet are connected to a horizontal "bed" 60 mm, more than five devices - 75 mm, a toilet and vertical risers - 100-110 mm.

why is it hard to get out of the bathwater
why is it hard to get out of the bathwater

Clog Prevention

Bad water drain in the bathroom? After a comprehensive cleaning of the system, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time so that the problem does not occur again and again. You can install filters and meshes (grilles) on the drain, which reliably protect the internal parts of the plumbing from small debris. Once every few days, you need to flush the system with hot water to protect the pipes from the accumulation of fatty deposits. In addition, plumbing needs periodic preventive cleaning (both mechanically and with household chemicals).
