Many people face the problem of smell in the refrigerator. This can happen due to spoiled foods or simply from strong flavors. And immediately the housewives have a question: “How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell?” We have the answers to this question.
Get rid of the darling
Sooner or later, he appears in the cold store. This can happen if food is not stored in sealed containers. But it also happens that even in a newly purchased refrigerator there is a smell. To remove it, you need to rinse it from the inside with a detergent or soda solution. Also widely known is the method of washing with water with ammonia or vodka. After this procedure, it is necessary to open the doors wide open and ventilate. For refrigerators that have already been in use, we also have our own tips.

Method one: use vinegar
Using household chemicals or scavengers is the simplest solution to how to clean your refrigerator so that there is no smell. You just need to wipewith a rag soaked in a solution of water and vinegar (1:1). Then put inside a jar of cotton wool soaked in this very vinegar for several hours.
Method two: baking soda
Using baking soda is also great for removing odors in the refrigerator. A prerequisite is the use of baking soda. A regular container with it or a glass of soda solution should be placed in the chamber. In this form, the "purifier" can stand up to three months, after this time it must be changed.
Third method: charcoal cleansing
In order to remove the smell in the refrigerator, charcoal or activated charcoal is well suited. A handful of coal must be crushed, put on a plate and sent to the refrigerator for six to seven hours. It absorbs the smell very well and does not lose its properties over time, so you can do the same as in the second method - leave the coal inside.
Fourth method: products from our table

Surprisingly, some products also solve the question: "How to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell?" They don't even need to be washed. Let's get acquainted with some of them.
Lemon is a great helper. All you need to do is just cut it into slices and refrigerate for 2-3 days.
Black bread - cut into slices and put inside.
Garlic or onion - rub the cloves of the refrigerator and leave for 12 hours.
Turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, celery - sort through.
Also good odor absorbing propertieshave thyme, tarragon, basil, s alt, sugar, cheese. If they are spread inside in small quantities, they will help a lot.

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell
Another good remedy is to combine chemistry and conventional products. For example, cut a lemon, select the pulp, put soda inside and put in the refrigerator for a week.
There are also ionizers-fresheners that can be purchased at any supermarket. They are battery operated and very easy to use. An alternative to them are odor absorbers, which are also hung in refrigerators.

Regulations for the care of the refrigerator
Each individual type of machine requires different care. Modern technology is designed so that defrosting is either very rare or not required at all. The No Frost system, for example, prevents the formation of frost on the walls of the freezer. Older devices require maintenance and defrosting once every two months.
Fridge care is very easy. The outside can be wiped with a damp cloth and detergent to remove dirt, grease and handprints. Care products must be liquid so as not to damage or scratch the surface. Alkaline or acid products will not work. They can "eat" the enamel or coating. A sponge or cellulose napkin is the best helper in this matter. They are easy to wash, do not leave streaks and well clean the remnants of household chemicals. If ayou do not know how to wash the refrigerator inside, it does not matter. You can use the same products as for outside care.

In summer, you need to do this procedure much more often, since the production of frost in the heat is much higher. To find out if your chamber needs defrosting, pay attention to its walls. If there is a layer of ice, then it is necessary.
First of all, you need to disconnect the device from the network and pull out all the products. You should not forcibly defrost with hair dryers or improvised means, everything should happen naturally. If the process is too long, a good way is to put a pot of boiling water inside. Steam speeds up defrosting, but be prepared to heat the water as it cools very quickly.
Water from the freezer usually drains into the drip tray, which must be drained periodically. Shelves should be washed with a cloth. If there is a smell, you need to take care of how to wash the refrigerator from the smell. In this case, you can use the tips that we gave earlier, but only after the defrost is completed.
As you already understood, timely care of the unit will help you prevent many problems and breakdowns. Food should not be spoiled; it should be stored in airtight or closed containers. Store vegetables separately from other foods in special containers. Under no circumstances should meat or fish or other food with a strong smell be left unpackaged. Defrost and maintain your refrigerator regularly. If you want flowers or other plants to stand on it, plastic pots are best to avoid scratching the surface.
We hope that our care tips have been valuable to you, and we have helped you cope with some of the everyday problems in your life.