Any kitchen equipment sooner or later requires thorough cleaning of grease and scale. This is especially true of the hood, through the mesh of which a sufficient amount of steam passes.
The function of a special grid is to protect the kitchen from various odors and fumes that can adversely affect the human body. But in the event of a blockage, the hood ceases to function normally, or it may completely malfunction, and the family has to breathe it. In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, it is required to clean the hood in the kitchen in a timely and quick manner, but not everyone knows how to do this.
How to start the procedure
How to clean the hood in the kitchen from grease? The problem is difficult for many. Experts do not recommend taking the situation to extremes and waiting for scale to appear on the hood. But if this has already happened and the equipment has ceased to cope well with its functions, and has also acquired a yellow tint, it's time to start cleaning. But in the future, try to avoid such situations andclean up when dirty. An important rule: the procedure must be approached carefully and the device must be completely disassembled in order to remove dirt from the farthest corners.

Do not rush to disassemble the hood, because there is a possibility to do something wrong. It is better to study the instructions for the device beforehand. It also contains information about contraindicated drugs for a particular device. After all, each hood has its own number of features and subtleties in care.
Once all the information has been studied and the hood has been disassembled, you can draw up a rough plan of action to clean the hood in the kitchen from fat:
- The most important rule in this case is to turn off the hood from the power supply. Otherwise, there is a possibility of electric shock.
- The main clogged part of the hood is protective grilles. They will need to be removed.
- Inspect the device inside, if necessary - prepare filters for replacement. If it is not necessary to replace them, wash them thoroughly.
- Gently wash the inside of the hood, as well as its body itself. It is not required to remove it, but you should not ignore this detail when washing either.
- Wash protective nets.
- Let all appliances dry. Reassemble the hood.
It is important to remember: not all filters in the hood can be cleaned. Sometimes they only need regular replacement. All detailed information must be indicated in the instructions.
How to wash the case
Experts recommend startingprocedure from washing the hood body itself, which is firmly attached to the wall. This part of the process is one of the most difficult. There are enough ways to wash the hood panel. The main thing is to take into account the features of your device and not harm it.

For example:
- Need to clean the hood in the kitchen? Baking soda and s alt will help. They are in the kitchen of every housewife. It is known that soda helps to solve many household issues, and sometimes it has a better effect than professional products. You just need to boil water, add a little s alt and soda, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Allow the solution to cool slightly and use a dampened sponge to pass over the surface of the panel. The main rule is to thoroughly wash the solution and not leave streaks, otherwise the enamel can be damaged. After the procedure, it is recommended to dry the frame with a towel.
- Laundry soap also has an effective effect. You need to grate a little product and add it to hot water, thoroughly rinse the hood with the resulting solution, again without leaving streaks.
- Vinegar helps to cope with pollution no less. You need to apply it on dirty areas and leave for a few minutes. Then wipe the dissolved fat with a sponge. You need to work with gloves. Remaining minor blockages can simply be removed with warm soapy water.
- Lemon or citric acid is also suitable for this procedure. Lemon juice should be applied to problem areas, left for a while, and then wipe the fat with a sponge. Repeat if necessary.
- Regulardishwashing detergent will also help clean the panel from dirt. They can be creamy or dry.
If you decide to use store-bought products, you should choose a specialized department and consult with a specialist, having previously told about the features of the brand of your hood.

In this case, the consultant will select the right tool. It is worth noting that a good detergent has a decent cost.
How to wash the filter from the hood
It is known for certain that filters are one of the main mechanisms in the structure of the hood. They help prevent the spread of fumes and smoke throughout the kitchen when food is being prepared. However, if the filter is clogged, this function ceases to function normally. The part gets dirty pretty quickly, even if you rarely cook greasy food.

With each cooking, the fat settles on the protective filter, which is why after a couple of months a dense layer is formed, which is quite difficult to clean.
Some people try to clean it with a hard brush, while others put the filters in the dishwasher. However, this is a fatal error, due to which the item only turns black and loses its protective properties.
But some modern devices provide washing filters in the dishwasher, but the effect is not always effective. It is better to use the manual method.
Cleaning the filter
So, how to clean the filter inkitchen hood:
- Take a container that can easily fit the filter.
- Pour boiling water into the bowl so that the filter is completely immersed in water.
- Add a teaspoon of citric acid and baking soda, plus some regular dish soap.
- Leave it all to soak for 5-7 hours. Can be soaked overnight.
- Remove the filter and rinse under cool water using a sponge.
This method is considered one of the most effective. However, the longer the hood has not been cleaned, the more it will have to be kept in a hot solution. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least once a month.

If the filter is still suitable for washing in the machine, it is worth sending it there, including the minimum temperature.
If the first method turned out to be not quite working, you can use laundry soap. It contains a sufficient amount of fatty acids, which is why it washes plaque efficiently.
To carry out the process, you will need a bowl of hot water (about 3 liters), as well as half a bar of laundry soap. It must be grated and added to a bowl of water. Wait half an hour. Dirty parts of the equipment are processed with the resulting mixture.
Lemon juice has an equally effective effect. If the pollution is not particularly strong, you can squeeze a couple of lemons and add to a cup of water. The resulting solution treats problem areas. Some housewives advise rubbing the filter or nets with the lemon itself, waiting for half an hour and rinsingitems under the tap.
How to wash the mesh from the hood
If the item is slightly dirty or has recently been cleaned, then you can use a simple improvised method. So, how to clean the mesh from the hood in the kitchen:
- Fill the mesh with hot water, after putting it in a special container.
- Take an ordinary dishwashing detergent or a special product for cleaning greasy deposits. With a regular brush, go over the grid itself, doing everything as carefully as possible.
- Leave everything in a bowl of hot water for a couple of hours to wash out the fat well.
- Take out the mesh and rinse. This is done under a stream of cool water. Detergent residue must be washed off thoroughly.
Launched case
If the situation is much more complicated and the fat on the mesh has already hardened significantly, a simple cleaning is unlikely to bring fruitful results.

One of the most common methods used in the distant past will come to the rescue - digestion of the grid. The process is quite simple.
Here's how to clean your kitchen hood grate:
- First you need to pick up a special container where the net will fit completely.
- Add hot water, a few tablespoons of special detergent, and two tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl.
- Put it all on the fire and boil for an hour.
- Remove the mesh and rinse well under cold water.
If the first time it was not possible to get rid of plaque completely, the procedure can be repeatedmore. The main thing is to prevent the destruction of the metal.
Washing the filter and screens is easy if you strictly follow the instructions. However, you will have to spend enough time.
How to wash the grate from fat
The grate usually accumulates greasy deposits, which are the most difficult to clean. If the situation is specifically running, the grate has not been cleaned for a sufficient amount of time, you should use the following method.

So, how to clean the old hood in the kitchen:
- You'll have to go to a special store and buy a product that eliminates blockages. Such agents may be in the form of a powder or gel. It is better to consult with a specialist in the store.
- You will also have to buy good gloves, because when cleaning with these products, allergic reactions can occur. Before using the solution, it is important to read the instructions, which describe in detail the intricacies of using the product.
- The grate will need to be placed in a special container, in which you will have to add the right amount of the purchased product. Next, add hot water.
- Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse the grate under cold water. The effect will be fast and high quality.
If there is no time or you do not want to spend money on expensive funds, ordinary ammonia will come to the rescue. However, this method of washing will be accompanied by a pungent odor, so it is better to open windows during the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of dizziness. The process is simple:
- Take a container that is larger than the grill and add hot water to it.
- Add about 100-120 ml of ammonia.
- Put the grill itself in a container with water and alcohol, leave for several hours.
- After the required time, rinse it under cool water. You need to use a soft sponge. If the fat was washed off badly, repeat the procedure.
- Wipe the grate with a towel.
How to wash the fan on the hood
All the air passes through the fan after the degreasing process, so it also needs to be cleaned regularly, otherwise malfunctions may occur.
In this case, you will need the help of the head of the family. So, how to clean the fan in the hood in the kitchen:
- You need to unscrew the bolts and get the fan itself out of the hood. It is located near the motor, so it is easy to spot it.
- Place the item in a container with a solution of detergent or laundry soap. The water must be hot. Leave for a few hours.
- Take out the fan and wipe it with a dry towel.
Tips & Tricks
There are a few practical guidelines to follow throughout the process. What you need to know before cleaning the kitchen hood in the wall?
- When all parts of the hood are washed, do not immediately rush to collect it. It is better to allow time for all parts to dry thoroughly.
- Experts recommend at least once every 1.5 years to completely disassemble the hood and thoroughly clean all its parts, including the motor. Such measures will helpextend its lifespan. A cleaned motor will make less noise.
- Alkaline products should not be used regularly to clean metal surfaces. They deform the surface.
- Rubbing the surface with metal brushes is also not recommended. There may be scratches on the surface. It is better to use special soft brushes for washing metal surfaces or ordinary sponges for washing dishes.
- Before you start washing the hood, be sure to refer to the instructions. Perhaps a particular model requires special care or does not tolerate certain chemical elements. This point is very important, because there is a danger of significantly damaging the hood.
It is better to clean the mesh, grate and filters at least once every 2 months. Especially if fatty meals are regularly prepared in the kitchen. This will help improve the efficiency of the device and also prevent future breakdowns.
This procedure is best done on a day off, when there is enough free time. The procedure is usually delayed for a long time, for a complete cleaning it will take about 5-6 hours.