How many of your favorite pans and pots had to be "gifted" to the trash can after being distracted for a couple of seconds, you suddenly found that the food being prepared in them stuck to the bottom. And then the typical smell of burnt food is clearly felt. And now, instead of enjoying a delicious dinner, you are already stubbornly rubbing the bottom of the unfortunate saucepan, mentally estimating the approximate price at which this kitchen accessory will come out “sideways” to you. Spoiled mood, ruined manicure and wasted time - is this not what you expected from tonight? Then the following tips will help smooth out these unpleasant moments, and at the same time save your favorite pan from soot.
Beware of enamel
Do you still not know how to wash a burnt enamel pan? To begin with, it’s still not worth falling into mourning and “sprinkling ashes on your head” when your food and your pan decided to stay together.forever and ever. With a confident movement of your hand, remove it from the stove. But in no case do not try to immediately, draining the remnants of your dinner, scrub the dishes with a hard sponge or scrape with a knife! Filling the pan with cold water is generally strictly prohibited! Such sharp temperature fluctuations can leave only memories of a good and durable enamel on an expensive pan. Then, how to wash a burnt pan? Cool down the container first. Let the enamel take the temperature of its environment, and after that you can start cleaning procedures.

- Pour into a cold saucepan a liquid containing chlorine, the usual inexpensive and, probably, the well-known "Whiteness" is ideal. Let the dish with the product stand for at least an hour, then drain the liquid. Burnt food will move away from the bottom in flakes, then you just have to wipe the pan with a sponge with detergent, but not with its hard side. Rinse the saucepan and now your beauty is ready to work for the good of the family again.
- Coarse s alt is a good helper in this difficult mission. You should cover the burnt spot with s alt and wait, with patience, until the s alt “eats off” the carbon.
- For a faster separation of the burn from the bottom: pour 6 tablespoons of s alt on the stain, pour a liter of warm water. Boil the mixture under the lid for about half an hour. When the burnt moves away from the bottom, wash the pan in the usual way using detergent.
- Soda ash. This method is used as follows: first, in a bowl with a volume larger than the victimpots should be diluted with a steep soda solution, pour the same solution into a saucepan and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the entire container for 2 hours. Pour the cooled solution and rinse the pan as usual.
- Use Coca-Cola carbonated drink. Pour it into a saucepan and let stand for a while.

Helpful tips
Enamelware will last longer if you follow these tips:
- During operation, do not place your enamel pot heated on the stove on cold surfaces.
- You should also not cook various frying dishes and similar dishes in dishes with an enamel layer.
- Keep all kinds of sharp objects away from this type of cookware. Do not scrape or poke the enamel with them, so as not to damage it, making such a pan not only inconvenient for cooking, but also generally dangerous.
Now, if suddenly the enamel pan is burnt, then how to wash it will not be a big concern for you.

Stainless love for stainless steel pot
Perhaps, pots made of stainless materials have become even more beloved than pots with enamel coating were once. Stainless steel saucepan - looks modern and does not require such a reverent attitude towards itself as enameled one. This is a practical cookware with a stylish exterior design. But over time, unfortunately, it is also capable of giving you an unpleasant surprise, in the form of soot and soot spots on the body or insideproducts. What to do if a stainless steel pan is burnt, how to wash it?

Fedorino happiness
Pour a couple of glasses of cold water into the pan and pour in the shavings made from laundry soap. I must say that the soap should be natural, that is, the one that we have seen since childhood in our homes. The one with the number seventy-two painted on its body. Only this soap can be considered suitable for use in washing dishes that come into direct contact with food.
And returning to the question of how to clean a burnt stainless steel pot, let's start boiling the resulting cleaning mixture. After boiling the pan for about 15 minutes, pour out the mixture and proceed to clean the remaining elements of burnt food with a soft sponge. It is not worth making an effort to try to scrape these troubles from the bottom. Otherwise, the scratched bottom will become covered with a network of cracks and ruin your favorite stainless steel cookware.

How to wash a burnt pan using activated charcoal
Pills removed from several packaging blisters must first be crushed. You can use the wooden pestle for mashed potatoes, which is in every kitchen. Add water to the pharmacy preparation, getting a creamy paste, apply it to the inner walls of the dishes. After waiting for time, and this is about half an hour, wash your assistant thoroughly in water with a sponge.
Soda treatments
The next thing we learn about cleaning is how to clean a burnt pot with baking soda. Ordinary baking soda is everywhere, every hostess has such a package, pushed further deep into the closet. It's time to take the pack out of the closet and then make the most of the soda pack.

3 or 4 heaping tablespoons of this magical powder pour a liter of clean water, place the prepared pan on the stove and boil the resulting solution for 10 minutes. After the specified period has passed, cool your container slightly. Drain what loosely lags behind the bottom during the boiling process, and if there are still some areas with burnt food, then wipe them with a sponge and they will easily lag behind the pan.
Would you like coffee?
The question of how to wash a burnt pot from the outside will not bother you anymore if you are a lover of coffee ceremonies. The fact is that the grounds remaining after brewing coffee are a very good cleaner for stainless steel dishes. This is a completely safe remedy for both you and the pan. Coffee grounds are placed on a sponge or cloth, and your dishes are rubbed with it. After coffee procedures, your container will shine more than ever.
For milk lovers
And if suddenly your milk is burnt, and how to wash the pan in this case? This is where the speed with which you will cope with an annoying nuisance is important. The fact is that if the milk, in addition to burning, has time to dry out for some time and has eaten into the surface, it will be more difficult to wash. Therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it.milk on the damaged surface, and immediately, leaving all your affairs, take up the elimination of the "accident".
If the burnt milk was limited only to the spoiled bottom of the pan, then pour warm water over the dishes and let it boil over low heat for about half an hour. Then you can wash the bottom of the container, as usual, using detergents or without them. If the pan has not been washed to a state that satisfies you, and you do not know how to wash the pan from burnt milk in this case, the main thing is not to despair. Sprinkle the bottom with baking soda, add some hot water and leave the product for 10 hours to improve the action of the baking soda.

What did they eat - porridge…
If you did not calculate the amount of water for a certain norm of cereals, or were distracted for literally 3 minutes, and the porridge has already merged forever with your pan, then you feel slightly deceived and very hungry. What to do if the porridge is burnt, how to wash the pan?
First, exhale and calm down. Now we proceed to strategic actions to save the dishes from a shameful death. We remove the remnants of porridge that could be washed from the pan. Depending on the volume, we fill it with s alt, about a tablespoon of s alt is needed per liter of water. Now boil it all over low heat for 15 minutes. If this time is not enough for your former porridge to come off the walls and bottom, then you can boil the s alt composition for the same amount. Separate what is left with a sponge and wash the pan as usual.
What if the porridge was cooked in an enamel bowl? How to washburnt pot in this situation?
Well, firstly, enamel pots are not the best utensils for cooking such a dish. Purchase special thick-walled dishes for porridge. Enamel, due to its “stickiness”, in such cases can completely remain damaged. Enamel requires a reverent attitude towards himself. Try saving it by soaking it in cool water and then rubbing it with a sponge. If these actions do not help you, then you can apply boiling with any soapy solution, after boiling you should not pour out water, you need to leave it to cool under the lid, right in this pan. When the water cools down, and the enameled container cools down with it, rub the bottom again with a sponge. After such actions, the porridge will be forced to leave your pan forever and retire.
Be careful when you cook so you don't have to use our tips as often as possible. Love your cookware and take care of it!