Designing a room for a teenager… At first glance, it is a simple task, if you do not take into account the interests of the child directly. Often, parents completely decorate the interior on their own, based on their own preferences, and any wishes of the owner of the room are rejected and not even considered. The result is either too “adult” or “childish” awkward room, and after all, a teenager has his own opinion, despite the fact that he does not pay for repairs.

So, first of all, we remember ourselves at this age. Did you like the interior of your room? Would you like to make it more modern? This is the first nuance - the interior of a room for a teenager should correspond to the time.
Do not forget about the child's hobbies and take into account his wishes. For example, if he wants to hang a picture of his idol on half the wall, then why not add it? Or maybe there is a passion for astronomy or some other science? Why not use it in the interior? What do you say about neon lights? We are sure you will point out the impracticality of thissolutions. But do teenagers think about practicality?

In most cases, the interior of a room for a teenager includes quite bright colors. This approach can be used, but be sure to look at the combination of selected shades on the color wheel. Still, even a very bright room should look attractive, and not like a circus. In addition, the overloaded interior tires the eyes, and teenagers, as you know, often sit at the computer for a long time.
Pay attention to every detail, because the interiors of rooms for teenagers are carefully thought out design solutions. Even a table lamp may not be a classic look, but an original one. Of course, the style must be harmonious, no matter what direction it is chosen.
Don't forget your desk and computer chair. These two interior details should be chosen in such a way that the teenager is comfortable spending time behind them. In this case, not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side is taken into account.

Special attention deserves a teenager's bed. If the area allows, then you can choose a double bed. But, given today's realities, the interior for a teenager's room has to be created in cramped living conditions. But furniture factories have expanded the range of folding sofas and modular systems so much that there will be no problems. You will only need patience during the search, because not only you participate in the choice,but also a teenager.
The last thing worth noting is that the interior of a room for a teenager includes several zones - a playroom, a bedroom, a study room, a living room. All this is taken into account, because the child accepts friends in his room, which means that there should be enough free space and furniture to accommodate them. Also, there should be enough space at the desktop to lay out textbooks and notebooks. And, of course, the location of the sleeping area is chosen in such a way that the child's sleep is full and he althy. As you can see, the interior of a room for a teenager is chosen taking into account the preferences of the child and the practicality of adults.