Adding a garage to the house: project, building plan, material selection and expert advice

Adding a garage to the house: project, building plan, material selection and expert advice
Adding a garage to the house: project, building plan, material selection and expert advice

Recently, garages attached to the main house are gaining more and more popularity. Such structures have a number of advantages, unlike individual garage buildings. Firstly, by carrying out such work, you will save money, because the extension will be cheaper for a building with a separate building.

garage extension to a wooden house
garage extension to a wooden house

You can conduct communications from home and save money. Secondly, the extension of the garage to the house allows you to save space on the site. This is especially true if the area is small. Thirdly, the extension will be a cross between an attached and independent garage. Some homeowners are repulsed by this decision, because they believe that unpleasant odors will enter the house. This opinion is erroneous, as the structure will retain its autonomy and will not cause inconvenience.


extension to the house
extension to the house

The extension of the garage to the house should be designed taking into account some rules. At this stage, it is important to consider how the foundation will be poured. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the garage is a zone of increased fire hazard, which requires the adoption of preventive measures.

At the drafting stage, you will need to consider the legal side of the issue. You will have to draw up the relevant documents in order to fully manage the property in the future. Before planning, you should think about whether there will be communications inside. They can be carried out from a residential building. These should include:

  • electricity;
  • stock;
  • plumbing;
  • heating.
garage extension to timber house
garage extension to timber house

A garage can be a place of increased fire hazard, so it is necessary to exclude the accumulation of a large amount of volatile combustible substances in the air, because this can provoke a detonation. The garage should have a ventilation system and take care of the availability of fire extinguishing equipment. When designing a garage extension to the house, you must also take into account the possibility of saving on heat exchange, because the adjoining wall will always be warm. This is a definite plus. But the extension may cause some inconvenience in the operation of the house, for example, the driveway will occupy a rather impressive area of the site.

Specialist recommendations

When designing, it is also important to think about what materialwalls will be built. The adjacent partition must be insulated with refractory materials to eliminate the risk of fire spreading into the residential sector. The optimal solution for operation, in terms of thermal insulation and fire safety, are brick garages.

Construction plan

Adding a garage to the house begins with the arrangement of the foundation. Next, you can deal with the walls. They can be made of cellular concrete, which has a low weight and is in the middle price range. The material is well processed and has an increased size, which means that the construction time will be reduced.

Features of wall construction

As soon as the foundation is strong, you can start building walls. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the base. To do this, you can use a special mastic or roofing material. These materials are stacked in several layers. Next, guides are installed that will exclude deviation from the horizontal during masonry work.

Work methodology

When laying the first row, a cement mortar is applied. Blocks are stacked by analogy with working with bricks. The only difference is the solution used. Brickwork involves the use of cement; for blocks, special glue should be purchased. After examining the photo of the garage extensions to the house, you can understand what material it is better to choose from. The main thing is to follow the technology. At its next stage, it is necessary to treat the adjacent wall with refractory impregnation.

canopy garage extension to the house
canopy garage extension to the house

Next, you should do the roof. It is important to ensure the angle of the slope of the beams, which will contribute to the convergence of snow and other precipitation from the roof. The next step is to install the gate. It is necessary to check their verticality. The frame must be perfectly horizontal. To check, use the building level. Then you can do the finishing work.

Selection of materials

When it comes to the choice of materials, you should be guided by the need to ensure a common style with the house. For the described structure, sip panels can be used. They will allow you to carry out construction work in a short time. Modern panels are easy to install. An alternative solution may be metal or wood. In this case, the extension will be frame. The metal is not exposed to climatic and weather phenomena, it is resistant to temperature extremes. The following heaters are commonly used with metal:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • styrofoam;
  • foam;
  • mineral wool.

From what to build a frame

The frame can be based on:

  • rebar;
  • pipes;
  • channels.

The bearing beams should be larger in diameter, while the auxiliary ones will have a smaller diameter. All elements of the metal structure are connected by welding, it can be semi-automatic or electric arc welding. Do-it-yourself garage extension to the house can also be made of wood. This material is lighter, more durable andstrength. It is impossible not to highlight the environmental friendliness. Wood is the warmest material. But such a frame still needs to be insulated, thermal insulation can be similar.

For fastening to the wall of the frame, reinforcement is inserted into the base. All gaps between the building and the frame are sealed with mounting foam or plaster.

What is important to consider when building

If the building is wooden, polyurethane foam should not be used, because it can violate the integrity of the wood structure. Sheathing can be done with any materials. Usually siding or plastic is used for this. For a wooden extension, it is more rational to use a lining. It has an attractive appearance and high strength.

When considering options for garage extensions to the house, you should pay attention to solutions with interior decoration made of OSB or plywood. You can replace these materials with drywall, which is easy to use and practical. It is covered with plaster and painted. The roof can be shed, but in this case, good tightness of the joints should be ensured. Roofing material can be a metal tile. Ondulin also looks great.

Features of foundation construction

The addition of a garage with a foundation to the house should begin with earthworks. For this, a 70-centimeter trench is dug. Crushed stone with sand will become a pillow. A wooden formwork is installed around the perimeter. A frame of reinforcing bars is laid out at the bottom. Then the whole thing is poured with concrete.

The solution is prepared from:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • fine crushed stone.

After the foundation is completed, cracks may appear in the zone of contact between the house and the extension. Their reason lies in the shrinkage of the main building and extension. In order to prevent such surprises from happening, the foundations must be combined with reinforcement or plastic composition.


Starting building walls immediately after completing the foundation should not be. A certain time must pass to understand whether the foundation has been preserved, whether it has remained intact and strong. If no breaks or cracks appeared, the bond was strong. Construction can continue.

Addition to a wooden house

Attaching a garage to a house from a bar is usually carried out after the construction of a strip foundation. If the soil is hard and the weight of the extension is small, you can get by with a columnar base. Quite an important detail are the joints. Each building will shrink, which means that the walls will move. In modern construction, technologies are often used where displacement is minimal. In this case, we are talking about an expansion joint, which is a gap between the extension and the house. It should be filled with materials from the polyurethane group. A specific foam is placed in the gap, and protection is applied on top.

An extension to the house of a garage made of foam blocks is carried out in such a way that a screed is provided between the two buildings. It is achieved with strong brackets made of steel 15 mm reinforcement. Two foundations can be interconnected by a transitionalwith a bunch, and then use the sealing mass. If the earth has a weak bearing capacity, and the building will be quite heavy, it is better to separate the foundations, they will remain in the form of two structures and will not be interconnected. The easiest way is to attach the garage at the time of the formation of the base of the wall of the house.

Adding a garage to a wooden house may require a change in the project. In this case, it is coordinated with firefighters and the architect, which can cost a pretty penny. The easiest way is to create a frame from sandwich panels. The foundation here will be tape. It will be possible to fill it even without formwork, deepening it by 60 cm. If a garage is attached from a bar to a block house, care must be taken to ensure the stability of the car storage space. To do this, load-bearing trusses and support posts are installed, which are mounted on the wall of a residential building.

Carport Garage

an extension to the house of a garage made of foam blocks
an extension to the house of a garage made of foam blocks

In order to build a shed attached to the main house and serving to store the car, no special skills are required. The foundation can be purchased in the form of ready-made blocks, then installed with corners and brackets. Support poles are then attached to the blocks. An alternative solution would be to dig meter-long holes for poles. Their bottom is concreted. You can also use paving slabs. If you decide to use foundation blocks, then the frame can be built after fixing the supports. But when using concrete pads, you must wait until the solution hardens. On thisit will take about a week. Only after that you can start installing the frame.

do-it-yourself garage extension to the house
do-it-yourself garage extension to the house

The frame can be assembled from wooden beams or a metal profile. There should be a minimum of cross sections on the frame. This will keep the stress on it to a minimum. Racks are connected to each other. It is necessary to fix the transverse beams on them by stuffing the crate and assembling the rafters. If you need an extension to your home, you might like the garage shed.

At the next stage of creating such a design, you can start installing the roof. To do this, you can use:

  • profiling;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wood;
  • sheet metal.

Polycarbonate is the most popular. To create such a roof, profile square pipes are used for support, lathing and girders. You will need a supporting arch, galvanized self-tapping screws, mortar, press washers and anchor bolts.

After the polycarbonate sheets are cut, it is necessary to drill holes in them for fasteners. Perforated tape should be used to cover the bottom edges of the polycarbonate. The canopy can also be made of wood. The roof in this case also consists of wood. The material is installed on top of the crate and supporting pillars.

The roof can be covered with slate or polycarbonate. If you decide to use wood for the roof, it should be laid as tightly as possible and treated with a mixture with waterproof properties. An extension to the main house can also be made of corrugated board. Sheets are stacked withoverlap. When fastening them, galvanized self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets should be used to prevent scratches when screwing the fasteners. Sheets are attached at the extreme corners, and then along the rest of the plane.

In conclusion

timber garage extension to a block house
timber garage extension to a block house

It is difficult to imagine the owner of a private house without a car. The presence of a motor vehicle entails the need to own a garage. It can become a separate building on the site. But if the territory is limited in area, then you can attach a place to store the car to the house. When the owner is limited in funds, he may refuse to build a garage in favor of an extension in the form of a canopy. Here you can even get by with the remains of building materials. When attaching a timber garage to a block house, you can make the foundation as light as wood is not a heavy material.
