At the end of the seventeenth century, many progressive French architects began to use an original idea in their new projects - one wall of the room was completely covered by windows. They allowed to increase the illumination of the room, as well as visually increase the space. The sun's rays freely penetrated through them, illuminating even the corridors, which were previously artificially lit with oil lamps.

The windows of that time differed from modern ones in that they were not glazed - after all, glass was very expensive. It would probably be more correct to call the first French window a door, since it was a metal sliding or hinged sash, sheathed with boards.
French windows, which many still call panoramic, are still popular in France and Italy. They are installed both in high-rise buildings and in private mansions. Such windows were used in the Soviet Union in some designs of Stalinist high-rise buildings built in the fifties.
French windows with wooden or plastic frames are divided into several sections,glazed separately from those located nearby. This allows you to strengthen the frame, because its area is large.
French window doesn't need to be divided into sections. But in this case it should be

Aluminum frame is used and glass must be tempered.
If we compare these windows with conventional designs, it immediately becomes noticeable that they do not have a vertical lintel between the sashes. This is due to the appointment of this type of windows, which are also doors. Its doors, opening, must completely free the opening. In order to meet this condition, the sashes are mounted on a frame, which is made of a specially designed profile, which makes it easy to move them to the side.
The French window has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure them out. Let's start with aesthetic perception - these are undeniably beautiful windows (the photo will make sure of this). Panoramic type increases natural light many times.

Windows of such a plan significantly improve the interior of the room, especially if opposite is a park area or any other beautiful landscape. If your home goes to the construction site of another high-rise building or to the wall of an abandoned factory, then the matter is different. Then it does not make sense to install such a window - it will not only not decorate the room, but will make it more dull.
Now for the downsides. What is not very good French window? Disadvantages first.includes its high cost - about twelve thousand rubles per square meter. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the price of a window will increase even more if reflective film, double-glazed windows and other additional options are used in the design.
Another shortcoming of the French window will be immediately noticed by the hostesses. It consists in the presence of "deaf" segments. If they are present in the frame of a window located in an apartment on the top floor, there will be problems when washing it.