Cacti are one of the most amazing representatives of the plant world. Nature has rewarded them with a wide variety of external signs, forms of existence, spectacular flowers and sharp thorns.
Very quickly they conquered their niche in indoor floriculture, and now you can find the most exotic and rare species in stores. Care and reproduction of cacti is a rather troublesome business, requiring attention and time. Initially, you should study the literature and advice from experienced cacti growers.

There are two ways that cacti can be propagated - this is seed and vegetative. The expediency of using each of them largely depends on the experience of the grower, the possibilities, the type of plant. Vegetative propagation is most popular in indoor culture and consists in rooting cut cuttings or children of the mother plant.
Propagation of cacti by children
Many cacti, as they grow, are covered with many offshoots, shoots, which are commonly called "kids". They are reduced exact copies of the mother plant and are connected to it by a very thin bridge, so they often crumble spontaneously. As a rule, at the base of such children alreadyhave their own small roots, getting on the substrate, they quickly take root.
In some cacti, the shoots sit firmly to separate them, some effort is required. The most important thing at this point is not to damage the main plant. Rotate the baby along the longitudinal axis until it separates.

There are cacti that have side shoots, but they are by no means babies. By structure and function, they can be compared with the branches of a bush. Vegetative reproduction of cacti of this type is more complex, the separation process is difficult, since the junction with the mother plant is stronger and wider. Therefore, it makes sense to think about whether you really need a second copy of the same. Cutting off a side shoot, you risk spoiling the appearance of an adult plant. Therefore, choose attachment points that are most hidden from view.
Propagation of cacti by cuttings
This vegetative method is most relevant for epiphytic cacti that form long non-segmented shoots (pictured below), as well as elongated and columnar species. In the first case, part of the branch is cut off in the place where there are no signs of lignification, but not in the widest section of the leaf.

Columnar and elongated cacti are propagated by cuttings cut transversely 10-15 cm long. The cut must be made with a sharp knife, and chamfered along the edges for proper root formation from the middle part. In the same way, you can update old instances,lost their decorative effect or mutilated, improperly developing. It is enough just to cut off the top part. Its length should be 2-3 times the diameter of the cut.
The old copy with the top removed should not be thrown away. With it, you can continue the reproduction of cacti. It is used as a mother liquor, on which shoots are constantly formed. For example, as in the photo.
Rules of vegetative propagation
All manipulations during vegetative propagation are carried out only with sharp instruments (scalpel, razor, knife) and disinfected. Make straight cuts without burrs. Wipe instruments after each manipulation with alcohol. The wounds formed during the separation of children, as a rule, are very small and do not need to be processed, but if the cut is large, then it is better to sprinkle it with activated (crushed) charcoal. In order for the reproduction of cacti by cuttings to be successful, grease their cut with a root formation stimulator.
Independent segments, for example, like prickly pear, and babies do not need drying. They can be rooted in prepared soil immediately. With cuttings, the situation is different.

Extensive sections should be dried for two to three days in a warm place, out of direct sunlight. Then you need to put them upright in an empty pot or plastic container. It is desirable that the cuttings were, as it were, in limbo. The period can last quite a long time, the wound should be delayed and covered with a crust. Don't rush to land, wait untilroots will appear.
It is best to propagate cacti with cuttings and babies before the onset of the growing season or at its end.
Rooting babies and cuttings
If the children and cuttings are small, then simply install them on the substrate, otherwise use a garter to a support stuck into the soil. It can be a regular pencil or a stick. Select the substrate according to the type of cactus, if they are not too demanding, then the nutrient proportion of the mixture can be increased for more active and faster development. Epiphytes root well in moist sphagnum.
Keep the substrate constantly moist, but do not flood. Periodic spraying of plants is welcome. Epiphytes and other fast-growing cacti can be placed under the "hood", thereby creating greenhouse conditions. Be sure to leave some ventilation holes.
Watch the growing cuttings and babies, make sure that mold does not appear on the soil, as this can cause the plants to rot. If this happens, treat the surface with fungicides.
The vegetative method of propagating cactus is the most optimal for beginner flower growers. The probability of a positive outcome is very high, especially with unpretentious species (Echinopsis, Mammillaria). Literally a month later, the plant starts to actively grow, and it requires the same care as for adult specimens.
Common mistakes
Inexperienced cactus growers for cuttings from bushy cacti often choose either too youngshoots, or too old. The first ones are more beautiful, juicy, bright green in color, but at the same time too soft and unripe. They take root worse and often rot. For example, it is pointless to root prickly pear segments with rudimentary leaves instead of thorns, as in the photo.

The second option is too old shoots, which, so to speak, are no longer a pity. They are usually already lignified and also root poorly.
- Carry out all manipulations carefully so as not to break the thorns (they do not grow back) and not scratch the body of the cactus, as this leaves scars that spoil the appearance.
- Cactus cuttings and babies can be stored for a very long time, so they are easy to transport and even mail.
- Many epiphytic cacti on shoots have aerial roots, with which in nature they absorb moisture from the air, cling to a support. Such cuttings can simply be attached to the substrate, and the roots will quickly sprout into it.
- For successful rooting, use special preparations that accelerate root growth.
Growing from seeds

Not all species can be propagated vegetatively. Moreover, a plant grown from children and cuttings will never be as strong and perfect in all respects as obtained through the propagation of cacti by seeds. Such specimens are more resistant to disease.
Seed propagation of cacti at home requires certain skillsand special equipment. By and large, this is the work of professionals. The technology is complex and painstaking. Perhaps only the most unpretentious cacti can be grown from seeds at home.
Use a fine-grained substrate composed of peat and sand. Seeds do not need to be buried, spread them over the surface and cover the container with glass or a jar to create greenhouse conditions. The germination period stretches from several days to 3-4 weeks. At this time, it is important to maintain the desired level of moisture, avoiding waterlogging or drying out.
The main problem with seed propagation is the development of fungi and mold, so use disinfected tools. Seedlings need to be transplanted frequently, use regular tweezers for this.
Advice on seed propagation

- The most optimal sowing time is spring, the beginning of the growing season, only in this way the seedlings will be able to grow and get stronger by winter. If you have a special greenhouse, then the procedure can be carried out all year round.
- Keep your own collected cactus seeds in a tight but not airtight bag at a low positive temperature.
- Don't randomly pollinate different types of cacti. The decorative value of such hybrids will be practically zero.