Soaring plasterboard ceiling: design, installation features, photo

Soaring plasterboard ceiling: design, installation features, photo
Soaring plasterboard ceiling: design, installation features, photo

In our time, people have become more serious about the choice of ceiling finishes. If earlier they often chose just ceiling paint, now they are building unusual structures, built-in lighting. A floating plasterboard ceiling is the latest fashion trend. We will tell about it today.

What is the difference between a soaring ceiling and ordinary ceilings

The floating plasterboard ceiling (one of the options is shown in the photo in the article) differs from the usual ceiling covering in shape and design. Multiple levels possible.

do-it-yourself floating ceiling
do-it-yourself floating ceiling

What designs are there

Many are wondering how to make a soaring drywall ceiling. Some hire professional workers to decorate such a ceiling. Others study the technology of installation and build such a structure themselves. A soaring plasterboard ceiling, if desired, can be made of any shape and several levels. The options are described below.

The following constructions are distinguished:

  1. Soaring plasterboard ceiling, consisting of one level. It settles on a plane, the elements do not go beyond it. This type is considered the simplest. Even a novice in this business will cope with such work.
  2. Soaring plasterboard ceiling with your own hands can be done in two and three levels. Each next level is set to the previous one. It turns out an unusual design with built-in lighting.
  3. Floating plasterboard ceiling can be made multi-level. Installing such a ceiling is not an easy task.

Lighting soaring plasterboard ceilings

This point needs special attention. To make soaring plasterboard ceilings with lighting, as in the photo, you need to choose the right lighting fixtures.

The most popular these days are strips with LEDs and lights.

floating plasterboard ceiling
floating plasterboard ceiling

Before choosing lighting fixtures, you need to correctly calculate the height of the ceilings. You need to understand how many centimeters the floating ceiling will take. Based on these data, it will be possible to understand whether this type of construction is suitable for a particular room. If the house has low ceilings, then this type will not work. But it looks great in rooms with high ceilings, where you can add a lot of lights.

Which backlights are best for you

Installation of a soaring plasterboard ceiling will not do without lighting. Designers distinguish between two types:

  1. Open is considered the simplest backlight for this type of ceiling. For connecting lightappliances, you need to drill holes in the ceiling and insert the fixtures inside.
  2. Hidden view differs in that the fixtures are installed between the levels of the floating ceiling. It turns out they are in between. As a result, the lighting in the room becomes soft, adding to the cosiness of the room.

What is used for lighting

To make lighting in a floating plasterboard ceiling, you can use:

  1. LEDs. This type of lamp is quite easy to install with your own hands. They have a number of advantages. LEDs are inexpensive, and you can independently control the lighting of the room. You can take the backlight, which consists of sixty diodes, and one meter tape in which they are.
  2. Neon lamps have a long service life. They can be used up to ten years. They are economical, plus they are inexpensive. They are slightly more expensive than diode lamps.
  3. Fiber optics also have a long service life. Such lamps consume a minimum amount of electricity, which saves money. Another advantage of optical fiber is that it can be used to create various lighting effects. It can be used in any premises, as it absolutely meets fire safety standards. The only disadvantage of this type of lamp is the high price. Not everyone can afford such purchases.
floating ceiling
floating ceiling

Design Advantages

Before you make a floating drywall ceiling, you should know its advantages and disadvantages. Tobenefits include the following:

  1. "Air effect", which is achieved thanks to the design idea. The original design seems to be floating in the air. Backlight creates an additional effect.
  2. This type of ceiling adds comfort to the room. Playing with light and shadows will appeal to many. An atmosphere of calm and harmony is created
  3. Many different design options. Everyone can create a unique design.
  4. Easy to get into the essence of installation work and make a floating structure yourself.
  5. Perfectionists will love that each ceiling level will have a perfectly flat surface. The material itself is distinguished by the smooth surface of the sheets.
  6. The floating ceiling can be classified as an environmentally friendly design due to its materials.
  7. Material cannot be classified as rapidly flammable. Therefore, the design meets fire safety standards.
  8. If the room has irregularities on the walls or on the floor, then the floating ceiling will hide these imperfections.
  9. The room becomes visually larger.
  10. Wide range of colors to use.
  11. Lighting saves electricity.

If you install diode lighting, you can note the following pluses:

  1. This type of lamp consumes the minimum amount of electricity.
  2. The tape with diode lamps never overheats. Accordingly, the use of such a backlight is safe.
  3. Small tape size for easy installation.

Disadvantages of floating ceilings

The main disadvantage of the floating ceiling is that it cannot be done in small rooms. It will visually make the room even smaller, while dismantling will take a long time.

floating plasterboard ceiling
floating plasterboard ceiling


In order for the installation work to be successful, you should first prepare a diagram of the future design. The diagram must have at least two levels. If it is possible to make a full-fledged drawing, then you should not postpone this matter. A competent drawing will allow you to clearly see the ceiling diagram with all the necessary points.

At the preparation stage, you can make a ceiling layout in a computer program. Then it will become clear whether the room will seem smaller, and whether additional lighting is needed.

In advance, you need to decide on the number of future levels. The more of them, the more difficult the installation work. Too voluminous design is not always appropriate in an apartment.

do-it-yourself soaring plasterboard ceiling
do-it-yourself soaring plasterboard ceiling

Determine what type of fixtures will be installed.

What tools are required for installation work

Before you start installing the floating ceiling, stock up on the following tools:

  1. You will need a building level, as well as a meter. Accuracy is important when installing a floating ceiling.
  2. You can't do without a drill and punch.
  3. The screwdriver will greatly facilitate the work.
  4. You will need a construction knife. If it is not there, then you can replace it with a regular or clerical one (the latter should bereliable, as too thin can break quickly).
  5. Worth buying a set of spatulas.
  6. If there is no stepladder at home, then you need to ask friends or buy it.
  7. There is a hammer in every house. It will be required for work. You also need to prepare a hacksaw. It is better to take directly to work with drywall. It is better to use scissors that are designed for cutting metal.
  8. Don't forget the pliers and wire cutters. To prepare solutions, you will need some kind of container.
soaring plasterboard ceiling
soaring plasterboard ceiling

What materials will be needed for the job?

In order to get a soaring ceiling, you will need the following materials:

  1. Drywall in large quantities. It is better to calculate in advance how many sheets you need to buy. It is better to take thin sheets. Then the construction will not be too heavy.
  2. It is necessary to take a guide profile, as well as a rack profile.
  3. You can't do without fasteners. It is better to take dowels and self-tapping screws.
  4. Need construction tape.
  5. Putty.
  6. Requires construction mesh and grout.
  7. Need to buy primer and duct tape.
  8. Lighting devices will be needed at the final stage of work.
  9. Insulating tape.

Tips before starting work

Need to ventilate the room before work. First you need to think about lighting. The choice of lighting fixtures takes the most time. Many people cannot decide which is better - LED strip or halogen lamps. Optical fiber is often compared toLED strip.

from drywall do it yourself
from drywall do it yourself

Light combination options

To achieve perfect lighting, you can combine light fixtures. For example, a two-level floating ceiling can be glued around the perimeter with diode tape. A chandelier can be fixed in the center of the ceiling. You will get bright lighting.

Safety measures

When working on the construction of a soaring ceiling, you need to remember about safety. Do not make many levels of heavy sheets of drywall. There is a possibility that the ceiling will collapse. It is important to remember that lighting devices, as well as wires, can overheat. This can occur if a person incorrectly made an electrical circuit or incorrectly insulated the wiring. If errors are not corrected in a timely manner, the wiring may catch fire.


So, we have considered what a floating ceiling is. As you can see, this is a very unusual design that will make any interior in the room unique. This is a very modern solution, so if you need to give the room a style, you should install a floating ceiling.
