Two-level ceilings are increasingly chosen by the owners of apartments and houses when decorating premises for various purposes. Such designs help to make the interior refined and individual. For designers, they offer ample opportunities to create compositions.
Gypsum plasterboard ceilings are also popular for the reason that they are relatively cheap. You can carry out the work yourself - this is also an indisputable advantage, which is complemented by the opportunity to save.
This ceiling device technology helps not to waste time and money. With the help of such structures, you can create perfectly flat surfaces that hide the defects of the rough base. All communications and engineering networks, cables from air conditioners and household appliances can be laid in the resulting hollow space.
With the help of lighting, you can zone the space, marking the areas of the living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. The geometry of the room with the help of a plasterboard ceiling can be completely redrawn. YouYou can change the shape of the room and visually transform the space. But before starting work on the device of such a system, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology of work and the main types of two-level ceilings.
Classification of two-level ceilings

The design of two-level plasterboard ceilings can be very different. As one of them, you can choose a structure that consists of the upper level - the existing ceiling, as well as boxes that are fixed in separate areas and represent islands. Sometimes these zones are located around the perimeter of the room. This method saves material and helps speed up the work process.
Another type of two-level plasterboard ceiling is a system that consists of a tier with a canopy. Lights and cords are placed there. The first level will be the base ceiling, while the second level is drywall with lighting fixtures. Hidden lighting is installed on the removal of the second level. This allows you to achieve diffused soft light. Such designs create coziness in the room and a romantic atmosphere.
Considering the types of two-level plasterboard ceilings, you can select structures, both levels of which are made because of the plasterboard. This approach allows you to hide easily visible flaws. At the first stage, the base area is set, and then the elements of the second level are hung on the frame of the first level.
Another variety of describedceiling systems are combined ceilings, which may include not only drywall, but also other materials. One of them is stretch fabrics. This trend is quite fashionable today. Two-level systems can also be classified according to the material at the base of the frame. It can be made from metal or wood. The latter option is suitable for rooms with a low level of humidity. If you plan to carry out work in the kitchen or in the bathroom, then it is better to choose a metal profile.
What points should I pay attention to at the first stage

If you decide to install a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you must decide where exactly you are going to work. If we are talking about conditions with high humidity, it is recommended to purchase a moisture-resistant material. Otherwise, you should not spend extra money.
If the design will have arcuate contours, then they will be depicted. This task may seem easy, but in reality this statement is not always true. Before you make a two-level plasterboard ceiling, you will also need to decide on the type of frame.
More durable and cheaper material is wood. It has a wide range of sizes. An alternative option is a metal profile, which is lightweight, easy to install and can be reshaped.
Preparation of materials and tools

To create a two-level ceiling, you must prepare the following materials and tools:
- rails and ceiling profiles;
- self-tapping screws;
- screwdriver;
- metal scissors;
- safety goggles and gloves;
- drywall;
- angle;
- pencil;
- roulette;
- knife;
- level;
- ladder.
When working with drywall, care must be taken, because the sheet has an impressive weight. You can buy or rent a drywall jack. You should not screw the screws too deep into the canvas, as this can damage the material.
Production of a frame from a metal profile

If you want to know how to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling, then you have to install the frame according to the marks. On the walls of the profile, after 15 cm, it is necessary to make cuts. To do this, you can use scissors for metal. This will allow the profile to be bent to the desired shape. Protective gloves must be worn to prevent sharp edges from injuring hands.
The guide profile is fixed along the marked line with self-tapping screws. If the draft surface is made of concrete, then several holes are pre-drilled in it, then dowels are inserted, and then the profile is fixed. If the floors are wooden, then it is necessary to determine where the ceiling beams are located. Then you can fix onthem guide profile with self-tapping screws.
In order for the side wall of the profile not to become an obstacle when drilling or screwing in self-tapping screws, it is necessary to make rectangular cutouts in it every 15 cm. Their width will be 2 cm. This must be done before you proceed with the installation of the profile.
Work methodology

Next, you can start forming the side wall of a two-level ceiling. To do this, a narrow strip is cut out of drywall, which is fixed to a metal profile. The vertical size of the structure will depend on the width of this blank. If the strip has a width of 15 cm, then, if desired, the plasterboard ceiling vault can be lowered even lower. The choice will depend on the height of the ceiling and how comfortable you feel in a room with low walls.
When mounting two-level plasterboard ceilings, you must use a screwdriver. It will allow you to fix the sheets. If their thickness is 9.5 mm, then it is best to use 25 mm self-tapping screws for installation. For high-quality fastening of the canvases, self-tapping screws are screwed in every 15 cm. When installing the next strip, make sure that the material is well aligned. There should be no gaps between the sheets, they should fit well together.
Fasteners should fit well into the canvas so that the hats are at the surface level. Otherwise, the master will have to make much more effort when finishing the room. Two-level plasterboard ceilings canhave a bend in the curve that is negligible. Without additional effort in this case, the sheet will take the desired shape. But if the bend has a small radius, you will have to learn how to bend drywall, for this it can be processed with a special roller.
Until the front part of the future ceiling is completed, it is necessary to continue installing the strips. Drywall must be well fixed on the profile. Otherwise, the material will deform during operation, and the ceiling will become unsightly.
Drywall edges must be trimmed carefully. In the next step, another guide profile must be installed on the lower edge of the fixed drywall strip. On its side walls, cuts must be made to give the profile the desired shape. To fix the profile to drywall, use a screwdriver. This will allow you to get the job done efficiently and save time.
In increments of 15 cm, self-tapping screws are screwed in to make the structure durable and rigid. You can use personal protective equipment so as not to injure your hands on the sharp edges of the metal profile. When a two-level plasterboard ceiling is made with your own hands, it is necessary to continue building the frame, following the technology. It provides for fixing a metal guide profile on the opposite wall. It should be parallel to the lower profile that was installed before.
To make sure the profile is straight all the way, use a spirit level. The frame is reinforced by installing supportprofiles that connect metal rails. A distance of 50 cm must be maintained between these crossbars, but you must take into account the size of the drywall boards. Their joint should fall on the jumper so that you have the opportunity to secure both sheets.
In order to make the frame more durable, metal hangers are installed on the ceiling, jumpers are fixed on them with self-tapping screws. If the ceiling width does not exceed 60 cm, you will need one metal hanger for each cross profile. If the width of the structure is greater, it is necessary to install two metal hangers on the jumper. The ends of the metal jumper must be fixed with self-tapping screws in the profiles. All lintels must be oriented perpendicular to the wall. They are parallel to each other. You can make sure that they are at the same level and horizontal.
Frame trim

Two-level plasterboard ceilings are sheathed with sheets. Once you have made sure that the ceiling frame has been correctly installed, you can proceed to the sheathing. Before mounting the sheet, you must cut it, taking into account the configuration of the curved arc. It will be very difficult to trim the canvas fixed on the frame. If, after cutting, the drywall doesn't quite fit the curve perfectly, minor imperfections can be corrected later using putty and fiberglass mesh. These defects should really be minor.
Device two-levelplasterboard ceiling in the next step involves fixing the sheet on all guides and profiles. Self-tapping screws are screwed in every 15 cm. If you cannot lift the drywall sheet yourself, you should use the help of another person. Before installing the last sheet, you must resolve issues with lighting fixtures. In the case of spotlights, wires are inserted into the ceiling vault.
It is important to note the places where the devices will be located. At this stage, you need to check if you have forgotten any tools inside the structure. When installing two-level plasterboard ceilings for a bedroom, you can make sure that all the edges of the plates are aligned. If minor irregularities were noticed, then the situation can be corrected with a knife. Sheets in all places must be well fixed to the metal frame.
Additional recommendations for first level installation

The frame of a two-level plasterboard ceiling at the first level will provide for the presence of UD profiles. They will act as guides and are mounted on the wall. It is necessary to arrange them along the perimeter of the structure. The distance between the elements will be 600 mm. Using the markings on the ceiling, it is necessary to fix the direct suspension.
If the ceiling surface is perfect, then you can immediately proceed with the installation of the second level. Rigidity of the frame can be given with the help of crabs. Now the structure is sheathed with drywall sheets. Where the fabric was cutchamfer must be provided. To do this, part of the material is removed with a knife. This will facilitate further finishing work with putty.
Working on the second level
Two-level plasterboard ceilings for the living room will have another frame. First you need to draw a line under the UD profile, depicting the future drawing on the ceiling. The frame is lowered to the desired length. To do this, the profile is cut to size. On one side of the pieces, you need to cut the tongues. To do this, cut off the side parts of the profile. This will make installation easier.
The cut pieces are inserted into the guide profile fixed on the surface. Pieces are fixed with fleas. A distance of 500 mm should be maintained between straight segments. If you increase it, then the design will turn out to be insufficiently reliable. When installing a two-level plasterboard ceiling, a distance of 300 mm should be left between the curved segments. This is because the curved sheet is fixed more often.
The profile at the next stage is cut so that its length is equal to the distance from the side of the frame to the UD profile on the wall. Flea fastening is carried out on both sides. These manipulations will allow you to get a finished metal frame. Then it is sheathed with drywall, then you can start finishing work.
Ceiling lining
A two-level ceiling in a plasterboard kitchen must be ennobled. To do this, the seams are closed with a sickle tape, on which a little putty must be applied with a small spatula. It is distributed according toplaces where the screws are located. This will prevent the appearance of rust on the paint or wallpaper during the operation of the ceiling.
If you have at least a little experience, then you can make a two-level plasterboard ceiling yourself, the step-by-step instructions in the article will help you with this. After reviewing it, you can find out that the surface can be painted at the final stage. But before that, the entire base is covered with putty, otherwise unpleasant seams will appear on the paint.
In conclusion
Gypsum ceilings are practical and easy to install. This finishing option is one of the most popular today. With the help of drywall, you can create different design designs that give a huge scope for imagination. Such systems are suitable for decorating rooms in any style.