The dream of every amateur grower is to have such a flower bed on his site, on which there will be continuous flowering of plants from the early spring months until late autumn. Such a firework of colors and aromas. With spring plants, you most likely have decided, but summer garden flowers are more difficult to choose. In this article, we will consider, if not the most common, but hardy plants with a long flowering period.
We will form our flower beds so that our gentle pets will delight us with their colors for the whole summer. What could be more attractive than a blooming garden where you can relax and admire in the warm season?
Summer flowers, what are they?
It is impossible to imagine summer without colorful colors of marigold, marigolds, fragrant phloxes, chamomiles, cornflowers, zinnias. The list can be continued indefinitely. Summer flowers can be found everywhere: in gardens and parks, in rock gardens, on city balconies and just in a wide field. Apparently, a person cannot imagine life without these bright creatures of nature.

Summer flowers are cultivated both as annuals (marigolds, or Chernobrivtsy, blue cornflowers, small carnations), and as perennials (lobelia, phloxes, snapdragons, chamomiles). Let's stopon them in more detail. Photos of summer flowers, which will be discussed, are presented in the article.
The most active inhabitants of flower gardens are Chernobrivtsy (or scientifically - marigolds). What sorts and types you will not meet now: high, low, curly, different shades. Neither a garden, nor a kitchen garden, nor a city balcony can do without them. And they bloom from June until frost.
Antirrinum, or snapdragon, for some reason undeservedly sent to the backyard of the garden. Its flowering period is from June to October. Some varieties have a pleasant light aroma. A large color palette will bring a sense of celebration to your garden. The height, depending on the variety, can vary from 25 to 120 cm. The flower prefers sunny places, tolerates partial shade well. If the plant receives top dressing, it will delight you with its long and abundant flowering.

This flower is one of the most beautiful summer representatives. These are bright yellow flowers with a black convex core. In North America, the plant is called "black-eyed Susanna". Rudbeckia usually bloom from late June until the first frost. They love direct sunlight. In one place can grow up to 8 years.

With today's abundance of varieties of chrysanthemums, it is very difficult to advise anything. But it is impossible to imagine summer without chrysanthemums. They are beautiful as single flowers, and shrubs will decorate front gardens, balconies and terraces until frost.

If you haven't come across this flower before, you will fall in love with it forever. This is a frost-resistant perennial, but in our country it is often cultivated as an annual plant. Looks great in hanging pots. It blooms from July to September with beautiful unusually shaped flowers. From a distance, it resembles a petunia, which also pleases us with its flowering all summer.
In conclusion, I would like to note that summer flowers need sunlight and abundant watering. Then they will bloom for a long time and delight you and your household.