Built-in bathtub: features of installation and repair

Built-in bathtub: features of installation and repair
Built-in bathtub: features of installation and repair

Today, many owners of country cottages in the design of bathrooms prefer built-in baths. This design solution is good because it fits almost any interior and allows you to create the illusion of saving space. However, the bath (built-in) has several design features that distinguish it from standard models. After reading this article, you will learn about the main advantages and installation conditions of such products.

bath built-in
bath built-in


The main characteristic of integrated models, which distinguishes them from other products, is the bottom configuration and dimensions. As a rule, a built-in bathtub in a podium with a flat bottom has quite impressive dimensions. Such models are ideal for spacious bathrooms that do not look like standard options.

Most integrated products are additionally equipped with special ladders located on the side inner surface. This prevents splashing of water oncatwalk or floor.

Some manufacturers produce oval built-in bathtubs that can be installed even in small bathrooms. Such models easily stand in the corner or near one of the walls of the room.

acrylic bath
acrylic bath

Existing varieties

Depending on the configuration features, such products can be divided into:

  • round;
  • corner;
  • rectangular.

To date, the round built-in bath is considered the most popular. She is able to transform any interior, making it truly luxurious. Similar models are often installed in the very center of the bathroom.

Manufacturers often include all sorts of additional features in such products. So, an integrated bath with a mixer can be equipped with an imitation of sea waves, hydromassage, ozonation and lighting. Models with these options must be installed by a qualified technician.

bathtub with mixer
bathtub with mixer

Materials used for production

Depending on what this or that model is made of, all products can be classified into:

  • acrylic;
  • steel;
  • cast iron.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, so they are all in demand. However, the most popular is the acrylic bath, which has excellent thermal insulation properties. Due to this, the water collected in such products cools down rather slowly.

ConvincedConservatives will surely like impressive cast iron products. Like an acrylic bath, these models retain heat for a long time. To install these bulky products into the floor, it is necessary to strengthen the structures supporting them.

built-in bath faucet
built-in bath faucet

Installation features

In order for the bath (built-in) to last as long as possible, several important conditions must be observed during its installation. First of all, it should be mentioned that such models are not suitable for all city apartments, but only for those located on the ground floor. However, obtaining permission for such work is almost impossible. And unauthorized installation is fraught with serious problems not only with government agencies, but also with the integrity of the entire building.

In private homes, a bath (built-in) is mounted in spacious bathrooms located on the ground floor or in the basement. Otherwise, for these purposes, it is necessary to create a reinforced concrete base for support. Moreover, this should be done at the design stage of the mansion.

An important condition for the installation of integrable models is the presence of a properly connected sewer system. In terms of dimensions, such bathtubs are quite comparable to a jacuzzi or a swimming pool, therefore, when planning their installation, future water costs should be taken into account. The volume of most models averages about three hundred liters.

oval built-in bathtubs
oval built-in bathtubs

Main installation steps

Because the installation of such bathtubs is a rather difficult task,it is advisable to entrust it to specialists. It is almost impossible to cope with this task on your own. Before making a final decision on the installation of such plumbing, you need to calculate whether the floors can withstand such an impressive load. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the foundation.

The design of integrated plumbing implies the arrangement of the so-called pit, which exactly repeats the configuration of the product installed in it. You can't just dig a hole and put a tub in it.

After the pit is completely ready, you need to stretch communications there. The next step should be the installation of the siphon, after which you can proceed to insert the mixer and attach the support to the bottom of the installed plumbing.

To connect a bathtub installed in a pit to the sewerage and water pipes, you need to raise its legs as much as possible. At the final stage, it is necessary to draw a full bath of water to make sure it is tight. And only then you can start laying the floor.

built-in bathtub in the podium
built-in bathtub in the podium

A few words about the podium

It can be an ideal alternative for those who are planning to install integrated plumbing in a city apartment. So, the podium, equipped in a spacious room, allows you to create a skillful imitation of a bathtub built into the floor. In addition, thanks to the decoration of this element, you can favorably emphasize the features of the interior. Even a single-stage podium can transform a bathroom beyond recognition.

Bathroom faucet built-inbath

Modern manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of similar products. These appliances differ from standard models in that some of them are hidden in the side of the bath. The popularity of integrated faucets is due to the flexibility in choosing the installation location.

Built-in appliances are good because all their controls are in a horizontal plane, and all hoses are hidden under the podium. In some cases, the mixer, which has special legs, is mounted on the side of the bathtub.

Such appliances look great on large round or corner bathtubs with wide edges. This constructive solution solved the problem of masking unaesthetic hoses connecting the faucet to the shower head.

When choosing such devices, you should ask if you need to purchase special integrated frames for them. Before buying the model you like, you need to check with the seller whether it is covered by warranty and service. You also need to ask in advance where it will be possible to purchase spare parts and where you can contact in case of a possible breakdown. Do not skimp on built-in faucets, because repairing or replacing these devices can be much more expensive.