Floating beds have become incredibly popular lately. But not everyone can afford designer pieces of furniture, so skilled craftsmen make original beds on their own from a variety of available materials. This article will discuss how to make a floating bed with your own hands at home.
How to make a floating bed effect?
Handmade floating above the floor bed will become an unusual piece of furniture and bedroom decoration.

To create an imitation of hovering in the air, you need to make sure that the supports on which the bed stands are not visible. Therefore, the main support will be located in its center. If the bed is double, then the legs will not be visible from above. Additional fasteners are installed on the wall, since one support in the center is not enough for a solid fixed frame.
If you fix the bed in two specified places, then on one edge eventwo people can lie down at the same time, the bed will not squint or turn over.
In some cases, only metal corner mounts are used, which are installed from the side of fixing the bed to the wall. In this case, the structure becomes less stable, because it is held only on one side. It must be understood that in this case the bed must be made of durable and reliable materials: the frame can be metal or wooden, made of solid wood. If you make such a mount for a bed of chipboard, then this design will not last long. The material will crumble, and the fasteners will simply break out of the surface of the plate under the force of gravity.
Material selection
The most convenient material for making a "flying" bed will be wood. It is durable, processing does not require any special knowledge and expensive equipment. All work can be done by yourself.
When choosing lumber, you should be very careful. Choose a board and timber only of the first grade. The surface of the wood should be smooth, free of knots and cracks. Work the surface with a grinder until it is perfectly smooth. Only after that it will be possible to start cutting and assembling.
The most common material for furniture assembly is chipboard. In this case, such material can only be used as a decorative outer skin, because the plate has a large number of textures and colors, and its cost is quite low. It is these characteristics that make chipboardsuch a popular material in the furniture industry. True, the strength and reliability of the plate are not at the highest level, so the bed frame must still be made of durable timber.
Some craftsmen use metal to build furniture. A do-it-yourself floating bed made of a professional pipe will look very unusual and original. Such designs are always very reliable and durable, but not everyone can do the assembly, besides, special equipment is needed: a welding machine, electrodes, grinder, etc. In addition, the master must have extensive experience in this area, it is not possible to weld a metal frame as simple as it looks.
Bed design
What is good about making furniture yourself is that you can reproduce the most unusual and original ideas and ideas. If you lack your own imagination, then turn to the collections of world brands or chat with knowledgeable people on the forums, they will definitely give you a couple of interesting ideas.
Remember that the bed will be part of the design of your bedroom, so it should be part of the overall composition, not an individual element of decor.

If the room is decorated in a minimalist style, then the design of the bed should be limited to clear lines and contours, no ornaments, curves or patterns. Only a strict and clear silhouette.
For a bedroom in a classic style, on the contrary, it is typical to use all kinds of relief ornaments, upholstery made of expensive fabric,gilded openwork jewelry and other elements. At the same time, it is better to make a floating bed on suspensions, it will match the style. Thick ropes will hold the structure from four corners. You can make wall mounts on one side and on ropes on the other. There is another original way to hang a massive bed made in a classic style. You can use a thick chain, painted in a color that matches the design of the bedroom.
At the design stage, you need to draw up a plan and a constructive drawing of the bed, it will help you when cutting the material. A competent plan is the key to a successful construction.
Chipboard bed

Particleboard is a material that is made from compressed wood particles, mainly sawdust. The boards are stamped by hot pressing using a special glue, covered with a laminated smooth film on top, which gives the board its color and the desired structure.
You can use chipboard to make a floating bed, but you need to remember some nuances. The plate should not act as the main support, otherwise the structure will not be stable, since the material is quite fragile, unable to withstand significant masses.
The base on which the bed frame will be held must be made of boards or timber. Base sizes may vary. The only condition is that the support must not be visible from the normal position. We make the bed frame from a board 10 × 5 cm, the step is 30–40 cm. First, make the frame of the side walls, add more in the middleone crossbeam for stability, then proceed with the installation of the crossbeams. For fastening, you can use nails, screws and metal corners. The surface of the bed is lined with boards 20 × 2 cm.
When the frame is ready, you can proceed to the outer skin of the bed. Chipboard board must be carefully cut and processed from the ends. The width of the slab should be such that a free edge of 10-12 cm remains at the top and bottom. This will allow you to install the mattress on top and hide the support structure from below.
Solid bed

The frame is made from solid wood according to the scheme discussed earlier. The only difference will be that the material must be of high quality. If in the first case it did not matter to us what lumber was used (it is still not visible), then in the second case, the board should be flat and smooth.
To make the bed frame, you will need boards 20 × 2 cm, 15 × 5 cm. In this case, the outer box will be 20 cm, and it is better to make the inner beams and the base of the frame from a 15 cm board. There will be a difference of 5 cm between the boards of the outer box and the internal partitions; a mattress will fit into this small niche. The surface of the niche is lined with boards 20 × 2 cm.
The surface of the tree must be covered with a protective layer of paint, varnish or stain. Choose the material that you like best. With the help of stain, you can give the tree an elite color, while you get an imitation of rare and expensive wood. You can also create an effectaging, this is done by burning the surface of the wood with a gas burner.
Additional items
If you think that the floating bed you created looks too simple and boring, then you can decorate it with additional elements.
When choosing a decor design, pay attention to the overall interior of the room, everything should look harmonious and unified. Here are a few techniques that you can easily use to decorate a floating effect bed.
- Decoupage. This technique consists in using ready-made images printed on paper to decorate any surface. With the help of glue, the elements are fixed on the surface. Only when the paper is completely dry, you can cover the surface with a glossy or matte varnish.
- Purification. Using this technique, you can make original drawings and ornaments. Burning is a rather complicated process, so before drawing on the finished product, you should practice on a similar surface.
- Painting. With the help of paint, you can create a whole work of art. It all depends on your imagination.

- Artificial aging. This effect can be achieved by firing a wooden surface. At the same time, the relief of saw cuts becomes clearer and more natural. After firing, the surface is sanded, and dark rings become clearly visible on the light surface of the wood.
- Using templates. If you cannot draw an ornament evenlyor another pattern, then use special templates. Simply apply the template to the surface of the bed and paint over it. When you remove it, a smooth and neat pattern will remain on the surface. It is most convenient to use acrylic paint for drawing.
To decorate the floating bed, you can hang a transparent and airy curtain. The canopy will create an atmosphere of comfort and privacy. You can order such a decorative element in the store for the desired size or sew it yourself from a suitable fabric. The best option would be organza, veil, chiffon.
Pros and cons of the project
In the photo, floating beds look very unusual, but is it worth making such a design, and is it reliable?
- Forget the quick swap. The product is attached to the wall, so you will not be able to quickly rearrange the structure. It will be necessary to dismantle and dismantle some parts of this piece of furniture.
- There is a lot of empty space under the bed. And it would be possible to place several boxes for storing things there. This is true for small apartments and houses.
- Installation of the product is quite complicated, you may have to resort to the help of professionals.
In furniture stores, the cost of floating beds is very high, so making this piece of furniture with your own hands is not only about creating an individual project, but also saving money.
The undoubted advantage is that you can bring your original idea to life or create a copy of a designer copy that not everyone can afford.
Selection and installationbacklight

To create a do-it-yourself backlit floating bed, it is best to use an LED strip as a light element. It can be easily found in stores, the price is quite affordable for the average citizen of Russia, it is possible to choose different options for the glow and power.
Installing the tape is quick and easy. On the reverse side there is a sticky layer that allows you to fix the tape in the desired position. Before installing the tape, carefully treat the surface with a degreaser, so you can achieve a greater level of adhesion between the surface and the adhesive layer.
If you want the glow to be multi-colored or have lighting effects with flashing and color transition, then the tape should be of the RBG type. There are three types of LEDs applied to the ribbon board: red, blue and green.
To connect the tape you need a special power supply. If you bought only a tape, then you will have to choose the block yourself. In this case, you need to calculate the power consumption of the LEDs. The kits already come with a block with the necessary characteristics, so if you are not strong in this area, it is better to take the kit right away. There are sets of RBG tapes with a remote control for lighting, which is very convenient.
Hanging bed

You can use hangers to create the effect of a floating bed. Such a non-standard solution can transform even the most boring space. Make a hangingthe model is not difficult at all, the main thing is to correctly calculate the load on the fasteners.
If you are attaching cables to wooden ceiling beams, then make sure they are strong enough and reliable. As fasteners, you can use a self-tapping screw with a ring, it is twisted into a tree, and a neat ring remains on the outside, to which you can attach a carabiner, chain or cable. You can create a floating bed with your own hands (photo above) of an unusual shape. For example, it can be round or oval.
The beauty of a floating hanging bed is that it can swing and play the role of a large and comfortable hammock. In general, this is a great place for relaxation and recreation. An additional canopy and beach and palm tree wall murals allow you to fully immerse yourself in the exotic atmosphere of a resort holiday, all in your own home!
In conclusion
Is it difficult to make a do-it-yourself floating bed with lights? It depends on your skills and abilities. If this is not the first time you hold a hammer and a jigsaw in your hands, then there should not be any particular difficulties. The main thing is the implementation of a high-quality calculation of parts and material. Before cutting the boards, measure the pieces several times and compare them with your drawing.
Don't go overboard with decor. The sides of the bed should not be filled with drawings, patterns and ornaments. Remember, rectilinear forms, simple silhouettes and a minimal amount of decor are in fashion now. This trend, which is currently spreading to everything, will significantly reduce the amount of work and simplify yourtask.