Indoor crossander flower is grown in apartments in central Russia relatively recently. For a long time, this plant was too difficult and capricious to care for. The breeding of more unpretentious varieties made it possible to enjoy its beauty at home. So what are flowers? Crossandra what conditions does it require?
Its orange or pink flowers seem to immediately create an atmosphere of the tropics around them. It seems that hummingbirds and butterflies from hot countries are about to appear around the plant. Someone does not see anything special in the cross-country, for which it would be worth it to create rather difficult conditions. But there is something interesting in it, but if the care is sufficient, it will regularly delight with abundant flowering from May to September and look just amazing. As a rule, this happens up to 3-4 years, taking into account the fact that the whole flower lives up to 5-6. Therefore, it is worth not only creating suitable conditions for her, but also dealing with the issue of her reproduction in time. Crossandra - a flower whose photothey just don't convey her beauty, so more or less experienced hobbyists should definitely try growing her.

In nature, crossander flowers grow on the island of Sri Lanka, located in the Indian Ocean. Also, in natural conditions, some species are found in Madagascar, Africa, Southeast Asia. They successfully took root in the Arabian Peninsula. It is not surprising that these beauties are accustomed to fairly mild conditions that are not easy to reproduce at home. For a long time, only flower growers who had a greenhouse and a significant amount of time to monitor and adjust temperature, light, humidity and other parameters in time could manage to tame them.
Fortunately, breeders have managed to develop new varieties that are better suited for growing outside greenhouses and suitable for keeping in an ordinary apartment. That is why today the home flower of the crossander is not a miracle on the windowsill, but quite a common thing, you just need a little patience and attention.

In total, botanists have about 50 species of crossandra. But at home, as a rule, there are only a few: funnel-shaped (Crossandra infundibuliformis), prickly (Crossandra pungens), nilotic (Crossandra nilotika), guinean (Crossandra guineensis). The first of them, as well as its hybrid, are the most popular, so they will be discussed first of all. coral orange combinationpetals and dark green leaves looks quite impressive, so it is not surprising that these plants are increasingly found in apartments. So, what kind of care does the crossander flower require?
At home
Knowing where the birthplace of this plant is, it is necessary to bring its environment as close as possible to eternal summer. First of all, you should take care to find a suitable place: there should be enough light and humidity, without drafts. There are two main approaches to caring for crossandra: with and without wintering. In the first case, in the cold season, it is worth lowering the temperature of the content, reducing watering and slightly reducing lighting. It is believed that this style of care encourages more abundant and longer flowering in spring and summer. In the second case, the conditions remain constant throughout the year. Depending on the specific species, the growth rate may be different, however, the funnel-shaped crossander can bloom almost from infancy, barely growing roots and leaves.

Usually, in the room where the cross-dresser is located, it should be from 18 to 25 degrees. If wintering is practiced, you need to move the pot to a cooler place. But it should be borne in mind that at a temperature of less than 16 degrees, the flower will begin to die. You also need to be very careful about airing, because, despite the love of fresh air, crossandra does not tolerate drafts, immediately shedding leaves. In other words, the conditions must be stable and soft. Crossandra - indoor flower, care for her does not involveputting the pot outside even in summer, so don't experiment.

Like most of the plants that come from the tropics, crossandra is quite capricious in this matter. She needs bright but diffused light, direct sunlight is contraindicated due to the danger of burns on the leaves. It is best to place the pot on the eastern or western windowsill, in winter you can move it to the south, but even there it is worth making sure that the insolation is not excessive. It tolerates the plant and partial shade, but in this case, flowering will be less plentiful and long.

Regular and sufficient moisture is almost the determining factor in plant care. Crossander flowers can not stand both the lack and excess of moisture, so in the first few weeks it is worth looking for a balance. An earthen ball should not dry out, but you should not arrange a swamp in a pot, despite the fact that the plant prefers abundant and frequent watering. Water must be at room temperature and soft, ideally boiled.
If wintering is practiced, during the cold period it is worth reducing watering to avoid decay. Water should be enough so that the roots do not dry out completely, while the soil should remain practically devoid of moisture. Also during this period, the amount of light is reduced.

As for the humidity of the air, it should also bequite high - about 60%. Otherwise, the leaves will quickly begin to dry at the tips and curl up into a tube. Therefore, frequent spraying is Crossandra's best friend, only if moisture does not get on the flowers. Another method to improve the well-being of a flower is to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. You can also place the pot on a tray of wet gravel - a very popular technique. By the way, crossandra also grows well in hydroponics.
Transplanting and shaping
In March, before the period of active growth, the plant can be moved from one pot to another. It is better to do this in the spring, but if the need to move arose suddenly, it is better not to dismantle the earthen clod and get by with transshipment - it injures the plant less. Usually transplantation is carried out no more than once in 2 years. Thus, a plant experiences only 2-3 moves in its entire life.

Crossandra flower, which seems not so difficult to care for, prefers light fertile and slightly acidic soils. Mixtures designed for azaleas are perfect for him, but you can prepare the substrate yourself by taking sand, gravel and loam with peat. Good drainage is required, because the plant does not tolerate dampness and stagnant water in the root system.
As for the formation of the bush, in the spring and after flowering it is worth cutting or pinching the shoots to stimulate branching. To extend the period when the crossandra will delight the house with delicate petals, it is imperative to remove dead inflorescences.
You can feed the flower throughout the year. In the warm season, the frequency of fertilization is usually once every two weeks, during wintering - a maximum of once a month. In this case, mineral mixtures are used in a solution of 1-2%, usually there is no need for organic top dressing, subject to transplanting into good soil.
After flowering, the crossander forms pods in which seeds ripen. After waiting for this to happen, you can sow them to get new plants. To do this, you need to get a heated greenhouse and be patient. You need to plant seeds in early spring in sand or its mixture with peat. If for 20-25 days the temperature remains at 22-24 degrees Celsius, and the humidity remains high, the first shoots will appear. After another week and a half, individual sprouts can be planted in pots.
The crossander flower tolerates reproduction well with the help of cuttings. For successful rooting, their length should be at least 7-10 centimeters. The soil is quartz or river sand. After 2-2, 5 weeks, the first roots will appear, you can wait until there are enough of them to plant 2-3 cuttings in each pot. In six months, it will be possible to enjoy the flowering of crossandra.
Most often, the poor condition of the plant is associated with errors in care. Watering too often will quickly cause the leaves to turn yellow, and lack of light will cause the stems to stretch out and look ugly. And, of course, first of all, the problems will be expressed in the absence of flowering.
It often happens andplant infestation with parasites. Mealybugs, aphids and spider mites are very fond of settling in pots with crossandra. The latter also signals insufficient air humidity around the plant. It is necessary to get rid of parasites as soon as possible after detection, after isolating the flower. Crossandra, as a relative of magnolia, is also loved by the red spider, which appears in dry and hot conditions. Each type of parasite has its own treatment regimens, and in order to start it on time, you need to regularly inspect the soil and the underside of the leaves for the appearance of uninvited guests.
Also flowers (crossandra) are affected by leaf mold. In this case, it is necessary to remove all diseased parts and spray the plant with a fungicide to prevent the spread of mold.