Standard and custom window sizes

Standard and custom window sizes
Standard and custom window sizes

One of the main indicators of coziness and comfort in the house is its illumination. This value directly depends on the location of the opening on the cardinal points, the size of the window and their total area. If the position in the direction of the window depends on the design of the house, then the parameters can be adjusted. In the modern building world, there are standard and non-standard window options.

Used standard windows in high-rise buildings

Serial construction of apartment buildings with standard window sizes began in the days of Stalin, and until today the standards for the comfort of residential premises have been repeatedly revised. In the bulk of all multi-storey buildings, the following architectural trends can be distinguished, in which the parameters of the windows used are reduced to a common denominator:

  • "Stalinki" - built in the period from the thirties to the sixties of the last century, two to five-story houses made of yellow brick, the hallmark of which are thick walls and highceilings up to four meters.
  • "Khrushchev" is one of the most popular types of architectural structures in the post-Soviet countries. In these buildings, a desire is manifested to fight architectural excesses. Houses of this layout, popular in the post-war years, became for millions of ordinary citizens truly a salvation from communal apartments and barracks.
  • "Brezhnevka" - reinforced concrete boxes or houses made of silicate bricks, from five floors to seventeen-story high-rise buildings. This group of houses is an improved "Khrushchev" with a new layout of improved comfort and increased area. The latest modifications of houses are being built to this day.
  • Typical houses of a new layout - the appearance of these houses begins in the late 70s, but they fully entered the construction arena from the 90s. Their main feature is a spacious kitchen up to 16 m², an increased area of rooms and balconies.
Double sash window
Double sash window

Standard sizes of stalinka window openings

First of all, when it comes to dimensions and window sizes, remember that they are slightly different and you should always measure accurately.

For all "stalinkas" the recess of the window sill is 400 mm, the drainage has a recess of 250 mm. There are three types of windows and balcony doorway used in these residential series:

  1. Two-leaf T-shaped window with overall parameters of 1150 mm - width and 1950 mm - height, the lower part of the window consists of equal halves 575 mm wide and 1450 mm high, asas a rule, the right part of the window is openable, the upper longitudinal blind part of the window has a width of 1150 mm and a height of 500 mm.
  2. The double-leaf window is also of T-type, but slightly wider, overall parameters: 1500 mm wide by 1900 mm high, the lower part of the window has equal halves 750 mm wide and 1300 mm high, the parameters of the upper longitudinal part of the window are 1500 mm by 600 mm.
  3. Three-leaf window has a width of 1700 mm and 1900 mm in height. The upper transverse part is 1700mm long and 600mm high.
  4. The balcony block is a T-shape with two opening doors with parameters: 750 mm wide x 2100 mm high. The upper transverse part consists of solid glass 600 mm high.

Dimensions of window openings "Khrushchev"

In panel or brick houses "Khrushchev" the size of the windows is visually the same, but in fact their overall dimensions are different. This is due to the window opening. In brick houses, due to thicker walls, the slopes are deeper, which leads to an increase in the window sill, while the actual size of the window in the panel house will be smaller. Another surprise may be the fact that these houses were built at a literally crazy pace, and this pace was reflected in the quality of the buildings. Sizes of window openings can vary up to 30 mm.

  1. Double-leaf window of brick houses 1450 mm wide and 1500 mm high.
  2. Double-leaf window of a panel house, overall parameters - 1280 mm by 1340 mm.
  3. Tri-leaf window 2040mm wide x 1500mm high.
  4. The balcony block has a total length1760 mm, folding from a 1460 wide x 1420 high double sash window and a 700 mm wide x 2160 mm high door.
arched window
arched window

Brezhnev standard windows

This series of houses was built from 1966 to 1982. Elevators and garbage chutes appeared in these houses, and they also grew to nine floors. In practice, they have become an improved type of Khrushchev's projects. The following standard parameters have been introduced:

  • Double sash windows 1450 mm wide x 1410 mm high, two sashes of the same width of 725 mm, one of which opens.
  • Three-leaf windows have overall parameters: width 2100 mm and height 1450 mm.
  • Narrow balcony block, consisting of a single-leaf window 500 mm by 1410 mm and a door 680 mm by 2140 mm.
  • Wide balcony block with a wall, consisting of a window opening 1700 mm wide by 1420 high, as well as a door 680 mm by 2140 mm.

Standard windows of new layout houses

Houses of this series can be panel, brick or monolithic. Diverse and numerous in their forms and appearances, houses have a large number of standard window options. There are more than forty varieties of serial houses with similar but different windows. You can indicate the original serial number of the residential building with the window parameters used, but in any case, for complete certainty, it is necessary to take measurements yourself or with the help of professional measurers.

The most common standard window sizes of different serieshomes:

  • House series 504 - double casement window, 1410mm wide x 1450mm high.
  • Three-panel window, 1700mm wide x 1450mm high.
  • House series 137 – double casement window, 1150mm wide x 1420mm high.
  • Three-leaf, window 1700 mm wide and 1420 mm high.
  • House series 505 - double casement window, 1450mm wide by 1410mm high.
  • Tri-panel window, 2030mm wide x 1410mm high.
  • House series 600 - double casement window, 1450mm wide x 1410mm high.
  • Tri-leaf window, 2050mm wide x 1410mm high.
  • House series 606 – double casement window, 1450mm wide by 1410mm high.
  • Tri-panel window, 1700mm wide x 1410mm high.

It is preferable to use these parameters for a series of houses for an approximate calculation of expenses.

Full wall glazing
Full wall glazing

Selection of windows in private houses

The difference between private home ownership and residential apartment buildings is that in private buildings it is possible to select individual window parameters when planning. You can choose any width or height of the window, but it is preferable to make this choice taking into account the following rules:

  • The area of the window should be 1/5-1/8 of the area of the interior space, this indicator is affected by the geographical orientation of the window to the side of the world.
  • The purpose of the illuminated room.
  • Total area of windows in the room.

One of the tips for determining the size of windows in a private house ispractical judgment on the use of existing standard parameters. This will help save money, since they are cheaper, and most importantly, the standard form window according to GOST is calculated to the smallest detail, and also tested for suitability experimentally and by time.

Dimensions of openings in attached premises to the house

In modern architecture, various extensions to houses are often used, such as:

  • Veranda - an external extension to the main wall of the house.
  • Balcony - a platform protruding outside the house under the window.
  • Loggia is a separate platform located inside the house. Has two or three common walls with the house.
  • Attic is an attic room adapted for living with an oblique ceiling and walls.

Of the listed additional rooms of the house, only standard sizes of attic windows will look attractive and stylish, but at the same time they should be more durable, as they will carry additional loads due to their inclined position on the roof.

Other additional rooms use non-standard sizes. Windows individually selected in terms of parameters and shapes should fill the premises with daylight, uniting the entire space with nature.

Plastic window
Plastic window

Standard dimensions of plastic windows

In modern construction, there are dozens of serial houses with different building materials and layouts. Under such conditions, it is impossible to create common overall dimensions of windows in houses of various series. For standardization, separate GOSTs were introduced according tomaterials used to make windows. So, for the most popular plastic windows, there are such regulatory documents:

  • GOST 30674-99 - regulates the technical conditions for the manufacture of window blocks from PVC profiles;
  • GOST 24866-99 - regulates adhesive double-glazed windows intended for glazing using window and door blocks;
  • GOST 30971-2012 - standardizes the size of the mounting seams of adjoining window blocks to the wall;
  • GOST R 52749-2007 - governs the mounting seams of the nodes of adjacent window structures to the opening from a vapor-permeable tape.

According to the current state standards, there are geometric restrictions on the size of plastic windows:

  1. The double-glazed window in a plastic window can be within geometric limits: the minimum window sashes are 400 x 500 mm and the maximum are 3500 mm in width and 2000 mm in height.
  2. The maximum allowable area of one solid window is 6 square meters. m.
  3. Minimum arched window radius is 400 mm.
  4. The maximum allowable width/height ratio is 1:1.5.

Let's give one example of calculating the size of a plastic window with a single-leaf package. If the width is one meter, then the height should not exceed one and a half meters.

round window
round window

Non-standard parameters of plastic windows

Non-standard sizes of PVC windows include all other parameters not provided for by the listed GOSTs. They may be due to existing architectural forms of openings,which, with their various shapes and colors, create a special individual look for the facade of the house.

They can be of the following types:

  • Oval or arched shape - they are a block with an oval upper part, which has a minimum radius limit of 400 mm.
  • Trapezoid shapes – windows for the ideal top-level glazing solution for a gable roof house are limited by an internal angle of at least 30 degrees.
  • Round shape - small deaf products have a minimum diameter limit of 800 mm, and an opening one - 1080 mm. In turn, round windows of large dimensions can reach a diameter of up to 4600 mm with an area of up to 16 square meters. m.
  • Triangular and polygonal shapes - the most common windows are hexagonal and triangular, their favorite design place to install them is under the roof in the attic.
  • Miscellaneous windows - consist of combinations of different shapes.

For the production of non-standard windows, you need to contact only trusted manufacturing companies that have proven themselves from the best side, especially in terms of the quality of their products. Otherwise, you risk throwing money away when buying low-quality windows, since non-standard windows are extremely difficult to find a replacement for.

Wooden windows
Wooden windows

Standard and custom wood windows

Standard wood windows are rectangular products. Overall dimensions of windows in the house are applied to existing standard seriesbuildings built earlier according to the type of the new layout.

All available types and parameters of wooden windows are regulated by the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 23166-99 - standardizes wooden blocks for windows and balcony doors;
  • GOST 11214-2003 - standardizes wooden blocks using sheet glazing of various buildings;
  • GOST 24700-99 - regulates double-glazed windows for wooden window and balcony blocks.

Non-standard sizes of wooden windows include windows with overall dimensions greater than 1800 mm in height and 1200 mm in width. At the same time, non-standard windows are limited in maximum parameters, they should not exceed 2800 mm in height and 2600 mm in width. The minimum dimensions of products can be 500 x 500 mm.

Also, non-standard windows include products made in a complex or unusual geometric shape. Unlike plastic windows, wooden products do not have any restrictions, with the exception of only one limiting size - this is the internal angle, which should not exceed 25 degrees.

Practical tips for changing the window opening

During the repair work of old buildings, it is often necessary to reinstall the window with a change in its dimensions or established forms according to an improved individual layout.

When solving the problem of how to resize a window, you must follow certain rules:

  • Avoid increasing the window above the top point of the old window - in this place there is a plate that preventsdestruction of the wall due to the presence of a window opening.
  • When installing a smaller window, it becomes necessary to reinstall the window sill and reduce the size of the window opening to the required size. It is also necessary to take into account the heating battery located under the window, the parameters of which also depend on the size of the window.
  • Replacing a large window - if you decide to install, for example, a balcony door, then you just need to remove the bottom of the wall to the desired size.
  • Replacing a window with a wider one or installing a new one above the old window - for this work it is necessary to involve a specialist architect. This is due to the need to cut through the outer wall in order to install a window-sill base plate or lintel that can support a significant lateral load of the top of the wall and roof, with minimal bending.
  • Installing a new window - similarly to the previous method, it should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.
Reinstalling windows
Reinstalling windows


When choosing what sizes of windows to install in your house or apartment - standard or non-standard, you must adhere to your individual design ideas. For modern technologies, there are no unsolvable problems for both budget and expensive ideas.
