Black butterflies on the wall: interesting decor ideas

Black butterflies on the wall: interesting decor ideas
Black butterflies on the wall: interesting decor ideas

Black butterflies on the wall is an inexpensive decor that can decorate almost any interior, bring innovation and some charm to it. So you can revive the design, despite the seemingly gloomy tone. If the room has bright colors, then black will be a nice addition. But in which rooms is this decor appropriate?


The image of butterflies in the bedroom will allow you to get out of the depressive state that usually finds us in the autumn-winter period. Every time you fall asleep in the evenings or wake up in the morning, you can see these cute creatures that, like night guards, guard the dream.

Black butterfly - the standard of art!
Black butterfly - the standard of art!

If the room is made in a classic style and it has a closet with mirrored doors, then you can't find a better decoration. One has only to optimally distribute the butterflies on a reflective surface.

Photo of black butterflieson the wall it would be appropriate to look over the head of the bed. Volumetric models made of vinyl film or cardboard will especially stand out.

Girls' room

At first glance, it seems that butterflies will look great only in the bedroom, but in reality this decor option will be relevant in the children's room. Girls will like it more than boys, because little men have other interests.

If you surround the princess with a variety of fluttering beauties, this will allow the girl to develop her fantasy. In addition, they contribute to the charge of positive energy, remove all negativity. As for the location of the butterflies, they can be anywhere:

  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • bedding, etc.

In addition, we are talking about different designs: in the form of stickers, stencils, paper applications. Butterflies can even be made from gypsum (several of these photos of butterflies on the wall can be found in this article).

Living room

In this room, too many winged insects will be superfluous. So, it is worth limiting themselves to their minimum content. As an option - a floor carpet that matches the style of the room, with the image of a large butterfly. In addition, you can purchase a blanket, also decorated with them, or opt for curtains with marvelous and beautiful insects.

Black butterflies in the interior of the living room
Black butterflies in the interior of the living room

Due to the decor, the atmosphere in the living room will be warm, harmonious and a little summery, despite the cold outside.


Even in this room, butterflies will appeal to many design aesthetes. Insects can be not only on the walls or curtains - they can be found on the dishes. In addition to dark butterflies on the wall, you can add a few more beauties to large windows that will flutter beautifully. At the same time, it is important to arrange them in a chaotic manner or make some kind of pattern.

As an option - the same butterfly, only the size of the entire surface of the glass. It may not be possible to fully admire the street landscape, but it will certainly succeed in attracting attention.

Implementation Ideas

Butterflies for decorating various rooms can be made from a variety of materials. Sometimes there are even exotic options. The final result of the decor will depend on this choice.

If you have a rich imagination and desire, then you can try to make a similar decor with your own hands. But in the absence of experience and presentation of the final result, it is worth starting with trial options. The more there are, the better. Among them, there will still be the form that will most resemble a real insect.

The newly created black butterflies on the wall can be attached to the place of their planned habitat. Then it will be easier to evaluate the effect produced and choose the best option.

Paper insects

This is the easiest and cheapest decor. However, there are many techniques for its implementation. If the butterfly is planned flat, then it can be completely glued to a wall, panel or any glass surface. In this caseonly the front is important.

Plaster beauty
Plaster beauty

However, when creating a three-dimensional composition, you must use double-sided paper. Moreover, both sides must be painted black (you can use another). The "wrong side" can only spoil the impression, and the product itself will turn out to be just a dummy.

Instead of the usual material, you can use corrugated. Then the effect will turn out to be somewhat different: black paper butterflies on the wall will look light, airy, translucent. This is the best choice for voluminous compositions.

In addition, other options can be used as a material for creating butterflies:

  • old magazines;
  • newspaper clippings;
  • cards;
  • paper napkins;
  • wallpaper of the desired color.

In other words, any printed matter can be useful. It is worth noting that even one paper provides a lot of options for implementing butterflies in practice. But they can be painted in black or any other color, combined, made multi-layered. In a word, the scope for creative imagination is huge.

Carton products

Cardboard can also be double-sided and colored. With it, you can create voluminous black butterflies on the wall. It is not difficult to bend the wings relative to the body of the butterfly, because this material holds the given shape well. And better than paper. At the same time, the corrugated effect cannot be achieved. Due to the high rigidity of the cardboard, it is impossible to make small folds.

But fromthis material can make openwork butterflies. It is enough to cut out everything superfluous with a sharp knife, leaving only partitions. Only the manufacture of this kind of decor requires patience, perseverance and, of course, accuracy.

Black butterflies on a paper wall
Black butterflies on a paper wall

In addition, cardboard is suitable for creating a stencil for the mass production of butterflies of the same size. In extreme cases, you can make several templates of different sizes. Subsequently, it will not be difficult to “propagate” butterflies throughout the room. This will take a minimum of time.


And here it is desirable to have ready-made butterfly stencils on the wall of the right size and in the required quantity. This decor can be mounted on the wall or used as an original lampshade for a lamp. Previously, the fabric should be stiffened. The rest of the procedure is almost the same:

  • attach stencil;
  • cut according to the outline;
  • if necessary, decorate the butterfly;
  • attach to any surface.

It is worth noting that it is more difficult to work with fabric than with paper or cardboard. At the same time, an original decor is obtained. Those designers who have some needlework skills and know how to handle a sewing machine can go further. For example, they can recreate the veins on the wings.

Exotic in all its glory

In Soviet times, many people liked to listen to musical compositions on records. Because today moderntechnologies are developing quite quickly, all songs have migrated to digital and optical media. However, the old records have not gone anywhere, unless, of course, they were previously thrown into a landfill as unnecessary. But this is a good material for black butterflies to flutter on the wall.

Besides, the plates are just black - the matter remains small. Since vinyl is hard, you will need to preheat it in the oven to cut it. In this case, the baking sheet must be covered with foil so as not to spoil it.

Exotic at its finest
Exotic at its finest

First of all, the contour of the future butterfly should be applied to the vinyl (it will be easier and faster with a stencil). After that, the plate can be placed on a baking sheet with foil and sent to the oven. As soon as the material softens, you need to remove it and quickly (as far as possible) cut out the outline of the insect. In this case, the workpiece will have to be heated more than once. You need to be prepared for this. After the outline has been cut, heat the vinyl again to give it the desired shape.

Beer stuff

Used beer cans can be a great material for making decorative butterflies. Any other relatively soft tin can also come in handy.

The bottom of the cans should be cut off with a lid, and then the pieces of tin should be aligned. Here you will also need a butterfly stencil on the wall. So, the contour is transferred with an awl with dots. They are connected with a marker to form a single pattern. Next, it remains to cut the butterfly with metal scissors (although a regular tool will do).

The front part is sometimes not always attractive. Therefore, it is worth decorating the reverse shiny side. You can cover it entirely in black or paint it with felt-tip pens (markers) of various colors. At the same time, extreme care must be taken, as the edges are quite sharp. Cutting yourself on them costs nothing.

Flitting beauties

Butterflies, located on the wall, cannot but attract attention from the outside. A wide range of such decor will allow you to choose the appropriate options: multi-colored insects or mostly black. You can place them yourself or use the ideas of professional designers. In any case, black butterflies transferred through the stencil to the wall will bring their own flavor.

A true work of art
A true work of art

And if the interior is only planned, it makes sense to purchase wallpaper with painted butterflies. Only, as experts note, it is not worth completely sealing the room with such paper products. It is best to highlight one or two zones and dilute them with other tones of a calm nature.

However, if necessary, you should focus on butterflies, for example, choose wallpaper with monochrome colors and large insects. In this case, it is better to purchase two or three types so that you can alternate stripes. The resulting transitions will give the room lightness. One type of butterfly can create an airy mood.

Using stickers

Thanks to the stickers, you can significantly diversify the interior of any room that has lostaesthetic relevance. They will come to the rescue in a situation where it was not possible to find suitable wallpapers and you had to opt for a neutral color. The wall stickers (black butterflies) will just do the trick.

There are a wide variety of beauties on the market that are easy to use. It remains only to choose suitable copies and give them a place on the wall. This range of stickers consists of different types, but the simplest of them is a smooth vinyl material. With this decor, you can decorate not only the surface of the walls, but also pieces of furniture.

You can arrange them in a chaotic manner (as was suggested earlier for the kitchen) or form any pattern, pattern that the manufacturer offers.

Black Butterfly Wall Stickers
Black Butterfly Wall Stickers

Many designers recommend using black butterfly wall stickers to create the whole picture. This will require more space. Nevertheless, such a pattern, consisting of many fluttering butterflies, is able to set the tone for the entire interior of the room.

3D Power

Whatever one may say, but volumetric decor will always look better than its two-dimensional counterparts. As a rule, it is used mainly to decorate walls, however, it will look just as good on the ceiling. It includes three-dimensional figures of butterflies, which can be fixed on the surface with Velcro, buttons and other fixation tools.

But the voluminous decoration really looks unimaginable. One onlyits appearance resembles living fluttering insects. When choosing such a decor, you should opt for thin and plastic materials. In this case, even with a light breeze, the butterflies will rustle their wings, as if intending to take off.

Don't deny yourself fantasy. You can create any picture you like. And these are by no means just fancy patterns, because you can create, for example, a whole panorama or a separate composition.

Fine arts

Another interesting idea using black and white butterflies on the wall is paintings. You can pick up ordinary images in your home or a three-dimensional version. There are no restrictions on the number and size. You can hang several paintings (or one large one) on only one wall or decorate all vertical surfaces with them.

This choice of decor is highly practical, because there is always the opportunity to replace the picture or remove it altogether. This will make the look of butterflies look as real as when using 3D vinyl stickers.

Volumetric paintings, of course, to a greater extent will allow you to revive fluttering beauties. You can put them on the bedside tables near the bed and admire every time before going to bed or when you wake up again.

There is a place for black butterflies everywhere, even over the head of the bed!
There is a place for black butterflies everywhere, even over the head of the bed!

An unusual atmosphere can be created with the help of butterfly herbarium paintings. In fact, these are real insects, only dried and placed under a glass frame. The use of black butterflies on the wall in a similar role to decorate the interior of the living room,kitchen or almost any other room will bring more naturalness and life.

This kind of painting can not only be purchased at a specialized store, but also made by hand. A good example is placing several such herbariums on the wall, which allows you to create a kind of gallery.