The refrigerator stores different types of food, in its natural form and after cooking. Often, in case of non-compliance with the rules of placement and loosely sealed containers, odors are mixed. If, due to inattention, any product has expired, an unpleasant aroma remains in the refrigerator for a long time. Also spoils the view and yellowness on the plastic. A good housewife should know how to clean the refrigerator, how to quickly and permanently destroy the bad smell, while maintaining the freshness of other products.
Causes of an unpleasant odor
In order to deal with the problem, you need to know its root causes, in this case, where the bad smell comes from. As a rule, they are divided into two groups:
- Factory. Manufacturers warn about the likelihood of odor in the technical specifications for the unit. Often they are accompanied by recommendations on how to eliminate the aroma. Often it is enough to wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a damp cloth and detergent.
- householdcauses. Foods that are past their expiration date or cooked meals that are not covered with cling film, or spilled or stagnant liquids usually give off an unpleasant odor.
How to properly clean

Before providing information on how to clean the refrigerator at home, consider the general rules for cleaning the device:
- First, you need to turn off the power to the unit so that it defrosts a little before washing. It is recommended to clean the appliance at least once every 2-4 months, this applies to all models of household appliances.
- All contents are taken out of the refrigerator, since the washing process may be delayed, the products are put in a cool place. If cleaning is planned several days in advance, it is better not to purchase perishable products.
- Shelves, additional elements and plastic stands are removed from the device chamber. Cleaning the refrigerator will be much easier without them. They are thoroughly washed and dried separately.
- To get rid of the smell, the most polluted and hard-to-reach areas are washed first. For washing, it is necessary to choose a gentle and effective substance. Usually these are improvised folk remedies and household chemicals. They penetrate well into the dirt, dissolving it, returning the former whiteness to the yellowed plastic, washing the stains left from the products. Folk remedies, in addition to their effectiveness, are distinguished by a bactericidal effect, as a result of which harmful microorganisms will die, products will remain fresh longer.
- To completely wash the inside of the unit, special attention is paid to recesses and bulges, sealing gum is removed from the doors and washed, often foci of bacteria are localized under them.
- Finally, all parts are wiped with a damp and then dry rag.
Helpful tips
Cleaning should be carried out regularly so that a lot of dirt does not accumulate. It is better to wipe the refrigerator more often than to wash the hardened stubborn particles for half a day.

The appliance is plugged into the outlet only after it has dried. The outer side is wiped with a damp cloth soaked in detergent, and then with a dry cloth. To prevent the holes from becoming clogged with dust particles, clean the back panel with a dry, soft brush. Folk remedies are rarely used for outdoor washing.
To get rid of the unpleasant odor, washing the refrigerator is carried out only after complete defrosting. It is not recommended to use abrasive products for cleaning the device, since the particles leave scratches on the surface, in which dirt and, accordingly, odor accumulate in the future. Folk recipes, on the contrary, gently and effectively wash the surface, leaving the aroma of freshness and cleanliness. How to wash the refrigerator, we will consider later in the article.
Cleaning No Frost
Modern refrigeration technology is equipped with the No Frost system, which allows you to freeze food without ice formation. As a result, the appliance does not require constant defrosting, as is the case with older models. DespiteFor all the advantages of this system, users often face the problem of unpleasant odors. Why is it so? How to wash the refrigerator from the smell in this case?

This may be due to the condensation tray. It is located in a hard-to-reach place and for cleaning it is necessary to dismantle the panel from the back of the unit or turn it around. To prevent this situation, users of household appliances should follow the rules for storing products and monitor their expiration date. Defrost the appliance at least twice a year.
In order not to spoil the internal coating, it is recommended to clean the refrigeration unit with gentle detergents. What's more, harsh chemicals can adversely affect food quality.
We wash a regular refrigerator:
- Wipe all surfaces of the equipment with a cloth dipped in soapy water.
- Including the need to wash the back wall of the freezer.
- Trays and containers in the door are removed and thoroughly cleaned.
- After that, the soapy solution is washed off and then wiped dry.
- If the smell remains, wipe the surfaces with lemon juice, table vinegar or soda.
- A clean refrigerator is connected to the network after four hours in the cold season and after two hours in the hot season.
Vinegar and soda
These components are always present in every home, therefore, there is something to wash the refrigerator inside from the smell.

Baking soda is useful in the kitchen not only for baking, it helps in solving many household problems. It can clean the refrigerator both outside and inside. For cleaning, 80 g of the powder is dissolved in a liter of water. Wipe all internal and external surfaces of the unit with the resulting mixture, and then wipe dry.
Vinegar is another effective way to help fight odor. The liquid is diluted in equal proportions with water, the device is washed inside, all shelves and trays. Then wipe with a dry cloth. After this treatment, the refrigerator is left to ventilate for one to two hours and only after that it is filled with food.
Other homemade recipes
How to wash the refrigerator inside if there was no soda or vinegar in the house? Among the many homemade recipes for combating unpleasant odors in refrigeration equipment, ammonia and lemon can be distinguished. Apply them as follows:

- Ammonia is diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 100. The finished product processes the chamber and the shelves, grates, etc. in it. Then everything is wiped with a dry cloth, and for some time the refrigerator is ventilated with the door open.
- For cleaning with lemon, you will need to mix the freshly squeezed juice of half a citrus and a liter of water. In the resulting solution, moisten a rag and wash the unit. In addition to eliminating odor, lemon has a deodorizing effect.
Soapsuds and toothpaste
How to washrefrigerator, if there are no cleaning agents and food acids? You can get rid of amber in the device using a regular detergent:
- Take any soap, preferably household soap, and lather in warm water.
- The foam is applied to the walls and inside of the refrigerator door and left for 20 minutes.
- Then, wipe off any residue with a clean, damp cloth.
- All parts of the device and sealing gum are thoroughly washed in soapy water, and then rinsed in running water.
Toothpaste quickly and effectively copes with all kinds of unpleasant odors. It is used as follows:
- A product without dyes and fragrances is taken and applied to a damp sponge.
- The mass is lightly distributed over the surface and the refrigerator is washed in a circular motion. In this case, all internal parts must first be removed.
- The paste is kept for 15 minutes and washed off.
- Shelves and drawers are washed separately in soapy water.
Apple drink helps to quickly remove sharp unpleasant odors (rotten and rotten), and with the help of this liquid you can solve the problem of how to wash stickers from the refrigerator.
Operate as follows:
- A glass of cider is diluted in a liter of warm water.
- In the resulting solution, moisten the sponge and wipe the refrigerator and freezer chamber, trays and shelves of the unit.
- After 10 minutes, the refrigerator is washed with a damp cloth, and then wiped dry.
The component parts of the unit must not be washed with hotwater, for this it is better to use a warm or cool liquid. Even refrigerators with a No Frost system should be defrosted before washing.
Natural and industrial odor absorbers
- Activated carbon. The tablets are crushed, put into a small container and placed in the refrigerator door.
- Rice with vinegar. A pinch of rice is placed on a saucer and vinegar is poured over so that it covers the grains. The container is placed anywhere in the unit.
- The bag of baking powder is opened and put on the shelf in this form.
- Any spices or ground coffee are poured into a small container and put in the refrigerator. However, it should be noted that seasonings can transfer their flavor to prepared dishes.
Among industrial odor absorbers are:
- Helium. They often contain lemon extract and algae.
- Silica gel. Able to protect the refrigerator from an unpleasant odor for a year.
- Mineral s alts, in addition to odors, absorb excess moisture.
- The electric ionizer has an antibacterial effect in addition.
Special tools
Special odor control products are available for sale. They can also help solve the problem than to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness. Substances are produced in the form of powders, flavors, wipes and gels. The most popular ofthem:

- OdorGone. The products of the company of the same name are included in the category of environmental goods and can be used in children's institutions. That is why this brand is best suited for cleaning food storage areas.
- Top House effectively removes even stubborn odors and cleans stubborn dirt.
- Oro Fix 02012 is a product designed to clean rubber parts and remove yellow stains.
- Clean Home - a product that destroys ammonia and hydrogen sulfide vapors emitted from certain types of spoiled foods.
- ZOOL ZL-377 - eliminates fungi, harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
Tips: Odor Prevention
The basis of proper storage is the sorting of products. Rules for putting them in the fridge:

- Dairy products absorb odors well, so they should be placed on a separate shelf.
- Washed fruits and vegetables are placed in the refrigerator dry. Wet stains or condensation that form must be wiped off immediately, as they accelerate the decay of products.
- Foods with strong odors such as meat and fish should be stored in separate containers.
- In order for the unit to serve for a long time, you need to properly care for it, wash and defrost it in time.
- It is necessary to constantly audit the refrigerator and get rid of expired products.
In orderprevention and to neutralize unpleasant odors, it is recommended to use special antiseptic and adsorption agents.