As you know, groundwater can have a destructive effect on the foundation of a building. Moisture after contact with the material will penetrate into its structure, and then freeze and thaw when the temperature changes. In this case, water particles will destroy fragments of the foundation. For several years of such operation, the foundation of the building may become unusable, after which the entire building will begin to collapse. In order to eliminate such negative consequences, you can use the waterproofing method, but it is important to choose the right material and apply it according to technology.
Materials for base protection

Laminated waterproofing can be an excellent solution for protecting building foundations. Moreover, this method is one of the most effective, and this result was achieved due to the appearance on the construction market of roll materials, which are reinforced with polyester and have high tensile strength. If we compare them with roofing material or roofing felt, then the former do not rot,characterized by higher water-repellent characteristics and a long service life. The most common welded materials for waterproofing are: Isoplast, Mostoplast, Ecoflex, Technoelast, they are made in Russia, but you can pick up products from other manufacturers. For example, Aquaizol and Spoliizol are produced in Ukraine. More expensive, but no less quality, are the Italian Testudo, as well as Helastoplay. The basis of these coatings are synthetic products such as polyester, fiberglass and fiberglass. Fused waterproofing is installed on the foundation in two layers. The material will protect the surface from water, and when backfilling, mechanical impact on the waterproofing surface should be excluded. Geomembrane can act as such protection.

For waterproofing work, it is recommended to use materials that are resistant to corrosion. You can use rubber-bitumen mastic, which is the primary protection, or materials for secondary protection. In the latter case, the surface is glued with rolled material, and it is recommended to do this at the stage of concrete hardening, when the construction of the walls has not yet begun.
Fused waterproofing brand "TechnoNIKOL"

The built-up waterproofing "TechnoNIKOL" is presented on the market in a wide range, you can recognize this material by the following markings: "Solo", "Vent" and"Technoelast". A cheaper variety is Bikrost. However, any of these materials will help to waterproof the foundation as efficiently as possible. Products are divided into Premium, Business, Standard and Economy classes. Among the first are Technoelast and Westoplast, which are bitumen-polymer materials made from high-quality raw materials. With the help of such waterproofing, you can protect the foundation from groundwater, and the operation of the material can be carried out in difficult conditions.
Using liquid floor waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing can be represented by rubber, which is applied by hand. This eliminates the need to contact specialists. On the floor and walls with the help of liquid rubber, you can create a hydro-barrier, this applies to bathrooms, bathrooms and adjacent rooms. Thus, it will be possible to protect the concrete surface from destruction. If liquid waterproofing will be applied to a surface of a large area, then the method of spraying a two-component bitumen-polymer composition can be used. In this case, special equipment is involved. If you have to process small areas of the floor, then you can apply a one-component composition manually. The bitumen-polymer composition is water-based and odorless, it is environmentally friendly to animals and humans, and does not cause allergic reactions. The concrete base must be prepared, for this a screed is poured or the surface is simply leveled. The base is cleaned of dust and dirt,and then you can start applying bitumen-polymer primer, which will increase the adhesive ability of liquid rubber. The waterproofing device at the next stage involves waiting two hours after priming, only then can you start applying liquid rubber, which is distributed with a brush or spatula. The layer should not only be on the floor surface, but also go on the walls, the height from the adjoining border should be 20 cm. The material consumption when applying the mixture in the bathroom will be approximately 3 liters per square meter. After the polymerization of the rubber is completed, which will occur after about 48 hours, you can equip a thin screed.
Technology for the use of rolled welded waterproofing in the foundation area

Before starting work, the foundation must be cleaned of small particles, dirt and cement laitance. Sharp edges and corners must be cut off so that they do not damage the material. A primer is applied to the base. With the help of this layer, it will be possible to increase the adhesive characteristics of the welded waterproofing. Moreover, this mixture contains the remaining fine dust and will fill the pores and microcracks, strengthening the surface. Fused waterproofing should be applied to the surface protected by a primer, which will favorably affect the speed of work. After 24 hours, the surface may still be tacky, the drying time of the composition will depend on the external conditions and the type of primer.
The weld material must bewarmed up in the area of the back side, using a blowtorch or gas burner. In the course of work, the waterproofing material should be pressed to the base, gradually unwinding it.
Work methodology

If the built-up waterproofing is fixed on vertical surfaces, then it is necessary to roll the roll from the bottom up, while the sheets should be horizontal. If you want to lay them whole, then you can use the mechanical feed through the block system. The lower web must be overlapped by the upper web by 100 mm or more. But the surface should be covered to a height of 300 to 500 mm above the ground. Fused waterproofing, the installation technology of which implies the need to mechanically fasten the upper part to the plinth, is the most effective. If horizontal and vertical waterproofing were used in combination, then the sheets must be combined. The joints must be additionally pasted over with rolled material, the width of which is 300 mm, such reinforcement is necessary when gluing the material to difficult areas such as internal and external corners, as well as utility entry points.
Installation of waterproofing on the roof surface

Roll roofing materials are also used quite often today. This technology is used in all regions of Russia, especially justified in areas with a harsh climate. When carrying out refurbishmentold coating, it is necessary to apply the built-up roof in one layer. If the waterproofing device is being carried out for the first time, then two rows cannot be dispensed with. A material preheated with a propane torch is placed on the plane. There is another installation option, which consists in gluing the first layer with mastic or mechanically.
It is noteworthy that rolled waterproofing for the foundation can be installed both on a new and on an old building. However, later it will be a little more difficult to carry out these works, because you will have to dig a trench, and then clean the surface of the base from dirt and soil.