Foundation beams: application features

Foundation beams: application features
Foundation beams: application features

In the construction of production facilities, free-standing supports are used. For the construction of walls, foundation beams are used, which allow you to fasten the entire frame of the base of the building. The positive aspects in their application are the increase in the prefabrication of the building, the facilitation of underground utilities inside the building.

Be sure to use beams in those structures where brickwork is present in part of the basement and walls. In buildings with curtain panel walls, these foundations do not carry loads.

foundation beams
foundation beams

Foundation beams, which are used when installing columns in glasses, are longer than materials located at the top of the building base. The size difference is one meter.

When building objects, the foundation is installed on columns, which are called support pads. If the base of the building is large enough, then special niches are created in its upper part. Standard foundation beams are mounted in them, which are not shortened at the same time. There are also truncated varieties that are half a meter shorter than the standard ones. They are usually used in the cells of buildings and attached to the expansion joint.

Beams are also used in the construction of many frame structures. The main purpose of their installation is the installation of external walls, which are placed on this base. In this case, the beams are laid on the edge of the foundation, on the concrete solution. On the top of the products it is necessary to perform waterproofing. For this, solutions of sand with cement are usually used.

foundation beams
foundation beams

Foundation beams by destination belong to several groups. The first includes products that are mounted near the outer walls, they are also called "wall". The second group includes beams installed between columns in such a way that their axes are located on the same line (connected). Ordinary beams are used between two types of slabs: wall and tie. The fourth group includes ribbed products, which are also called "sanitary products". They are 22 centimeters thick.

Today, foundation beams play a special role in the construction of both industrial buildings and public buildings. Calculations show that the cost of these materials is about two and a half percent of the total amount of the entire building.

foundation beam
foundation beam

Beams are made from concrete grades M200-300, which fully comply with the requirements of all state standards. These products provide an optimal experiencewall loads. Materials are made with various cross sections. For example, with a tee or trapezoidal.

In many cases, the foundation beam on top has a flat area with a certain size, which depends on the types of wall material. The lower part of the products is presented in the form of a truncated cone. This design primarily reduces the cost of production of these building materials. At the same time, the quality of the structure does not suffer, and the perceived loads do not decrease.
