Lighting installation: instructions and basic rules

Lighting installation: instructions and basic rules
Lighting installation: instructions and basic rules

The organization of the lighting system provides for a wide range of technical operations. The scale of such activities depends on the nature of the project task - in particular, on the light coverage area, on the number of lighting devices, their power, control method, etc. tasks are subject to special rules. Both the installation of lighting in a private house and the installation of street lighting equipment are carried out according to certain instructions.

lighting installation
lighting installation

General rules for installation work

High-discharge lamps, traditional incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED devices are allowed to be installed in electrified lighting systems. In systems based on gas-discharge radiation elements, it is necessary to provide protective equipment - as a rule, this requirement applies to objects where the influence of radio interference is expected. Sometimes combined lighting is also allowed - that is, several groups of devices of different types are introduced into the lighting infrastructure.

The main power line in relation to the installation of general purpose luminaires must havevoltage is not more than 380V. The limit value refers to industrial use, when electric lighting is installed in three-phase networks. For home and street lighting, elements powered by 220V are more often used. Point models of lighting devices and backlight elements can have power supply with voltage characteristics of 127V and below. At the same time, luminescent devices with a voltage in the spectrum of 127-220V are mounted at a level of no more than 2.5 m.

Instruction for installation of emergency power supplies

Emergency power supply is mandatory for industrial lighting and for appliances that are planned to operate outdoors. The regulations require that such luminaires be supplied with energy from separate independent sources. For example, leased lines can be connected to different transformers, while several converter stations can be connected to one distribution source.

It should also be noted the need to separate working lighting and evacuation. Working light is understood not only as a complex of devices in production, but also as a utility infrastructure in ordinary residential buildings. Escape routes must have a separate supply line from the entry point, which is independent of the operating panel. In critical areas, the installation of lighting is carried out together with the installation of protective frames that insure against accidental damage. This applies to both industrial premises and external lighting systems. If there are difficulties with the organization of separate power supply lines, then you canuse autonomous power sources in the form of internal or external batteries, as well as generator sets (gasoline or diesel).

outdoor lighting installation
outdoor lighting installation

Installation and protection of the lighting group

When drawing up a scheme for organizing a lighting network, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule, which excludes the possibility of contact between power wires and elements of the main lighting and lines supplying other equipment. All wiring must be insulated - both outside the box and inside the luminaire.

If outdoor lighting is being installed, then in addition to the supporting structure, means of isolation, moisture and wind protection are introduced. Fixing the cable to the main line is carried out in compliance with the distance from other connection points and the passage of cable routes of at least 2 cm. As for the installation of technical wiring for evacuation and working lighting, it is possible to use several phases. To do this, a busbar must be introduced into the infrastructure.

Installation of lighting systems is not complete without electrical protection, the choice of which will be determined by the characteristics of starting currents, lamp power, etc. Protective equipment is installed in groups in places that provide access for maintenance. If the lighting system is supplied from distribution lines, then dispersed installation schemes can be used. In terms of restrictions on this part, it can be noted that the rules prohibit the use of automatic switches and switches, as well asfuses in the neutral wire.

Network grounding

High-quality grounding is carried out using an appropriate wire, subject to the rules of the technical organization of this protection. In particular, the rules require that a reliable electrical connection be made in advance in the design of the luminaire itself - for example, the gap from the lamp housing to the fixing bracket must be neutralized by a protective conductor. The laying of the circuit along which the ground will pass may concern not only the housing of the lighting device. Ground wiring is often connected to the supporting structure on which the device is mounted. For example, if the lighting installation was based on metal poles or other structures, then they must be connected to the body with the same protective wires. If portable lamps with low voltage are used, then grounding is organized using a strand of flexible wire.

installation of lighting poles
installation of lighting poles

Indoor lighting installation rules

Single luminaires do not have to be provided with circuit breakers and fuses. If it concerns group circuits that supply devices with a current of up to 25 A, then the introduction of such equipment is mandatory. In addition, group lines with gas-discharge lamps and incandescent lamps with a power of 42 to 125 V should be provided with auto-switch releases or fuse protection fuses. If in such networks it is planned to form branches no more than 3 m long in steel pipes, then the installationno additional protective equipment required.

At home, lighting installation can be carried out on the basis that no more than 20 lamps will be needed per phase. In this case, sockets should also be considered as consumers. An increase in the number of lamps is possible provided that low-power lamps are used - for illumination or spot lighting.

street lighting installation
street lighting installation

Exterior lighting installation rules

One of the main parameters that lighting engineers are guided by when organizing street light is height. So, cable lights should be installed at a level of at least 6.5 m above the ground. Standard illumination of boulevards or pedestrian areas is carried out at a height of 3 m or more. If lawn appliances are used, then the height value is unimportant. Group installation of street lighting also implies the possibility of installing a large number of devices per phase. In this case, the value is greater than 20 units, but only if the branch circuits have their own circuit breakers or fuses.

Features of the installation of load-bearing structures

Usually, poles are used for the technical organization of street lighting. At the intersection of lines with roads and streets, gaps of about 40 m are maintained between the supports. Anchor elements and double cable fasteners are used as mounting fittings. The process of wiring and installation of lighting poles is carried out as part of a single event. After installing the structure, a cable line is introduced, and the polefenced with a plinth. Plinth elements must be sized to allow placement of wire terminations, fuses and a protection unit with access to maintenance.

installation of LED lighting
installation of LED lighting

Advertising Lighting Installation Rules

Features of installation of advertising lighting are determined by the type of devices used. The most popular means of such illumination is a gas-light tube. Less common due to the high cost of LED multimedia panels, but their efficiency is much higher. Since the installation of such devices is carried out outdoors, the regulations require the use of transformers in metal insulated casings, which also have a secondary voltage of up to 13 kV. When installing lighting poles for the same advertising multimedia panels or tubular lighting structures, it should be borne in mind that current-carrying open elements should be removed from combustible materials at a distance of more than 5 cm. so that third parties do not have access to them.

Instructions for working with light fittings

Auxiliary elements included in the infrastructure of the lighting system must, in their characteristics, correspond to both the loads in the electrical circuit and the external operating conditions. For example, if we are talking about places subject to vibrations, then the fixing reinforcement is selected with the expectation of a design that will not allow falling out orself-unscrewing of luminaire components or working equipment on the line. Without fail, the installation of LED lighting involves working with current-carrying cartridge cases - usually screw ones. On lines with dead-earthed neutrals, the cartridges are connected not to the phase, but to the neutral conductor. However, this requirement does not apply to portable luminaires that do not require grounding and grounding.

electrical lighting installation
electrical lighting installation

Instructions for working with installation devices

Installation accessories include switches, connectors, shields, adapters and switches. This equipment is also selected based on current characteristics and external operating conditions. There are special models for areas of high humidity, devices designed for use in hazardous areas, etc. The basic operation for installing this equipment will be the installation of lighting panels, which involves mounting a protected cabinet and introducing electrical devices into it. Further, secondary fittings with boxes, which may have protective blocks, are mounted openly or hidden. If the devices are mounted with open electrical wiring, then linings made of non-conductive materials should also be provided - as a rule, their thickness does not exceed 1 cm.

installation of lighting systems
installation of lighting systems


Besides the technical organization, the performance of lighting systems will depend on the ergonomics of operation, preventive maintenance and other operational factors. ATIn particular, the installation of outdoor lighting is increasingly carried out with integrated automation. To do this, use controllers with control complexes for the general electrical infrastructure of the house. For indoor lamps, single sensors and sensors are used to save users from unnecessary manipulations with the same switches. But these and other technical and operational solutions should be planned in advance at the system planning stage.
