How to clean furniture from adhesive tape: effective methods and practical tips

How to clean furniture from adhesive tape: effective methods and practical tips
How to clean furniture from adhesive tape: effective methods and practical tips

Undoubtedly, tape is a useful invention. It is an adhesive tape with which you can solve many problems. But for all its usefulness, this item has one drawback, which sometimes has to be de alt with. It can leave sticky marks after itself, and they can hardly be wiped off with a regular rag. Question: "How to clean furniture from adhesive tape" can arise for various reasons. For example, repair, transportation, or just careless work with adhesive tape. Returning the original appearance of the surface is not so easy. However, such a problem can still be de alt with in various ways.

how to clean duct tape from couch
how to clean duct tape from couch

Universal ways to remove tape from furniture

Stains that duct tape leaves on furniture made from various materials canremove very simple and practically improvised materials. These are sure to be found in every home. For those who wondered how to clean tape marks on furniture, it is recommended to use the following tools:

  1. Hair dryer - as you know, this device has the function of heating the air. It is through the action of hot air on the remnants of adhesive tape that you can soften and remove traces of it with a soft cloth. Moreover, this method will cope even with the most inveterate stains that have already penetrated deep into the material. The disadvantage of this method is that not all surfaces can adequately transfer heat. This fact should be taken into account before cleaning the remaining tape from the furniture.
  2. Vegetable oil. Oil, mixing with glue, is able to dissolve it and thereby remove traces from the surface. It is better not to use this method on materials that can absorb liquid. Grease stains may also form on the surface.
  3. Eraser. With the help of the most ordinary eraser, you can remove any stubborn traces of adhesive tape, you just have to apply a fairly large amount of force.

Soda and dishwashing liquid

These two components are mixed with hot water, subsequently sticky marks are removed from the surface with this solution. But this method is not suitable for painted surfaces. In addition, before cleaning furniture from adhesive tape in this way, it is worth remembering that dishwashing liquid foams a lot, it will be difficult to remove it without enough clean water. After the procedure on the soft upholstery of herdry thoroughly.

how to clean double sided tape from furniture
how to clean double sided tape from furniture

Strong chemical compounds

How to clean adhesive tape from furniture if improvised means did not help? If it was not possible to remove traces by gentle methods, the following tools can help:

  1. Kerosene, white spirit - with the help of these tools you can remove even the most old stains. But you can’t call this advice on how to clean furniture from adhesive tape completely harmless. The downside is that these tools are aggressive. Therefore, they can only be used on surfaces of very high quality. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to the top layer of the coating.
  2. Acetone or nail polish remover - these substances are less aggressive, can be used on almost all types of coatings. But it is better not to use them on plastic furniture, as well as on varnished and painted surfaces.
  3. Window cleaner, vinegar are very light and non-aggressive products that can remove small traces of tape.

The easiest way

Oddly enough, but the remnants of adhesive tape can also be removed with adhesive tape. But this option is only suitable for surfaces made of plastic or glass. To do this, you need to peel off small pieces of new adhesive tape and stick on old traces. After that, with sharp movements, remove. This procedure can be carried out repeatedly, gradually changing the strips.

Tips and rules for the use of funds

Before you clean the furniture from adhesive tape in the chosen way, it is necessary to check the operation of the product on a small areasurfaces. To do this, the solution, in a small amount, should be applied to the area, and then held for 5 minutes. If the surface does not react in any way, you can safely work on.

Flammable substances should only be handled in a well-ventilated area and away from fire.

The procedure must be carried out only with gloves, especially if alcohol, nail polish remover, acetone or vinegar will be used.

how to clean polished furniture
how to clean polished furniture

Removing traces of adhesive tape from plastic

Plastic furniture is the most capricious in terms of removing traces of adhesive tape from it. That is why it is necessary to work with it very carefully. In this case, a prerequisite will be a test for the acceptance of the proposed cleaning method by the plastic. In this way, damage to the entire product can be avoided.

How to clean furniture tape from plastic furniture? In addition to the above universal methods, for such purposes, you can use a gruel of soda and water. Using a sponge and a rag, apply the composition to the stain, then let it stand for a while and remove it with water. It is also possible to repeat the procedure.

Also, the easiest way is to use the most ordinary eraser - just clean the stain with it, as if something is being erased from the paper. After the procedure, the cleaning site must be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge.

Another simple tip on how to clean double-sided tape from furniture. It implies the uselaundry soap or laundry detergent. They are also applied to a contaminated surface, then removed and wiped with a damp cloth.

With the help of alcohol, you can not only cope with traces of adhesive tape, but also remove the yellow tint from the material. However, be sure to test the plastic for alcohol tolerance. Using a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol, carefully remove the remaining adhesive until they disappear completely. The procedure can be repeated several times.

how to clean furniture from adhesive tape
how to clean furniture from adhesive tape

Removing traces of tape from upholstery furniture

To remove adhesive residue from adhesive tape on the upholstery of upholstered furniture, you will have to try. It's best to act as soon as possible before the glue has penetrated deep into the fabric.

You can use a special product designed for cleaning carpets - they, as a rule, also have pile, and such products have the function of cleaning most dirt. And also after them there are no divorces. There are many options for such funds and you can find them in hardware stores. The only point is to keep the product on the stain a little longer than the manufacturer recommends in the instructions for use.

For high-quality upholstery of upholstered furniture, it is quite possible to use acetone or nail polish remover. Problem areas of upholstery are treated with one of the liquids. After removing the stain, the place of the former contamination must be washed with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water.

how to clean furniture tape from furniture
how to clean furniture tape from furniture

Also forremoving such unpleasant traces of adhesive tape from upholstered furniture is well suited using a hair dryer: first, the remaining layer of adhesive tape is heated with a hair dryer, and then removed with a brush. But not all upholstery can withstand such a procedure.

If it is possible to remove the fabric from the sofa, for example, the removable cover was dirty, then this option is possible:

  • in the bath, dilute a solution of water and washing powder or soda;
  • soak the cover in it for an hour;
  • rub the contaminated area with the addition of laundry soap;
  • rinse the case.
how to clean tape marks on furniture
how to clean tape marks on furniture

How to clean polished furniture from adhesive tape?

To remove dirt from such a surface, you can use ordinary dishwashing liquid. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of warm water and a small amount of this liquid, then use a sponge to foam and apply on the marks. Leave to work for about a minute and then just wipe with a sponge.

Oil is also a great option for cleaning such a coating. In this case, you can use not only vegetable oil, but also various essential oils. The polish will not absorb oil, so this method is absolutely safe. In order to remove the remnants of adhesive tape from such material, it is necessary to moisten a piece of cloth in oil, then put it on the stain and leave for 20 minutes. After that, remove the remnants with a sponge and soapy water. With the help of essential oil, it is easier to get rid of glue - you just need to wipe the dirt with a cloth, onsome essential oil, and then remove the oil layer with a sponge and soapy water.

There is also such an option when mayonnaise is used instead of butter - it also contains butter. It is used similarly to the method described above.

But it would be better if in advance, before removing such residues, heat them up with a hair dryer. But here you have to be careful so that the surface does not go white spots.

how to remove adhesive tape from furniture
how to remove adhesive tape from furniture

Removing tape marks from wood surfaces

This coating is delicate, so you need to be careful when working with it. The use of oil is not suitable here. Wood, especially if not coated with a special compound, will absorb the cleaning solution, which will cause an oily stain that cannot be removed later.

The easiest way to clean tape from wooden furniture is to use a gel designed to clean kitchen or appliances. Such tools are not aggressive and will perfectly help to cope with the problem. This will not scratch the surface.

You can also use a stationery eraser, because it is also very soft, but qualitatively will help to defeat the remnants of adhesive tape. However, if the surface to be treated is very extensive, then you will have to work hard to get rid of sticky contamination. After processing furniture with an eraser, the surface must simply be treated with a dry cloth, as if polishing it.


Remaining duct tape is not as big a problem as it can beto appear. It is enough just to arm yourself with simple and improvised means, as well as patience. But it is also necessary to approach this process with caution - for each type of surface it is better to choose the most suitable cleaning options.
