Thermos is a very convenient and functional thing. With the help of such a small assistant, you can easily take hot tea, coffee or other drink anywhere with you. And you can also enjoy a hot lunch or dinner, because in a thermos you can store not only liquids. Thus, this heat-insulating cookware is an indispensable item in the life of almost every person.
But judging by the reviews, due to the design features of the thermos, it is rather problematic to wash it. That is why plaque and other contaminants often form on the inner walls of this item, which can subsequently give the drinks or food stored in it an unpleasant smell and taste. Therefore, the question arises: "How to clean a thermos from plaque inside?"
All produced heat-insulating dishes are usually divided into 2 types according to the type of flask that can be made:
- glass;
- stainless steel.
Thermoses containing a glass flask are of high cost and the same high quality. Representatives of this group keep heat much better, and due to the material they are less susceptible to pollution processes from drinks or food stored in them. The disadvantage of such heat-insulating utensils is that with careless mechanical action, it breaks easily.
Thermoses made of stainless steel are more durable. But at the same time, scratches and scuffs may appear on them earlier. And the inner flask is prone to the formation of various plaque and scale. In addition, an unpleasant smell appears in such dishes more often.
Regardless of what material the flask is made of, the question "how to clean the thermos from plaque" is relevant and burning. But there are several effective ways to help deal with this problem.

How to prevent pollution?
It is not for nothing that they say that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later. This also applies to insulating cookware. It is better to monitor its condition immediately than to look for ways to clean the thermos inside and get rid of the unpleasant smell later.
The most important thing is to thoroughly wash away all liquid and food residues after each use. For best results, use a dishwashing detergent. In the presence of a narrow neck, it is recommended to purchase a special brush. Just do not use too hard materials, so as not to damage the walls of the flask.
After washing, the thermos must be wiped with a towel or napkin, turned over and left to dry. If it is not going to be used in the near future, it is not recommended to press the lid tightly after drying.
Particular attention when washing should be given to the junction of the flask and the body - small particles of food, tea or coffee residues can accumulate there. It is in this part that bacteria most often multiply, which cause an unpleasant odor.
For the same reasons, it is sometimes necessary to remove the flask from the thermos, but this is provided that it is made of glass. After the inside is removed, it should be thoroughly wiped. The same must be done with the inside of the thermos. Then moisture will not accumulate there. If the lid of the thermos is made in the form of a pump, then it is also important to rinse it especially thoroughly so that there is no stagnation of liquid and mold formation.

In addition to cleaning the inside of the flask, you should also pay attention to the outer part of the thermos. If the body is metal, it can be cleaned using the same products as the stainless steel flask. The plastic case requires a different cleaning, as the plastic absorbs odors strongly. If it was not possible to prevent the problem, you can solve it with a slurry of soda or coffee grounds.
What not to do?
Often, users are interested in how to clean a thermos from tea plaque and other contaminants correctly? Indeed, in the event of scratches, operational propertiesheat-insulating cookware are significantly reduced. In order for the "faithful friend" to last as long as possible, it is necessary to properly clean the flask to avoid damaging its coating. Not suitable for these purposes:
- Various products with abrasive particles. This includes not only powders with cleansing properties. The glass flask cannot be cleaned using sand, ground egg shells, or cereals.
- Metal brushes and hard brushes. When exposed to them, the coating of the flask is damaged and the inner seam inside the thermos is damaged.
- In addition to plastic and glass elements, any heat-insulating dishes contain a rubber gasket on the lid, so bleach, ammonia and concentrated acetic acid should not be used to clean the thermos.

There are many effective ways to help clean a thermos. It remains only to get acquainted with the features of each and choose the most suitable for yourself.
Citric acid
If, nevertheless, dirt has formed on the walls of the flask, you can use improvised means to combat this phenomenon. One of the simplest but most effective ways to clean a thermos from tea plaque inside is to use the most common citric acid.
First of all, you need to wash the dishes in the usual way and dry them well inside. After pouring a spoonful of funds and pour boiling water. Mix the resulting liquid well, and then cover with a lid and leave to "work" for several hours(About 10, it is possible for the night). Then rinse the inside of the thermos with water and dishwashing liquid.
Citric acid is effective in the fight against small and ageless pollution. Therefore, it is better not to start the dishes, but to carry out such a procedure, with frequent use of the thermos at least once every 1-2 months.

Baking soda
Here is one very inexpensive and popular option that will help clean the inside of a thermos from tea plaque and other contaminants. But soda alone is not able to cope with such a task, it is often used together with cereals, such as barley.
To do this, half a glass of cereal is poured into the flask, then a large spoonful of soda, all this is poured with boiling water. Stir vigorously and close the lid. Within 2-3 hours, that such a solution will be infused, the thermos must be shaken periodically, but carefully. Then all the contents are poured out, and the thermos is thoroughly washed with warm water.
Soda cleans the flask well from plaque, and also helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor formed inside.
Weak solution of acetic acid
This method is perfect for old pollution in the form of scale and plaque. For it, you will need the most common table vinegar at a concentration of 9%, you can also use apple cider vinegar.
Inside the thermos, about ¼ of its volume, pour vinegar. Fill the remaining volume with hot water, close tightly with a lid. Leave to infuse for 5 hours, then pour out the contents and rinsethermos under water.
This option can not only clean the thermos from tea plaque, but also rid it of an unpleasant smell.

Lemon wedges
This cleaning option is similar to using citric acid, but instead of it, you need to put a lemon cut into slices (whole) into the flask, and then pour boiling water over it. In addition to combating the problems of plaque, dirt and scale, lemon slices leave a pleasant aroma in the flask.
Denture cleaning tablets
Perhaps, this is one of the unusual, but working ways. Special tablets that are designed to clean dentures - you can buy them at the pharmacy - are able to cope with dirt inside the thermos! It is necessary to take only 2 pieces, put in a vessel and pour hot boiling water. Next, leave the contents to infuse overnight, and then rinse the flask.

Soda water
Oddly enough, drinks such as Coca-Cola or Fanta are also an effective way to help clean a thermos. In addition, they can be used to get rid of unpleasant odors. To do this, you just need to heat the required volume of the drink, which will go into the flask, and then pour it into the thermos. Leave the drink overnight, then rinse the vessel.
Special Descaler
An effective option that can clean a stainless steel thermos from the inside. Such a tool will not harm the inner flask. You can buy it in anyhardware store. The basis includes citric acid and excipients. For purification, it is necessary to put the amount of the mixture indicated by the manufacturer into the flask (depending on the volume of heat-insulating dishes) and pour boiling water over it. Close the lid tightly, shake to dissolve the powder, and leave to cool the water. After that, it remains only to rinse the thermos under running water.

Dry mustard
Another working way to help clean a thermos involves using an available component - mustard powder. It is this substance that will quickly and economically solve the problem of plaque and pollution. A few tablespoons of dry powder are poured into a flask, and then poured with boiling water. This mixture should be mixed, then close the lid and stand for several hours. Then pour the mixture and rinse the flask.
How to clean a thermos from greasy traces
In addition to the above problems, in the dishes where various ready-made dishes are stored - soups or the second - greasy traces are inevitable. You can get rid of them in the following ways:
- Soda and peroxide. Soda, in the amount of 100 grams, turn into gruel with hydrogen peroxide. With the resulting mixture, rub the flask inside and leave to act for a short time. Then rinse with water and a sponge. The traces of grease will disappear along with the smell.
- Soda with vinegar. Mix baking soda and vinegar 9% concentration in a ratio of 1: 1, then use a sponge to wipe the inside of the flask and wait about 15 minutes, rinsewater.
- Laundry soap. With the use of laundry soap, it will be possible to quickly remove various greasy traces from dishes and a thermos, while this can be done even in cold water. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the vessel under running water after.
Thermos is an item that serves a person for more than one year. During its operation, various pollution and an unpleasant odor may occur inside. But if you approach the cleaning process correctly, then the thermos will please for a long time. The main thing is to clean it after each use and do not leave any products in the flask for a long time. And quite simple improvised means can help to cope with pollution.