Fire hose: types, characteristics, testing and operation

Fire hose: types, characteristics, testing and operation
Fire hose: types, characteristics, testing and operation

Every building has fire safety requirements. The presence of fire hoses and equipment for it is a prerequisite. This will quickly eliminate the spread of fire and the source as a whole.


The fire hose is a special hose that is equipped with coupling heads and is used to take and deliver fire extinguishing materials directly to the fire.


The device of the fire hose is not complicated - a textile frame and internal waterproofing. The frame can be made of natural or synthetic fibers, and rubber, latex or other polymeric material serves as a waterproofing layer.

To lengthen the conduits, quick-detachable connections (BRS) are used. A fire hose with a barrel is used to supply water to a fire point in the form of a jet. Barrels can be both high pressure and normal, in addition, they can be manual or fire monitors.

Classification of sleeves

The classification of fire hoses includes various features. Depending on the methoduse are the following types of sleeves:

  • pressure;
  • suction;
  • pressure-suction (combined).

In turn, pressure fire hoses may differ in the material from which they are made. On this basis, they are divided into two groups:

  • sleeves with a reinforcing frame made of natural fibers - linen and linen jute;
  • sleeves with a frame made of synthetic fibers - latex, rubberized, polymer coated on both sides.
types of sleeves
types of sleeves

Types, depending on the climate in which the hose is used, look like this:

  • for temperate climates;
  • for temperate and cold climates;
  • for temperate and tropical climates.

If the operation takes place in harsh conditions, special sleeves are needed. They are divided by durability into the following types of fire hoses:

  • percolated (perforated);
  • heat resistant;
  • wear resistant;
  • oil resistant.

Pressure hose

The pressure fire hose is most often used. It is designed to transport substances necessary for extinguishing a fire (water, foam concentrates, solutions). Fluid in a pressurized conduit is supplied under pressure.

The pressure hose must comply with the requirements of GOST 51049-97 and NPB 152-2000. Sleeves of this type complete fire hydrants and fire trucks. They consist of a fabric frame, which is impregnated insidewaterproofing material. The frame is made from either natural fibers or synthetic fibers.

purpose of conduits
purpose of conduits

Internal waterproofing can also be made of various materials - latex, rubber, polyurethane and other polymeric materials. If the sleeve is made of natural fibers, then the inner layer of waterproofing may be absent.

The characteristics of pressure type fire hoses are as follows:

  • minimum roll size and light weight;
  • high strength to withstand high pressure;
  • neutral to aggressive environment;
  • wipe resistance;
  • resistance to the movement of water inside should be low;
  • increased resistance to sunlight and decay.

Marking of pressure hoses

The production marking of fire conduits of this type is as follows:

  1. Name or trademark of the manufacturer.
  2. Type of pressure hose. Depending on the place of assembly - for fire trucks (RPM) and for fire hydrants (RPK). The latter, in turn, are divided into internal (RPK-V) and external (RPK-N). Depending on the material: with double-sided polymer coating (D), with internal waterproofing (B), with carcass impregnation and internal waterproofing (P).
  3. Fire hose diameter in mm.
  4. Working pressure in MPa.
  5. For RPK sleeves, the length of the product in meters.
  6. Special purpose when available. In turn, such products are divided into wear-resistant (I),oil-resistant (M) and heat-resistant (T). Also, according to the operation of fire hoses, depending on the climate, they are divided into: TU1 - tropical and temperate climate of the 1st category of placement; U1 - moderate climate of the 1st category of accommodation; UHL1 - temperate and cold climate accommodation category 1.
  7. Month and year of manufacture.

Suction type

This type of fire hose is designed to suck liquid in order to fill fire tanks, both mobile and stationary. Pump out water using fire pumps and pumps.

When water is sucked in, a negative pressure is created in the hose, which allows the pipe to be filled. The product itself is relatively flexible, vulcanized rubber is covered with fabric for strength.

fire conduit
fire conduit

This type of fire hose has special heads instead of traditional connecting heads (as on a pressure hose). They allow you to connect the product to various devices such as faucets, pumps and other items.

The suction conduit is heavy with low flexibility. Products are divided into the following classes:

  • B - designed for water intake;
  • B - used to work with gasoline, oil, diesel fuel and other fuels and lubricants;
  • KShch - for pumping acids and alkalis;
  • G - for working with gases;
  • P - used to transport food liquids (dairy products, drinking water, spirits and spirits).

Product length is mainly 4 m, possible diameters from5 to 20 cm. If the product is used in moderate climatic conditions, then the operating temperatures range from -35 ° C to +90 ° C.

Pressure-suction hoses

This type of fire hose is used both for taking fire extinguishing material and for draining it. Sleeves are made according to the tasks they will perform.

This type of fire hose device consists of a fabric frame, which has internal and external latex or rubber protection. A metal spiral is built into the body of the product. It gives the sleeve the necessary rigidity and flexibility, which is necessary for normal operation. The edges of the sleeves have special cuffs necessary to connect the product to various devices.

The diameter of such a sleeve can be from 2.5 to 30 cm, the length of the cuff is from 7.5 to 20 cm. The working pressure ranges from 0.35 to 1.10 MPa.

Marking suction and pressure-suction hoses

The marking of suction and combined type hoses is not much different from the marking of pressure hoses:

  • trademark or manufacturer's name;
  • class of fire conduit (B, C, D, P, KShch);
  • group - suction or pressure-suction;
  • diameter in millimeters;
  • working pressure in MPa;
  • length in meters;
  • month (quarter) and year of manufacture;
  • GOST;
  • mark of technical control.
sleeve marking
sleeve marking

Any marking is applied in such a way that it can be preserved andread for the full life of the product.

Sleeve testing

Testing fire hoses is an obligatory part during the operation of products. All of them are strictly subject to the requirements of GOST 51049, and the procedure for all types of hoses is the same.

The main purpose of such tests is to check the condition of the product under pressure with rolling. All tests carried out must be documented. Only a specialist with a special license and all the necessary equipment can carry out such manipulations.

sleeve rolling
sleeve rolling

Tests are carried out when the hose is put into operation, after each use, repair and, moreover, at the end of the warranty period of storage. If all is well, then the fire hose is used further. In general, the maximum service life is no more than 10 years from the date of manufacture of the product.

Suction and combined fire hoses are tested at least once every six months during scheduled inspections. In addition, tests are carried out if the fire hose has failed external inspection and after repair.

Testing of pressure hoses is carried out after each use, but at least once every six months. This type of hose is tested under pressure for leak testing.

Test order

When receiving or handing over fire hoses, checks are carried out. During them is determined:

  1. Length. The sleeve is unrolled on a flat surface and measured with a tape measure.
  2. Inner diameter. A step gauge is used for measurements.
  3. Tightness. Most often, the test is carried out by connecting no more than five hoses in one line. One end is connected to a motor pump or fire hydrant and water is supplied at working pressure (or slightly higher). During this time, the sleeve is carefully inspected for leaks and fistulas.
  4. Completeness. An appropriate form is required (according to GOST 2.601).
  5. Marking. It should be clearly visible and located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from each end of the sleeve.
  6. Packaging. You can store it with or without a case. It is important that the sleeve is in a flat roll, and its outer end is tied.

If the conduit is in operation, then tests are also needed. The frequency depends on the type and material of the product and is usually specified by the manufacturer.

  • Weight 1 m sleeve. To do this, measure the length of the product and stack on the scales. The resulting weight is divided by the length to find out the average weight of 1 m. According to GOST R 51049 for hoses with a diameter of 5.1 cm, this value should be 450 g/m, and for 6.6 cm - 550 g/m.
  • The thickness of the internal waterproofing. It must be no less than 0.3mm.
  • Relative increase in diameter and length. In the first case, an increase of 10% is allowed, and in the second - by 5%.
  • Water consumption for humidification. This figure is only relevant for percolated sleeves.
  • Burst pressure. Ideally, it should be 2 times higher than the working one.
  • Connecting the internal waterproofing with the frame. The strength of the latex coating should correspond to 7 N / cm, and rubber -10 N/cm.

Abrasion-resistant hoses are tested not only for tightness, but also for heat, oil and abrasion resistance.

Maintenance of suction and combination arms

Maintenance of suction and pressure-suction conduits involves the following steps:

  1. Defrosting (soaking). After use in winter, the hose must be completely thawed in a warm place. To do this, often use a bath with water. In addition, the same bath can be used to soak contaminated water pipes.
  2. Sink. After soaking, the sleeves are washed by hand, using a brush or special equipment.
  3. External inspection. Such an inspection is carried out after each use, but at least once a month. If the conduit is stored in a warehouse, then the check should be at least 1 time per year. The purpose of the inspection is to identify internal or external damage and defects, as well as to check for the presence of markings. This procedure determines whether the hose will continue to be used, or whether it needs repair and testing.
  4. Tests. If the sleeves are in operation, then the procedure is carried out every six months during a routine check. For hoses stored in the warehouse, the test is carried out at the end of the warranty period of storage.
  5. Drying. In winter, hoses are dried in bag dryers, and in summer - in the fresh air, but always in the shade. The temperature should not exceed 50 °C.
  6. Repair. In the presence of visible damage and if the hoses have not passed the test,repair. If it is mechanical damage or loss of sealing, then repairs can be carried out in two ways - vulcanization and patching. If the connecting heads are damaged, they are simply replaced with a clamp or by tying.
  7. Storage. Only clean water pipes can be stored. Products must be protected from ultraviolet radiation, direct sunlight and heat rays. In addition, oil, gasoline, fumes, acids and other substances that can destroy rubber should not get on the sleeves.
storage of conduits
storage of conduits

Pressure hose maintenance

Pressure type fire hoses are subject to the following maintenance:

  1. Soaking (thawing). Be sure to thaw the sleeves in a warm place or use a bath with water.
  2. Sink. The sleeves are cleaned either by hand or with special equipment.
  3. External inspection. It must be carried out at least 1 time per month, subject to storage - at least 1 time per year. Check for any defects and damage, as well as for the presence of mandatory marking. Based on the inspection, a decision is made to repair, test or further use.
  4. Test. It is carried out after each use, but not less than 1 time in six months. All results are entered in a special form.
  5. Drying. Pressure-type sleeves are dried in dryers (chamber, tower or others), where there is a heater or other similar devices. If there are no bag dryers, then drying can be done in two ways: outdoors at +20 °C andabove with a humidity of not more than 80% or in a very hot room with installed heaters. With any method, drying should be no more than 24 hours.
  6. Rolling and rolling of fire hoses. When the conduits are completely dry, they are rolled into a double or single roll. For this procedure, you can use a special tool. The frequency of rewinding fire hoses must comply with the documentation for each pressure hose separately.
  7. Repair. Only clean and dried sleeves can be repaired. If the frame is damaged, then the repair is carried out either by vulcanization or using special adhesives.
  8. Storage is allowed only for clean products. Do not store sleeves near appliances that can damage rubber. Conditions must comply with the requirements specified in the documentation for each sleeve.

In conclusion

Fire safety is very important. Therefore, the presence of hose equipment and fire water conduits is mandatory for each room. This allows you to quickly and effectively extinguish the source of fire and avoid its spread. Fire hoses differ in both material and purpose. In addition, it is important to regularly check the condition of the product to avoid unexpected situations.
